Inclination to Euphemism in Japan

2017-01-06 20:38:28 | 日記
06/01/2017 (evening) DoDoMerdic sosiety likes to use euphemism. Why? Because DoDoMerdas are polite? Not at all!

They make use of euphemism for the sake of evasion. They want to get away from responsibility.

DoDoMerdic world is filled with euphemism. Even in Constitutional Law, they love political euphemism.
They want to be claimed by someone who gets to know their hypocrisy. They evade as far as possible. They lie, they feign an excuse, they trap us people, all things they can do to avoid taking responsibility.

Among them, euphemism is used in order to get along with each other. It's a kind of habit for them. They can't say "No" to the superiors, as a nature of obedient domestic animals. Furthermore, they can't appoint the fact directly. So they inform an unpleasent fact, they choose more vague and decorative words. DoDoMerdic superiors conduct in accordance with his changeable flambyant discretion, therefore, evading the words which represent the nasty reality is the best way, as a provisional measure. The superiors would get angry, if they get to know the reality. They would cut their heads, as the superiors' rage erupts. Who should put the bell on the neck of the cat?, the rats talk each other. Now, how he put the bell? In the most indirect way, as he can. Thus, euphenism occupies the space.

The rat's words are so roundabout and the cat is so stupid. As a result, the cat misunderstands what the rat says. We don't forget that the cat, i.e., the DoDoMerdic superior is so arrogant. Thus, he believe that he is clever, although, he is a total vapid jamhead objectlly. Any pejorative words he refuses. Just sugarcoating expressions he accepts. In this way, even between the cat superior and the rats inferiors, there is a divergence of what the rats say.

The superior is mentally deaf. He has no normal listening ability. In other words, he has no ears. His ears are receptive only to flattery, which pleases his narcissum, selectively. He has idiot donky ears, instead of good ears that can collect people's real voice, which are requisite for power holders in constitutional countries.

"King has a pair of donky ears, donky ears, donky ears, King has a pair of donky ears, he can't listen to our words". That's a chant in a musical called "King has donky ears", which I watched when I was a primary school child.
I've never imagined that the musical is the reality of Japan, at that time. Truth is stranger than fiction. Real power holders are duller than Donky King!
We will tell the story of what actually happens in Japan to the kids in the future as ever as we can. They will be astonished at the fact and, at the same time, amused with the most foolish non-fiction in history.

DoDoMerdic Positive Thinking: Easiest Conversion of Minus into Plus

2017-01-06 17:53:01 | 日記
06/01/2017 (afternoon) We people are mainly cheerful positive persons, enjoying our life within a certain limit with each one has. In this case, positive means assertive and productive.

However, DoDoMerdas use this word highly differently. Por them, "positive" means "never mind their own falures".
Even when DoDoMerdas make a really serious mistake, they say, "Never mind! It would be good."

In Hasegawa Hospital, I have seen and heard various medical errors done by the nurses. Everywhen a member of the staff failed, other collegues refrained the frase. They took medical falures so slightly, that made me terrified.

Sometimes, they feigned that there would not have had happened at all. They acted as a group, and they used collective power to conseal their falure. When I appointed the mistake, they started to attack me, collectively, denying the fact.

DoDoMerdas are totalitarians. They camoflauge in a group. According to them, majority always say truth. Therefore, they act together and prepare for possible attack from others. If the attacker is alone, they revise the truth on behalf of themselves. Thus, tha fact is twisted.

It's the easiest way to change the situation in favor of them. If we say "injustice", they say "justice". While we call it "unfair", they call it "fair". They declare "economically booming", it means "we are in depression".

They just change the words. From pejorative to assertive, from negative to positive, from ugly to pretty, from dirty to hygine, from dull to bright, from unconsitutional to constitutional, from immoral to moral, from worst to best, etc. Easy and cheap.

My uncle of law, husband of my mother's sister Mr.Sho HAYASHI says that he doesn't believe TV news and takes the words expressed by the journalists in reverse. Yeah, that's the way to counteract the evil effect of DoDoMerdic journalism.

We know the fact, through our own observation. DoDoMerdas believe that we people were easily cheated and think that power holders were God-like faultless existance. Some people are so simple-minded to think so, I agree. However, most of people are much more perceptible than DoDoMerdas.

As a matter of fact, DoDoMerdas are originally inspid and get duller and duller day by day, according to their moral decadance. Thus, their stupidity is unmistakably clear.

However, they continue their way of positive thinking, chanting some magic frases, "We are rich, we are clever, we are powerful, we are superior, we are the champion, we are the champion, we are the champion of the world!"♬
We call this song, "sour grapes", following our predeccesor sage Aesop told in ancient Greece.

Their superficial literal conversation of values is so easy until to be reversed easily like a child's play.

Banana MATSUO, Comedian of Tradicional Monologue Theater Called "RAKUGO"

2017-01-06 16:04:53 | 日記
06/01/2017 (afternoon) I think that versity professors resembles comedians in "RAKUGO".

"RAKUGO" is a traditional commedy performed by only one person, sitting on stage, wearing "KIMONO", that is, traditional clothings in Japan. The history started in Edo era.

There are special theaters which show "RAKUGO" plays. One of them is "SUEHIRO-TEI" in SHINJUKU Ward, Tokyo.
"SUEHIRO" is two meanings. One is "luck", another is a Japanesen folding fan. The brim of the fan is much wider than the pivot, so the form of the fan symbolizes future prosperity or "SUEHIRO". "RAKUGO" commedians take advantage of the fan as stageproperties of multiple use.
"Tei" means a lodge or a small house.

In "SUEHIRO-TEI", we can enjoy their stage play all day and night, at the expence of US$28. We can bring foods and drinks to the theater and eat and drink there during the play, laughing at their jokes.

I sevral times visited the theater. Once I brought my two kids, when they were primary school students. We sat very in front of the stage and enjoyed all day long, eating snacks and sweets, drinking softdrinks.
The commedians gave some gifts to my daughter Clare, including the fan and papercraft, which they used in the play. She was very pleased with these presents.

I think that we professors are stage performers. I allowed students to eat and drink during my class. If they can be stimulated by some points of my performance, I would be happy, I thought.

I have a concealed stagename, that is, "Banana MATSUO", which was named after a Great Japanese poet in Edo era called "Basho MATSUO". "Basho" is a plant, which grows in a pond. It's a kind of taro-potato and also a relative of Banana.

I am an admirer of "Saikaku IHARA", who is famous for various kinds of fictions from erotic biographies of fictional heros to business novels, also in Edo era. I found him when I was in primary school in the library and liked his works so much and decided to buy his main works. He was a marchant in OSAKA and had a good sense of humore with vitality.
One of his brilliant but foolish service is "OOYAKAZU" or big number of light verses produced only during a night.

Therefore, I, as a junior, challenged his record. I walked arround the pond called "NANKO", which is famous for the first artipicial recreation park for people in Japan", constructed by the instruction of "Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA", the politician at that time, producing tremendous number of foolish light verses, under the name of "Banana MATSUO".

Since them, when I am in a Japanesque mood of Edo era, my name is "Banana MATSUO".

Until now, my stage has been in Japanese versities. For a lond time, I was forced to play the role of strange old-fashioned stero-typed serious-looking monotonous professor of law, in "SARUSHI" suits, against my intention.
I changed my style of teaching, after I was promoted to be a professor. I performed my role as a commedian, as I had imagined before. I said good-bye to the "SARUSHI" suits and started to wear casual cloths, mainly jeans and T shirts, i.e., an orthodox style as a worker.
I know that "SARUSHI" suits fairly fit me. However, I look good with these casual clothings. I have right to choose what I wear on the stage.

I didn't want to play the dull role at versities, reciting the vapid remarks repeatedly, like other professors of law in Japan. I didn't participate in the contest of Prize for the best selling record of the year.
I just want to state my own opinions with critical analyses on the ground of direct impressions that I have received from various fenomena of Japanese society.

However, in Japan, professors love monotonous Status Quo so much that my way of teaching isn't accepted. For me, my way is highly natural. It's based on my own experiance as a human being, diligent worker, single parent, prejudiced versity staff, liberalist, individualist, and so on.

DoDoMerdas believe that serious boresome dull figures are high-brows. But we people know the deceived fact. They just pretend to look intelligent.

I respect many commedians in the world. Jo Soares, Chiko Anysio, Diseased Bob Hope, and so on. There are many excellent "RAKUGO" performers in Japan.They are highly intelligent, quick in mind, with good memory. Their humour are universal. They know logics, so they can make a fool of illogical remarks of dull power holders.

I will work as a commedian "Banana MATSUO" at your university, satirizing Japanese society from the point of legal view! Please give me a job!!!

Ministry of Less Labour

2017-01-06 15:23:33 | 日記
06/01/2017 (afternoon) In Japan, the conseption of work in Ministry of Social Benefits and Labour is totally different for us people.
I have already requested dissolution of the hospitals, which had compelled to put me in costudy, to the ministry. However, the public servants don't respond me ever. I don't know how they deal the matter. What I can say at least is they have not treated me sincerely.

Sincere treatment is a basic requisit of every public egency. Sometimes, they can't provide sufficient service to us people. Even in this case, they are imposed on to give us enough information in order to seek alternatives.It's a minimum duty they owe.

However, they don't think so. They are inclined to do easiest job as much as they can. Their way of life is so DoDoMerdic.

According to the news, they are the first existence that enjoy the easiest life, with full vacation and DoDoMerdic Child Care holidays, which are fairly rare in micro and nano companies in local areas in Japan.
They legitimatize their privilege, saying, "We should show the Best Life model to people. If we take lots of rest, people can do it without anxiety. We behave like an ideal model for people."
GRRRRRR.....!!! They really do "Muck Selling Business"! They are idol, in fact. Nevertheless, they declare like above, as if they were obliged to do it, without their intention. How shameless they are! They are so degraded.

Through their way of attendance, I got to know that how they are intelletually in the lowest level. They just seek an article of relating law and read in a loud voice, without knowing the meaning, without contextual appreach. Are they working? No. They are just pretending to work. Their work doesn't deserve tax. They should be fired, as soon as possible. They should be replaced by common people. They are mean DoDoMerdas, not human beings with brain.

Their society model is highly DoDoMerdic. Don't work, don't play, just take a rest, without doing. Why we people should pay tax for these shameless and harmful public servants? The model is a Utopia for DoDoMerdas.
Thus, the ministry itself reveals their enthusiastic inclination to DoDoMerdic life.
Even male servants of this ministry is so DoDoMerdic. They are hugged by Mother Goverment and indulged as much as possible, sucking her mother's nipples, drinking her maternal milk, produced of our precious money.

They allow the idiot behavers of all kinky medical doctors, represented by psychiatrists, in Japan. They do nothing, because it's the ideal working model for them DoDoMerdas.

Cooking in Miyuki Style

2017-01-06 14:24:20 | 日記
06/01/2017 (afternoon) I invented two new marmalade dished today. One is "Furofuki-Daikon" or hot steamed white radish with miso paste and marmalade. Another is hot pudding with milk and marmalade. They are easy to cook and tasty.

The former is usually made with "YUZU", a Japanese citrous fruit famous for its flavour. I used marmarade instead of the fruit. The dish smelled orange, one of my favorite citron.

The latter is too much easy. It took 2 minutes or so. 1.Put an egg and milk in a dish and mix them. 2.Add a spoonful of marmalade in it. 3.Put the dish in the micro-oven and heat up for 1 minute. Here you are!

I like cooking now. However, I had to overcome a severe hardle to reach the psycological condition.

As I told before, I was proud of being bad at homemaking subject. For me, domestic tasks were terribly feminine, and they don't combine with my life style.

However, I confess that I had a prejudice against domestic tasks. They are not feminine, but humane. Both sex should do the tasks.
I imagined that I were a male in a ambulance camp and passing hard time there. The nearest image is "Duke" in "M☆A☆S☆H", performed by Donald Southernland in the movie. In the minimum condition, how we survive? Eating is necessity for us. We ourselves have to cook to survive. Taste matters lots, while appearance, not, in this condition.
Thus, I chose to be a cook, with the pschiatric resemblance to the Ambulance surgeical doctor, in the kitchen.

Now, I enjoy cooking, inventing various instant dishes. My creeds on cuisine are, "Use the ingredients surrounding you" and "Save time and money as much as you can."

I thank for having a sensitive tongue and should enjoy the pleasure this organ brings me.

Even in my house, I cook with an image of Duke. Don't mistake me for a DoDoMerda, like the lowest IQ psychiatrists in Kyorin Versity Hospital!