文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

who will say that they will welcome you as some important talks.

2018年05月28日 12時26分55秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

An article as if to prove the correctness of my editorial in the previous chapter was posted on the 5th page of the Sankei Shimbun this morning.

Governor Niigata prefecture

It is an article entitled soapbox oratory, opposition cadres appearance together.


Ms. Tsujimoto at soapbox oratory in front of JR Niigata station ...

Writer's note ... It is about Kiyomi Tsujimoto who an exaggeration is not to say that other developed countries other than Japan are defined as being North Korean spies ...

For Prime Minister Abe who departed with his wife to face the Japan-United States Summit which is not an exaggeration to say that Japan's fate in the past has been applied ...

"It is also accompanied by Mrs. Akie, and this is an escape of doubt", he said at the Members' Meeting of the Constitutional Democratic Party that he was truly amazed,

It is about Kiyomi Tsujimoto who disgusted parliamentarians was raising their voice as ‘Oh!’ ...

Her de facto marriage's opponent is a red army school ... Kimi Tsujimoto is Kitagawa he is just like a criminal. ...

It is Tsujimoto Kiyomi, her de facto marriage's opponent is a red army school ... he is just like a criminal. ...;

Kiyomi Tsujimoto I mentioned, who is the leaders of developed countries in the world who will say that they will welcome you as some important talks. I would like to tell Koizumi Shinjiro. Humans like Kiyomi Tsujimoto are getting a great salary from taxes of the people as members of the Diet, 'It is a sight of the National Assembly that cannot be developed countries' .;

"It came to the cheering of Mr. Ikeda to the Mr. Junichiro Koizumi who was my natural enemy. The enemy of the enemy is a supporter."

* It is not an enemy of the enemy, it is a friend *

Even though, Liberal Democratic Party as it does not punish such Koizumi in the expulsion will be bad.

How much, this incorrigible old man Koizumi, as the intention of the Asahi Newspaper, China, North Korea,

Even if this incorrigible old man Koizumi is attached to the gap that Prime Minister Abe is concentrating on the world situation which is suddenly changing, such as Japan - Russia Summit Meeting, G7, the US - North Korea talks etc.

Liberal Democratic Party should strip Junichiro Koizumi's party register off.

At the same time, as for the thing, leading to the party power expansion by further Liberal Democratic Party, the support rate up will be sure.


