Alex's Unintentional Admittion

2017-01-20 20:13:29 | 日記
20/01/2017 (evening) Alex doesn't applogize his wrongdoing yet.
Nevertheless, he threatened me to pay US$165 to him as a debt.

This value was calculated as followed.

When we were in Hachioji, we made a agreement that if Alex give me presents for me on my birthday, on Christmas Day, on Mother's Day and on Father's Day, I would give him 4 times more valuable than the presents.
I asked him to give me a pair of earings for pierced ears on each day.

Thus, I owe him the debt. I need to pay him, I know.
However, why now? Is he crazy? I refused her audacious require.
He said, "Then, you can take US$50 from the total value, if you like."

Oh, Alex, you admit the crime now, in subtle way, maybe.
However, he made a mistake. He is confusing the sphare of civil law with that of penal law.
He thinks that he can escape from formal admittion of the wrongdoing by this recovery of debt, presumably.
He wants to avoid to face to his conscience even now.
Why are you so dishonest, Alex?

Our battle continues. I can understand these type of confusion of concepts of civil law and criminal law well, through his continuous stupid attempts to evade the evident fact, which are highly common in Japanese society.
Petit Nicholas turns to be a DoDoMerdic Monster. He's in the process.
I can't force to obey him to my doctrine as a liberalist.
I just attend him as an independent person, who has rights and duties.
He should learn to respect others.
He is now so egocentric. This character is fairly DoDoMerdic.
He thinks that parents should obey kids' flamboyant orders.
No, no, Alex! Parents are also people, who deserve respect as human beings.
You and YUKARI don't think so. For you two, we are just wallets with money, which you are allowed to be used in case of your necessity, according to your subjective judgement.
YUKARI has no chance to learn any more. However, Alex, you are not too late.
You have chance to reach 18 years old for 3 years more.
I hope that Alex learns the morals and manners as a human being in our society of common people.
Alex is playing with PC in front of me. Between us, there is a wood wall, that my father made.
I call to him, in my mind, to face to his conscience, as usual.

What's "Maji-Yabaa", Ma'm?

2017-01-20 18:35:30 | 日記
20/01/2017 (evening) It's snowing now. I shoveled snow a bit on the path abetween our main house and the office, only 5 meters distance.

Fortunately, my chilblains are getting better. Some of frostbite have swallen reddish gray skin with pus inside like burns. The appearance is worse than before. However, I feel less itch and pain now.

I cooked a TOFU with shredded leek and sesame oil. I'm now accustomed with leek oil. This time, I shredded leek much more and added it to a big Chinese pan. Hot white TOFU dish fits snowy evening.

I remember now two lessons that I was invited to participate in by Prof.Yoshiko KAKISHOMA at her class of Gender at Law School of Univ. of Tokyo, in Deceember, soon after my incident in 2015.

One is a invited lecture by a renoun female lawyer Ms.KONISHI, who participated in Committee of Legislation in the govenment. She talked about the project of reforming Criminal Code, in particular, concerning rape.

Another is her final lesson of the academic year. She wrote "Let's be Maji-Yabaa!" on the black board.
However, even now, I don't understand the meaning.
What's "Maji-Yabaa", Prof.KAKISHIMA?

"Maji" is "really" or "seriously" in slang.
"Yabaa" is, presumably, a new word made by her.
"Yabai" have two conotations, one is assertive, another is pejorative.
The former means "excellent" or "marvelous", while the latter "formidable" or "worst".
"baa" may be slang that means "old woman" or "grand mother".
She used this word for the promotion, so, it would be used with assertive conotation probably.
I deduced that she agitated to be a distinguished old lady.

However, what confused me was that in the class, majority of students were boys. Only several girls were there among almost 50 pupils.
Considering this situation, to whom, was she agitating?
To me? Of course, not. I was one of the 3 invited figures at the class. 2 others were invited by the reasons as follows:
One was Prof.KAKISHIMA's friend, who made a trip with her. She wrote a book on Cambodia, for it she worked.
Another was a person with a handicapped leg, whose way of walking was liked by prof.KAKISHIMA near a certain railway station.

Prof.KAKISHIMA asked us to make a self-introduction speech in 3 minutes.
I was asked to talk two of my episodes.
"OK. I'll do it.", I responded. However, the episodes are too complicated to speak only within 3 minute.
When I was in the middle of the first episode, I was ordered to stop it by her, who said that "You spent more than 5 minutes. Your time is over. Stop it."
I wanted to finish at least one of my story. So I continued to speak despite of her stopping order until I finished.

I was in doubt. Why she invited us? Why she suddenly asked me to speak my 2 episodes, which are too private to speak in public? I dared to speak in front of house, responded to her special request. Nevertheless, she disturbed me because of time. I really regreted to accept her invitation.

I had another tasks at that day. I asked to be absent from them to each organ. I, on the way from Hachioji, came to Univ. of Tokyo, to the lesson that I couldn't understand its object at all.
OK., I should play ad-lib, as a professional. However, she had plenty of time and I didn't.
I left Univ. of Tokyo, with lots of question marks in my mind.

She didn't fit the subject. Her major is American Law, and as far as I know, she was interested in land property.
She herself confessed me that she disliked gender problems and she wasn't feminist at all.

At that time, I understood that she disliked DoDoMerdic housewives.
However, my presumption was totally betrayed. She herself is a kind of this existance, i.e., DoDoMerda.
I should have known it before. And I wouldn't have lost such a precious time.
She was so flamboyant that I was always forced to deduce what she wanted to say.
Why her saying was so vague and misterious?
Why was she chosen as the first female professor of law at Univ. of Tokyo?
I should have known the reason before. She was chosen just because she was a easy going DoDoMerda.

She enjoys her flamboyant life as she likes, as a highest rank member of DoDoMerdic society.
Even her colleague Prof.Shozo OHTA confessed to me that "She shouldn't have been it. Because of her, Faculty of Law at Univ. of Tokyo had a big damage. She didn't work at all."

DoDoMerdas don't care what others say. They continue their DoDoMerdic irresponsible life and no one can stop it.
""Maji-Yabaa" was delivered as pejorative, while she thinks as words of praise", I imagine.
"Damn it Old Bug!", her colleagues wanted to say, while, this narcistic DoDoMerda took it applause like, "Wow, what's a beautiful lady she is!"
It's my actual hypothesis.

We Japanese People Want Your Help

2017-01-20 14:55:24 | 日記
20/01/2017 (afternoon) I took a cafe latte break for a while.

As you know, I decided to advertise me as a Professor-Commedian in the world.
Of course, I continue to seek a job. 'Cos I don't want to be a jobless loser like YUKARI.

I think this blog as a tool of my advertisement.
I have lots more episodes on fundamental rights and continuously write them on my blog.
Why don't I take advantage of it? Of course, I should do it!

I think that people in the world don't know real Japanese people.
Foreigners know Japanese DoDoMerdas, mainly. They can afford to make a trip abroad.
Male DoDoMerdas are usually Bachelor's degree holders. They can earn much more money than common people with high school's degree, although the former has no ability or capacity superior to lattar's.
I've already written on this innequitable wage system in the blog.
My son Alex is so addicted by this unfair policy that he wants to go to versity, despite of his lack of interest on study. He is mentaly fragile too much.
Thus, common Japanese can't have much money to spend for their journy abroad.

Furthermore, in urban cities like Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagoya, Osaka, etc., most residents are DoDoMerdas.
Thus, foreigners come from abroad have no chance to meet common Japanese people.

In particular, only 1 percent of foreigners visit TOUHOKU or North Eastern areas in Japan.
In this region, there are many non-DoDoMerdic common people like us.
Common Japanese people are not so different from other people in Japan.

Another problem is, in this region, many people have no chance to learn English intensively, so most of them can't have communication tools in the phase of language.
However, through my experiences abroad, basic necessity is not so different in any country.
Even I couldn't speak German nor Francese, I could get to know the way to go to the right spots in Munchen and in Paris, asking in English and hearing the reply from the residents in the local languages.
They understood where I wanted to go, saying something for me, pointing the correct direction to the sites. Gestures matter. Language not so much.

Japan is occupied by DoDoMerdas, in effect. However we people live beside them, abused and harassed by them.
I am one of the rare people, who know DoDoMerdic world and people's one, both.
I can transmit the voice of common people in Japan to the people in the world.
We are living in the same world of Justice, in other words, world of humanity, protected by the variety of systems of guaranty of fundermental rights.
Thus, we can say, that we can share the same values.
Japanese people are not so cruel, kinky, strangily punctual, robot-like, cold hearted, nationalistic, egoistic, feeble minded, anti-productive, forgetful, evasive, vapid, stupid, insipid, boresome, weak, unbalanced, superficial, shameless, unfair, brutal, evil like as DoDoMerdas, which you can make a image of when you think of Japanese.

We people know hospitality and how to enjoy our lives, despite of economically excluded from the richness of the state.
Therefore, after putting piriod to DoDoMerdic IDIOCRACY, we can establish rightous ruling system under Justice and would welcome you, people in the world.

We can invite you in our houses, although they are not new and superficially laxurious at all.
We people know the limit of what we can do in the house of others, as a common sense.
We don't need expensive hotels to receive our friends from abroad.
They don't need pay much money to the hotels. Instead, we, Japanese people, want you, foreign people, to enjoy our common peoples' life. Spending money isn't necessary. Changing ideas between you and us and confirming our common values like Justice, humanity, freedoms of expression, basic education, critics, equity, friendship and so on. They are what we Japanese people need much more.

Tokyo is already dead. The city is made of all vanity and muck.
Tokyo lovers mean DoDoMerdas. It is the center of DoDoMerdic inhuman life.
Dr.Miyuki SATO abandoned the fucking city forever.

Tokyo is the symbol of rotten morality. Only DoDoMerdas can live there.
We propose that the city would be called "satelite village of TAKAO County".
TAKAO is the name of the mountaneous zone located in Hachioji.
TAKAO was the paradise of wild birds, whose heads are represented by crows, black wise birds.
Now, this zone is in the danger of vanishing, because stupid Tokyo Metropolitan Office admitted to develop "cemetaries" in this area! Can you believe it?

I was astonished at the evil wrongdoing, when I visited it in June, 2016.
Because, the whole slope of one of the main mountain was bold and turned to be cemetries in tiers.
I had visited the same place 3 years before with my pupils. There was an ordinal green moutain in the forest.
The graves were all new there. There are lots of tomb stones with their ancestors names filled with mistakenly carved Chinese characters.
I thought that maybe Tokyo residents didn't care even the family names carved out of stone, which would endure more than several decades. Presumably, the graves were produced in Southrn Eastern countires, which have no tradition of cemetary grave carving.

DoDoMerdas live on the real estates' income succeeded from their ancestors. They are family oriented figures.
They get married just for family, not for themselves.
However, they don't give any importance on their family name any more.
What's left for them?
The reply is just "avarice".
They forget family name but their desire for financial safety through family connection is maintained.
As a result, they construct lots of "new" graves in sacrid TAKAO mountains.

What does the word "new" mean? Many DoDoMerdic figures have died recently.
I can combine other informations of DoDoMerdic death.
One is that I recently have receive many letteres of their parents' death, their own and in law, both, from my versity acquaintances.
Another is that in HASEGAWA Hospital, I've heard that private insurance is highy common in DoDoMerdic families and insurance companies easily pay insurance money exclusively to them, while they refuse the payment ilegally in the case of common people.

DoDoMerdic families are related with each other just for the sake of their financial stability.
Other factors are extremely omitted now, in the worst economical depression, although power holders don't speak it for us people in common.

By the way, TAKAO should be center of the birds' paradice, our legitimate anthority holders' land, namely.
We people can use some sites, as far as they allow us to use it.

TAKAO biosphare should be kept with careful watch. It was already violated by DoDoMerdic power holders in Japan.
TAKAO fauna & flora is in the climax of rage. They have power to destroy DoDoMerdic vanity city called Tokyo.
We welcome this destruction by the legitimate power holders, as descendents of JOUMON, member of wild animals.
DoDoMerdas are mad dmestic animals, breeded too much unnaturally.
We can't put up with their ilegitimate propagation.
They should vanish completely until the last one.

DoDoMerdas are so greedy to take advantage of the natural disaster for the sake of fraud of contributions, faking cheap sob stories.
We are ashamed of them. Vanish them, completely and immediately. They are the shame of human beings.
They don't belong to human beings. They are just similar to our shape. They are totally different from us, people in common.
However, they abuse the resembling form to gain sympathy from all over the world.
We are used our appearance for the evil aim of DoDoMerdic holders.
We totally agree with people in the world to make severe raids on DoDoMerdas to vanish entirely.
It would not be called "genocide" at all. They are not "gen" or human related existance.
They are aliens, stupid, insipid, vapid, as much as possible, like a kind of dirty warm.
In this case, radicalization of them would be called "insecticide", instead of "homicide" or "genoide".

Used Envelopes, Exclusively!

2017-01-20 13:35:58 | 日記
20/01/2017 (afternoon) I cooked a modified version of Porto-Western Bacalhoada Portuguesa a la Miyuki, namely, the dish with roasted chopped potatoes, cod eggs, diced boiled egg, olives and cheese. Melted cheese contributed to the more delicious flavour of the new dish in Porto-Western style.

I will write here how thrifty Kyorin Univ. is. You wouldn't put up with dropping tears, hearing this sad and messy story, I'm sure.

At Kyorin Univ. staff are ordered to reuse the envelops, which were already used several times!
Why? According to them, the president, Hiroharu MATSUDA, likes to see the staff's performance to thrift.
According to our DoDoMerdic ex-dean Kazuaki MATSUDA, the president himself is sting and our versity is poor, so he loves to economise as much as possible. One of his favorite hobby is confirming the thrifty performance by the staff. His speciality is checking the usage of used envelopes.
Also following his remarks, if the president finds that someone uses a new envelope, he would get upset.
This explanation is common among the staff, espeially, the clerks. So I was sometimes warned by them not to use new envelopes.

Therefore, in the reception room, which is also used for clerks' service office, there are lots of papers, on which the special form is writen for the sake of more than 10 times repeated use of envelopes.
When we need to use envelopes, we have to pick one of this paper from the office, taking it to each one's room, put the paper after pasting well on the back onto the used envelop.
Here you are! Now, this envelope coulc be used more than 10 times.

How many times, I had to pick up the printed paper to recycle the used envelopes?
Why the president doesn't think of the cost of us, professors and clerks at all?
He prefers saving envelopes and paying unnecessary staff to using efficiently diligent staff.

I wonder why he doesn't think of running cost of this "used envelopes only" system?
I had to be running downstairs and upstairs, to pick up the specially printed papars made by the clerks manually. My running cost was out of his mind.

You see, there are abundant number of professors of cooperations' management in our faculty.
However, no one has ever adviced him the loss of the system.
Contrary to it, every has applaused the result of his splended idea.
It's a miniture version of Japanese Gerontocracy combined with IDIOCRACY.
No one can appoint the fact to the old feeble-minded superior, even he does highly shameful coducts.
"King is nakid!" is prohibited remarks here in Japan, even though King is streaking in public.
"Shhhhhhhh! Kid, you can't see him wearing specially gorgeous fur on his top? How does it cost?
US$724 million! It's made of newly invented British transparent chemical texture! You can't see it because it is so well made. You see, King wears highly expensive clothings, which is impossibe to see because of their developed technology of human schience, called Mesmerism. You see what you can't see. OK, Kid? Now, you learned. Then, how King looks, Kid?"
"Ummmm...King is streaking!"
"....Yeah, better than before. Streaking means moving rapidly...However, you should choose other words, like "Wow! How he looks georgeous!", OK, Kid?"
"Then, again, How he seems, Kid?"
"Yes, sir! King is thrifty! "
"Marvelous! You are a clever boy! That's it! You would be given a gift from King! I'm proud of you!"

People reading this article feel strange, presumably.
However, it's not a fiction, but a non fiction.
"Truth is stranger than fiction", again.

Miyuki Found Her Holy Mission!

2017-01-20 10:14:36 | 日記
19/01/2017 (morning) I had breakfast with MISO soup with Taro-potato and seeweed, shredded radish and leek combined with race cake, and cafe latte.
This time, I tried to the race cake with leek oil. The result was: leek insists more than radish. Thus, radish rice cake turned to leek rice cake, against my intention. It was also delicious, however, I've learned that radish is gentler than leek and loses in the race of the taste.

I got to know that my DoDoMerdic sister YUKARI can't recognize the difference between a skilet and a milk pan!
This morning, I was looking for where my milk pan was. I couldn't find it. So I used another small pan to cook soup. After I finished to make it, I've found that the milk pan was in the place of the skilet, 2 meters deistant from its own place.
For me, the skilet, made of heavy iron, in black is totally different from the milk pan, made of lighter steel, in the colar of silver. They distintively differ from each other, at shape, colar, weight, usage etc.
However, for YUKARI, they are the same pans, whose diameter is 14cm, probably.

I was astonised at my discovery. How she can live without the recognition ability to this extent?

She can read the newspaper. All day long, she reads it, with her legs under the eletric heating table.
She can watch TV. She can speak to my mother and my son Alex. Only these two figures are her companions of conversation, except TV.
Her world is extremely limited.
Thus, she is a hermit, objectively.
Loss of communication with outside makes her deteriorate more and more, day by day.
She dosn't recognize or doesn't want to recognize the deterioration.
My mother is too kind to appoint the fact to her. I've already abandon her as a human being.

In this way, her abilicay is waning. Her mamory is failing with her monotonous days.
In front of me, she pretends to be superior to me, making a raid, with words of abuse and physical violence.
However, I just escape from her repeated raid. I don't take her seriously. She is nothing to me.
She is reaching ZERO, day by day. I perceive it from various fenomena in the family.

She can't recognize between right and wrong, her belongings and others' ones, should do and should'nt do, eather, I presume.
She protects Alex because she can get his favour with this indulgence.
She just does so as an automatic conditioned reflex, without recognitive ability.
She calls it "maternal instinct", while we think that she is suffering from serious brain desease acompanied with reduction of recognitive ability.

Many hermits or old ex-NEITs seem the same desease, we presume.
They conceal their desease because of shame, by way of cutting communication with others.
However, the family suffer lots because of them, in particular, their younger generations.
My son Alex is one typical example.
They should be treated as dangerous, because of showing their life model to their nephews and nieces.
Alex is tracing her way to degradation.

Inferior complex is a slight burden that Gods put on the shoulders of each one.
Everyone makes every effort to conquer the problem.
YUKARI has evaded to do it, putting the causes on my shoulders, saying, "If you hadn't gone to Univ. of Tokyo, I would have been happy. You are the principal factor of my unhappiness. You should pay for it!"
However, YUKARI is maybe already in the condition of that she can't think as a human being.
Her actions are rough and automatic. Like a broken robot, which can't accept new order.
Her time stopped several decades ago.
That's why she is so childish and thinks herself like protagonists in her favorit Merchen stories.

Yeah, I myself like to imitate the motifs of the heros in Children's books, like "Adventures of Robin Hood", "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", "Arther Ransom's Series" etc.
However, I know the difference between the real world and the fictional one. I extract the message of the authors in the fictional world and take advantage of them to create my immage in the real world.
I'm not so DoDoMerdic to believe that "Just dreaming brings you happiness, without making efforts".
I like to making my effort to realize my dream. Just dreaming is a waste of time. It is called "illusion".

I want to live in this world of reality. I have a dream, yes. I want to make friends with other people in the world. I want to seek my mates, who can share may liberalist' ideal world.

YUKARI's failure is a lesson to me.
She is difficult existance for me. However, I should watch out that I could turn be YUKARI, because her choice is highly easy.

She resigned her work in Tokyo and came back to Shirakawa, with the excuse, "I decided to be a writer of Children's picture books."
However, she hadn't courage to submit her works in public. She wrote some and tore them as soon as finishing.
Then, she gave up writing and now she is as you know.

I was ordered layoff from Kyorin University and will be jobless in April.
I need to speed up the process of my job seeking.
I don't want to be a loser like YUKARI. I want realize my plan in the real world.
Jobless condition shouldn't be evaded as "assistant of householdings".
I do household jobs as a necessity of each individual, not for my principal job.
My mother dosn't understand it. I have no time to persuade her. I can't live in her Good Samalitans' world.

I must try alternatives to advertise me.
Think, Do, Reflect, Do the better version...Thus I develop myself.
I'm a trainer of myself. As I wrote before, I hate to teach others.
However, I'm a good trainer to myself. I should be the best performer!!!

I have a lot of episodes in my life, concerning fundamental rights. Most of them are commedies.
When they are played, the protagonists should be performed by me myself.
Professor-Commedian. New genre of versity profession. If some versity calls me to this position, I will apply as soon as possible. It should be the most suitable job for me.
Versities, don't afraid to approach common people. They will laugh at my episodes in my lesson.
Entertainment combined with Superior Education. That's it!

Ladies & Gentlemen, the Highest Degree Holder Professional Commedian, Dr.Miyuki SATO!
She came here all the way from the coldest place in the world called Japan!
She is only one surviver of our people among versity professors in that country.
Despite of numerous inhuman treatments in Japan, she managed to live and escape from the society.
She is challenging to climb up the mountain, which has never been reached until now.
She is the pioneer of new job, called "Professor-Commedian".
She is an amphibian, who works for academism and for entertainment.
She writes her original commedies in English, following his commedian predissecor Shijaku KATSURA.
You can enjoy her illogical and irrational nonsense world, at the same time, you would learn the lessons of Unconstitutional Law in Japan.
Ladies and Gentlemen, you paid only several dollars to this newly created entertainment, however, you would be much more satisfied with her cost performance. You enjoy and learn. The both, whose marrige has been called "Prohibitted Play" in academism, are now in the live! Common, people! You save your precious money and time, paying to her performance! You would be a bachelors' degree, laughing during her lessons. How cheap and how cost benefitted! Don't lose your valuable time! Dash to her lesson! Here we go!

I can manage to advertise my lesson, making posters, pamphlets, leaflets and so on. I'm good at handcrafting.
During my primary and junior high periods, I continued to gain "Excellent" or "5 points" in the subject of drawing and handycrafts. My friends know the periodsvery well.
I'm a handy person, in any means. My cost performance is one of the highest level in the world. I am accustomed to economise versity's money.
Kyorin Univ. is one of the most thrifty versities in the world. I'm sure! Even my DoDoMerdic colleagues totally agree at this point.

One of the super thrify episodes will be described in the next article.
Read the article, visiting my blog!
Give me yells and a job, please, people in the world!!!