文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In my translation you should be ashamed to know how ignorant, stupid and just pseudo-moralists

2019年02月19日 16時48分10秒 | 日記

Another third person in the Sankei Shimbun has a real reporter named Sasaki Rui ... last year 10/11 first press, 10/29 second press, this is exertion ... he is publishing a must-read book by all Japanese citizens .
This book is exactly the book which rebukes society, but Japanese politicians ... All of the opposition parties ... demonstrate how politicians and Asahi Shimbun and other mass media such as NHK are equal to traitor, it is also a written statement.
European America's pseudo-moralists who truly received anti-Japanese propaganda from the Korean Peninsula and China,
Or those who are not an exaggeration to say that they are criminals who attacked Japan by giving them a high salary with Japanese money at the United Nations,
In my translation you should be ashamed to know how ignorant, stupid and just pseudo-moralists.
The following is from p255.
Korean people say nonsense, 'Tsushima also Korean territory'
There is no scientific evidence like the basis on the literature, nonsense which a Korean says even Tsushima's being a South Korean territory to.
Takeshima (Korean name · Dokdo) of Shimane prefecture, where they illegally occupy, will also be heres to claim territorial rights by that level of recognition.
To argue that Tsushima is a Korean territory, it is ridiculous to seem that Takeshima is a Japanese territory, which Korean admits by themselves.
This draft continues.

