文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The editorial office which hugged with the principle, too, thinks.

2019年07月14日 16時22分38秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

'Megumi' finally appears

What will happen if that happens?

The editorial office which hugged with the principle, too, thinks.

If North Korea collapses, various things will come out.

There is Megumi rescue, too.

Did you think that it would be wrong if left as it is?

The Asahi Shimbun on 4 November probably handled Megumi on the front page for the first time since the abduction occurred and posted her colorfully with her and her family photos of Sakie and others at the social side.

I think that it is a picture to be shown for the first time in Asahi Shimbun in memory.

Since that day, the Asahi Shimbun began treating Megumi as they have always posted.

It is the same processing as 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' report.

Even if I ignore it 99 times, it may be OK like Emperor Gaozu of Han if they put it once.

The Moritomo - Kake problem to be enthusiastic about now

One day, it will be feigning ignorance to switch to 'Kagoike is a con man' 'Maekawa's behavior is bad' 'Tsujimoto and Tamaki doubtful.'

I cannot forgive such an attitude that the Asahi treated the public with contempt thoroughly.

(December 2017 issue)




