文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Waking up this morning, that came flowing in my mind when I was slumbering,

2016年05月30日 07時25分41秒 | 日記

Waking up this morning, that came flowing in my mind when I was slumbering, was this song.

The following is the paper to have sent the world, writing at the hospital room on August 7th, 2011 which was hospitalized for 7 months, suffering from the serious illness about fate.

The Sendai person thinks that the one, this August 7th, is the day of the Star Festival immediately.

It only says that it was writing this paper on that day and I have filled with deep emotion one.

Yesterday, it sleeps in time that the little bird sleeps, I who live the life which awakes in time that the little bird wakes up, as usual or it was a little woken up before early 5 o'clock.

There was music which occurred to my mind when slumbering in the bed, wondering if it was a little too early but it was what and John Lennon's isolation .

I wondered what music came flowing, next, it is through God that it flowed.

Crikey, how is it one with save the best for last came flowing?

Let me see, I thought that it have to search for save the best for last photograph that corresponds with this music.

However, I remembered the word of the friend yesterday, too, at the same time.

"Things like, I thought that the photograph was precious".

I know, while I think again so.

This article continues

Free As A Bird (Demo) John Lennon

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