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・115.1 Contemporary psychologists who study human …

2017-06-12 | 出題英文讀解


     Contemporary psychologists who study human traits in the context of evolution assume that each of our emotions emerged because it made some contribution to our survival as a species.  Even so-called “negative emotions.”  For instance, jealousy may not be pleasant but it can serve the positive function of strengthening the relationship between a man and woman.  As an ancient instinct it probably kept competitors for one’s mate at a distance, and increased the chances that a couple would stay together, giving their children a better chance to survive.  Fear kept primitive peoples away from dangers such as snakes, deep water, and darkness.  Anger may have served the positive purpose of giving them the energy to successfully fight off enemies.



31.  What do contemporary psychologists believe about emotions?

     a. Emotional states are responsible for psychological development.

     b. Some emotions evolved to be more useful than others.

     c. Emotions are no longer as useful as they once were.

     d. We have emotions because we needed them.


32.  What is the point made with the examples in paragraph 1?

     a. Negative emotions contributed to survival.

     b. Jealousy, fear and anger are all negative emotions.

     c. Negative emotions emerged earlier than other emotions.

     d. Negative emotions were more important in prehistoric times.





1.1  Contemporary psychologists who study human traits in the context of evolution assume that each of our emotions emerged because it made some contribution to our survival as a species.

1.2  Even so-called “negative emotions.”

1.3  For instance, jealousy may not be pleasant but it can serve the positive function of strengthening the relationship between a man and woman.

1.4  As an ancient instinct it probably kept competitors for one’s mate at a distance, and increased the chances that a couple would stay together, giving their children a better chance to survive.

1.5  Fear kept primitive peoples away from dangers such as snakes, deep water, and darkness.

1.6  Anger may have served the positive purpose of giving them the energy to successfully fight off enemies.



31.  What do contemporary psychologists believe about emotions? (現代の心理學者たちは、感情についてどのやうに考へてゐるのか。  ※1.1のthat 節の讀み取りを問うてゐます。)

     a. Emotional states are responsible for psychological development. (感情のあり方は、心理の發達の原因となつてゐる)

     b. Some emotions evolved to be more useful than others. (感情のうちには、發展進化して他の感情より有益になるものがあつた)

     c. Emotions are no longer as useful as they once were. (感情はもはや以前のやうには有益ではない)

     d. We have emotions because we needed them. (私たちは、感情を必要としたから、感情を持つてゐる)


32.  What is the point made with the examples in paragraph 1? (第一パラグラフの例で以て主張される核心[/要點]は何か。  ※擧げられた具體例から、筆者が訴へようとしてゐる核心をなす idea を讀み取ることができるかを問うてゐます。)

     a. Negative emotions contributed to survival. (否定的感情は生き殘りに貢獻した)

     b. Jealousy, fear and anger are all negative emotions. (嫉妬心、恐怖心や怒りはすべて否定的感情である)

     c. Negative emotions emerged earlier than other emotions. (否定的感情は他の感情より早期に出現した)

     d. Negative emotions were more important in prehistoric times. (先史時代には、否定的感情は一層重要であつた)



31.  d

32.  a



1.1       make a contribution to ~      ~に貢獻する

1.1      species                                  單複同形  發音は [spí:ʃi:z]

 1.2  double quotation:  negative emotions がまだ一般的な用語として定着してゐないため、引用符に入れて示してゐます。以下の文で否定的感情の具體例を擧げて説明してゐます。

1.3      for instance                例へば

 1.4  probably: 公算の大きいことを積極的にアピールする副詞です。八割方の確信が感じられます。

 1.4  分詞構文: giving~は説明を追加してゐます。and で續けるほどの意味です。

1.5       keep ~ away from …    ~を…から遠ざけておく

1.5       such as ~                            例へば~など

1.5      peoples                           ふたつ以上の民族、種族、國民を指す場合

 1.6  <助動詞+have+過去分詞>: 過去の事柄に對する現在の判斷を表現するかたちです。(※2015年8月12日付の英文讀解のヒント(31)及び26日付の英文讀解のヒント(32)に解説や例文があります。)


115.1             We may have made a mistake.


115.2             We must have taken a wrong turning.


115.3             They cannot have gone out because the light's on!


115.4             They should have arrived by now. (=ought to have arrived)


115.5             He ought to have been more careful. (=should have been)


1.6       fight ~ off / fight off ~       ~を(戰つて)退ける



1.1  進化との關聯で人間の特質を研究する現代の心理學者たちは、私たちの感情のそれぞれは、種としての存續に何らかの貢獻をするから出現したのだと假定する。

1.2  いはゆる「マイナス感情/否定的感情」でさへも(さうである)。

1.3  たとへば、嫉妬心は快いものではないかもしれないが、男女間の關係を強化するといふ前向きのはたらきをしてくれる可能性もある。

1.4  古來の性向として、嫉妬心はおそらく相手を求める競合者を遠ざけておき、カップルが一緒にゐる可能性を上げて、子どもたちが生き殘る可能性を高めたのであらう。

1.5  恐怖心は、未開の諸種族が蛇、深み、暗闇などの危險に近づかないやうにした。

1.6  怒りは、敵をうまく退ける行動力を彼らに與へるといふ積極的な意圖を擔つたのかもしれない。