文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Payment invoice for economic growth neglecting human rights

2017年08月05日 13時49分03秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Payment invoice for economic growth neglecting human rights


But, it is why some people of hate Xi Jinping.

People like old Hu Yaobun School.

They are, Xi Jinping is isolated within the party, are not people who will prop up him in the communist regime, cannot be such as led by the large household of the Chinese Communist Party in such a situation, say things like that.

Which do you believe in the end?

When listening to various people, after all, everyone wants to state their expectations, I think that they do not understand the truth.

Well then I'd like to bet on the Olympics Jinx (laugh).


Certainly Xi Jinping around people, they will say that the current government is strong.

He has control over power.

But it is North Korea type who thinks "I am strong oneself", is not it?

"I am the strongest" "Americans are weak" - It is crazy (laugh).

Evaluation of politicians is all about performance and economy.

If there is hope that life will improve, everyone will follow.

However, when the economy gets worse, China uses another way to rule the country.

They cheat the people.

"It is painful now, but eventually it will be happy."

It is a common practice to brainwash like a religion.

Mao Zedong used to do, North Korea also came.

But, now that information is open so much, I think that it is unrelenting brainwashing and other things while victims are still alive, looking at the nightmares in the Cultural Revolution. In case of

But, now that information is open so much, I think that it is unrelenting brainwashing and other things while victims are still alive, looking at the nightmares in the Cultural Revolution to that extent.

Another is economy.

From the world perspective, if there is attraction in China, only the economy is clearly beginning to stall.

Why did the Chinese economy grow?

One is because they ignored human rights.

It has grown with harsh working conditions.

Japanese executives must give employees proper holidays.

You must raise your salary, pay for bonuses and insurance.

China could ignore it all.

However, now there are demonstrations and rioting disturbances that are said to be more than 200,000 cases annually in the country.

Everyone stood up from repression of human rights.

Moreover, the chasm that has shelved environmental problems has come to surface.

Air pollution in Beijing became amazed all over the world.

When I came back to Japan and said that "the air in Tokyo is nice," I was told that I'm crazy (laugh).

Under this regime, I think that it will not be able to continue growing for another decade or more for the next.

This draft continues.
