Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (228)

2017-08-29 10:11:30 | 日記
29/08/2017 (Tuesday, morning) Miyuki got up at 6:00 in the morning, and changed her clothing prom pyjama to casual wear, started her monitoring job in the courtyard.

And found that so many vehicles passing in the ally, so narrow and it was allowed to pass only for the residents who had licence given by the municipality. School Zone, and no man's land. Thus, up to recently, it was accustomed to do so. Now, the system changed, and so many vehicles, especially heavy duty type, pass the road, considerably often. Why? Miyuki got in wonder! YAOYA-Cho is one of the least populous residencial area in this village called SHIRAKAWA, even in her youth. Why, suddenly, turned to be so busy area? No shop at all, only residencial buildingas and parking lots. Satanic attempt to chase Miyuki? Evident, too much! They all claimed!!!

Unreasonably, they changed the legal character of this road, from "prohibition for cars" to "Please pass this narrow road, especially Heavy Duty Vehicles, to kill school pupils!!!"

And in the parking lots of Shriakawa III primary school, there is a space for visitors. At 6:30 already white van type with the number of 93-89, stopped. Miyuki recognized it, and checked. Soon it left there. Strange? Why it came? What is the purpose? Soon, another light track with the number 8-93 passed.

Then, from 7:30 to 10:15, so many heavy duty type, for example, Road Rollers, Fass Vaccuum vehicle, Heavy Duty Track, passed.

And a black van with working uniformed drivers, at 9:00, parked in this lot. Its number is 11-07.

And at 9:00 exactly, a fimale bug in a white van, parked in the same lot, its number is 93-98. She remained in the car, with engine on. What is she waiting? Miyuki is suspecious.

At 10:00, exactly, white van with number 49-79 appeared, and did the same. Why they repeat? The kids' song?


 Wonderful kindergarden in our mountain, at 9:00, a boy of squeel comes.🎶
Wonderful kindergarden in our mountain, at 10:00, a boy of wild dog comes.🎶

 Miyuki likes this song. Each guy has its own rising up time. Don't disturb our sleep, please!, is the message.

However, in Sato family, already at 6:00, HARUMI and YUKARI starts their selfish attacking to others. They pretend to have some urgent matter, or ring the bell of the alter for diceased, or starts to collect the trash, or start to vacuum cleaning, as they like, when they want to do.

Recently, audaciously MIYUKI ignores both of them, thus, as their strange replacement, others are target now. Why don't you attack MIYUKI, if you don't like MIYUKI? Clare claimed. The response was, "She is so nasty. Thus, it would be untached. She should know the limit. Without us, she is just dumb!" Oh, welcome! Miyuki expected this stage! Now, she gained the ideal situation. Because of their strong hatred, MIYUKI is unattackable.

Clare feels envy to Miyuki. So nasty is better for her. I would be so!

However, HARUMI audaciously tried to attack her even this morning. When Miyuki came back from her main work place for several these days, and picked the bunch of keys, HARUMI tried to approach MIYUKI, and yelled, "When you bring here some trash, you should use Hochikiss, do you know, you stupid?!" MIYUKI ignored totally, and left the main house, and shut the sliding door, with normal sound.

Miyuki got in wonder...Hochikiss or stapler for throw the trash? The contrary, she can understand. Pick off the needle of the stapler, was said in Kyorin Versity. And she doesn't use stapler at all now. What happened???

Probably, she would like to say, "Pick out off the needles of pamphlets or magazines!" and forgot what to say, and said the related words. Miyuki is now no magazine nor pamphlet to throw. Probably, YUKARI brought a banch of magazines, and HARUMI picked the needles, and got tired of the task, and claimed to Miyuki, instead to YUKARI.

YUKARI is now also untoucheable mode. YUKARI likes to imitate MIYUKI's audacious mode against HARUMI. Thus, in case of HARUMI's request, YUKARI ignored HARUMI totally. YUKARI is now betrayer again. Taming mode YUKARI passed. Thus, now, only watching TV mode.

Better than Jason period. Yes, she abruptly attacks us all. However, during watching TV, she is in vervana. Thus, TV room, Clare's room turned to be!!!

During day and night, she watches TV, and ignores HARUMI. And sometimes, only washing clothings. Feeding? Only frozen food in micro-oven. TV dinner life, they all adopted.

HARUMI is reluctant to do her trash collecting now, presumably. OK, each guy, as they like. Cleaness lovers, keep clean their own chambers. Common place? Miyuki would do it, if you agree.

HARUMI & YUKARI's trash, not at all! They are satans. Our enemy. They dispose as they like. Miyuki is untouching theirs.

Repeated attackings and affection begging. This morning, Clare was targetted. Clare changed the course to go to school, to avoid more attacking. However, they continue to attack her. Shame! Clare thought, in really. For them, OK, however, for us two, just a shame!!!

Miyuki refrains from yelling them both, Alex and Clare, because it would cause more problems for them. Miyuki's sympathiser?, Oh, we attack you, also!, is Shirakawan attitude.


Who hates Bonz, hates up to his clothings.

Japanese proverb. Thus, don't commit to Miyuki at all. Thus, they are prohibitted to eat MIYUKI's food. They provide frozen food, yes. Thus, OK for them. Thus, only micro-oven life, they start. Sufficient for them. Don't come to the kitchen! They use the kitchen as their washing hands, face, body, and brushing their teeth.

This period, any hatred trigger their explosion, and MIYUKI is the stimulator no.1 in Shirakawa. Anyway, she is so nasty. We hate her!!!

Stupid idiots, Shirakawans are! Miyuki yells, and it is the fact. Thus, they responded like that. The fact, thus, Miyuki is nasty.

King is nakid!, fanomenum. Miyuki's so positive interpretation, the yeller boy was praised so much, and turned to be the next king, because of his honesty and bravery!

YUKARI's negative interpretation is "He should be killed, because he is so impolite!"

Miyuki, before hearing HARUMI's strange HOtchikiss hatred speach, encountered with SHIBUKI'S Pussy Cat, and orderd her to vanish immediately all in a body, eternally. She changed the position of her neck, 90 degrees. In the middle, it means. Thus, half vanishing mode, YAOYA-CHO satans are!!!

She is the leader of satans of this zone, Miyuki did know well.

yesterday, in KAJI-MACHI, Miyuki discovered a young female bitch, with dirty skin and relatively urbanized fisiolonomy, dying in a dark gray van. She resembles with this Pussy Cat. Shrunk MADOKA, Miyuki metaphored. MADOKA is more flat, and bigger than she, evidently. She is rather cute, and short. Resembles, yes. However, impression is different.

SHIBUKI's pussy cat is always in the same. Sometimes, with so nasty dirty hair, sometimes, cleaned up, yes. However, mainly white, and some light brownish patch on the back. Erotic type. Today, Miyuki met younger mode. Usually, older version. From Miyuki's school days, she is like that. Strange. Always, she is the same, and wandering inside YAOYA-Cho.

Monster Cat, I know well, Miyuki said her before. And she tried to be prettier, and lost her power to attack others, so much. Thus, less harmful.

Thus, jealous, so much. She attacked especially old beautiful trees. Pussy's jealousy, the reason of the devastation in NANKO mountain area!!!

SHIBUKI's religious leader, she was. Oh, Toshiyuki was resembling her! TOBE-SATCHI's cousin, and one year elder than us all!

Relatively whitish face, and brown hair. A pink cheeks, also, he had. Her image!

He liked to stay in the chamber, beside the 2nd floor of Sato Family. Alone, Pussy also likes. So different fisiolonomy he had, compared with other SHIBUKI related...

Pussy's boy? He was killed earlier. And the cat was himself. Oh, I didn't know it!

And for HARUMI, Hidetoshi KIJIMA complimented, thus, he turned to be a good boy for her. Not he, another. Miyuki did remember his face, yes. However, for HARUMI and YUKARI, a boy neighbour, as always. Their image on the neighbours are the skin bags of this period.

And Miyuki found a big important fact. TAMAYA apartment is for collective use only. Thus, faked family, NAKAJIMA is, from the begining. Just one couple with so many kids, is their common mode. Each member is replaceable. Forever primary school pupils provider, it is!!!

WAKABA kindegarden is also. Thus, no acuaintance at all in this area. They vanished, literally. OTOHA, where she is now? Miyuki asked. And the result. Clare doesn't know. Clare said OTOHA was volleyball club member. yes, she said, however, not so sure. She heard like that on her...

Miyuki remembered her fisiolonomy and voice. HANOKI-DAIRA, yes. The devastated place? However, Clare gained New Year's card in HACHIOJI. Anyway, she is alive, however, where, Clare doesn't know.

Miyuki can remember some guys. However, old ones not at all. Miyuki is good at memory, and likes to be proud of it. Thus, nasty! Shirakawans can't remember well. And illegible, yes. Thus, she is disliked in any place, with spetting.

Reading is now special ability! Thus, Todai pimps were respected by such satans!!! Such a level???

Thus, any school pupils should be respected by all of them. Thus, Kensei was chosen thier representative. Their? Which?

Now, Miyuki is all in doubt. So many guys were targetted, and lost their precious lives. Thus, any guys should be her harshest attacking, if she has some crue to believe satan. No way! Protection should be!!! Only few guys are her real supporters. She is so doubtful, and there are so many reasons, of course!!!

And she changed her mind of the plan of her hut. More easier, she found. Only one inclination type. More easy to make. And gained thiker old bamboo sticks, three, thus, she changed her plan. Can fold easily, thus, up to the accomplishing moment, she doesn't need to stand the hut, in each evening. More sustainable. And she completed almost all of the frame parts. thus, just sustanability should be put. Thus, every day's chasing to find for free type materials.

Cover with a big plastic transparent object. The easiest way to do so. More bamboos would be needed, probably. longer than actual sticks. And for in case of emergency, a bit more. Thus, 10 more, is the correct answer. She would cut easily, because she knows to use the tools. Alzheimers use attaking tools so easily. It is sold by also Alzheimers.

Miyuki got surprised that YUKARI produced the sound of chain saw. Thus, Miyuki dashed to see the scene, thinking of how to run away. And found that she was doing her vaccuum cleaning business in the entrance inside the main house. Sound changed, and Miyuki watched the scene. However, for several minutes, she used the sound of chain saw. "I will kill you!" is her dying message. Just a sound, already Miyuki got chilled, YUKARI thought, and did it! She produced it, and replaced. Miyuki is now free from her chain saw attacking. She is easy to buy it, because it is now provided for free.

Grass cutting farmers are the example of stupid idiots! Miyuki really thinks so. yes, sometimes, we need to cut weeds, for example, to make a narrow ally to the patch or so. However, weedcite? Crazy!!! Chemical product, so much! White Powder was used mainly for it!

Asters in the early supposed Miyuki's patch dried up this morning. Why? They are so brownish, and dried! They attacked again, because they wanted. Now, Miyuki is targetted by others' chain saw using!!!

Manual only. Electricity, at lieast. Minimum use. Thus, JEEP, in her case. She needs to make a trip often, and take a nap inside. thus, only one big car is her gift.

Imitation army was caught in Shirakawa. And Miyuki took the pictures and they caught several, and liked so much...Oh, she is such a guy...Thus...

Efficiency, Miyuki likes. Not Military looking maniac. Military should be organized and reasonsble. Yes, Miyuki has some inclination to Military goods. This is reality. Like animals like their own nails to attack. Not so strange. And they don't use gun at all. Up to the extension of their hands and arms. Thus, non archery, OK? OK. My archery is so so dangerous...Japanese archery she did, and did her miracle BINGO! And she didn't recognize the miracle. For her, "I failed. And where is my arrow???" And others, with so much astonishing, "Oh, she did it! Look! In the exact target, so tiny black circle, she did! So unusual! In so few days of training, she did it!!!"

And she found that her arrow was in the middle of the target, yes, however....the target of another guy, beside her. Anyway, only one guy, who did it in the class. BINGO class. With astonishing. Better than ZERO!!!

After throwing, she is indifferent, because it would be almost impossible to reach the target. She was one of the worst pupil in the lesson. Reach needs muscle work. And her aspiration system and her position of body were both the 3rd category...however, she did it! Unusual. anywa, BINGO!!!

Such a guy. ADACHI likes her TOHOHO stories. So many TOHOHOs. TOHOHO only, she is...Again, Auntie, like guy...

Satanic presumption is always against her intention. Sometimes, she could perceive it, and makes a fool of them. however, sometimes, so so out of mind! Thus, she was prohibitted to use the both tools. Flying model is too too difficult and danger. Thus, JEEP. Saucer would be fine, CHINKORO thought of it. For him, OK. However, for her, so so chicken to fly even in a rocket, would be fine to train, at first with JEEP, manual mode.

Manual only, please, or, she would lose the chance to regain the controle of manual gears.

Her change was swifty, as much as possible. And the worse for her, in the middle of the cross, the change was needed. Engine loss was so big, Jimny is. Failure, it is. And with both hands, she was obliged to use! For any guy, the last resort, however, for her, only one tool to avoid off engine sudden stop, which causes big disaster at the back. Both hands off driving! Too too dangerous, however, she was forced to do it! Even American Army doesn't such a training. "Don't leave your hands both!" is golden rule, yes. However, without it, she couldn't move the gear!!!

Satans came and attacked so swift, thus any guy recognized in Shirakawa. Miyuki found a dead skin bag of satanic bitch. Thus, hush-hush mode for the ladies in chambers in the main house.

Miyuki is nasty, thus, we will kill her only. Thus, after her light meal, she will get out to find another target of our productive counter attacking. Fruits Empire, we make. Paradise, is the real name. Emperors are now inflation situation. thus, "Oh, emperor, good morning!" "Good morning, you, majesty! We are emperors."

Replacement of Alzheimer to Emperor...Not so different for them...

You would hear some strange conversation of emperial families...ENDOU family died in a body. 1001 attacking started. easy to presume. And "わ" or "れ" or "ろ", is the key to know the usage of rental car system.

Miyuki watched so many rental cars in the parking lots of each car rental service. however, unusual to see these letters. They put different letters. Illegal. However, they did. No reigning system at all in Japan. They did know well, thus, they did wrongdoings, again and again.

Almost all of them came from other areas, however, they use common cars with more common letters. Faking job, up to this level.

Already, esixtance of "れ" letter was laughing gag. Some boss got confused わ with れ, and the inferiors followed his instruction. Thus, れ is unusual proof of early evident idiocracy. Probably, ex-governor of ISHIHARA would be the Alzheimer boss.

He didn't recognize the easiest letters' difference. However, this is the legendary fact. In islands of Tokyo, it started. Yes, similar to foreigners, however, for Japanese, even 1st grader of primary school should know the difference type basic knowledge. And ISHIHAWA was writer of novels. Alzheimer tendency in Tokyo Metropolitan Office was so so crystal clear for us all!!!

Thus, see you soon, rightous prothers!!! yacult is more older thatn Chinkoro, Miyuki perceived. Maturity, it means. Chinkoro got contempted a bit. however, it is the fact, thus, he needs to train more and more. Both, excellent in any language. Poligrotas, yes. And Chinkoro is predicessor, yes. However, regarding to maturity, Chinkoro is a kid, while yacult is a boy. Both, excellent good boy type. No teacher world, they live, thus, don't need to do apple polishing at all. However, if they were human beings, they were recruited to the army of the enemy. They would be attacked by erotic satans, because of their fisiolonomy. Easy goer, Yakult is. thus, Chinkoro, you are a bit stone head. It is the difference between you and YAKULT...

Thus, VANISH! DDMs!!! They were inferior satans, all! And they can't stop themselves at all! "Don't stop me now!" sympton, here and there. Queen.

From Uncle Miyuki, and her supporters called 8 MEN, with Big LOVE!!!
