Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (244)

2017-10-19 11:33:01 | 日記
HARUMI stopped to collect trash, probably. Good sign of her refraining. Miyuki collects the trash of the office room entirely. Thus it worked. No reason for the Alzheimer twins to enter into the office room, however, they enter sometimes, unnecessairly. They want to steal others' wallets, is the correct answer.

Inner thieves, and they disliked to be called like that. Public reputaion was used for avoiding the spreading information. Stupid! Match-Pump. The stole, and erased. Just like Japanese society. Satans, in short, all of them!!!

Kindness fakers, Japanese Domestic wives were. And now, they were categorized A class holders of Alzheimer driving by Alex and Clare. It means, non suitable to drive a car, even with smart car.

Miyuki prefers to walk, because she wants to gain longer legs, and good body shape. Thus, yellow beetle faked car is not necessity for her life at all. Thus, vanish, immediately. For Miyuki, toy car only for HARUMI. It costed US$10 thousand, and she used so few, up to recently. Only in these several weeks, she used it so often. Why?

She was preparing for Alex's exam on the matter??? Alex was interested in driving a car. Normal. However, HARUMI didn't lend it to him. yes, driving licence is necessity, and Alex has no one. Yes, according to idiocratic traffic law, however, with any ruling on traffic, so many disasters would happen. It was already confirmed type situation. Even with more strict usage of traffice law, the disasters happened often. Now, No Rule materially. Thus, satanic heavy duty vehicles run as they like.

Yesterday, in TOUHOKU electric poles company in southern side factory campus, Miyuki caught a marvelous scene of "Center driving damp track". It was on the center of the both sides, right and left. Too too dangerous! Miyuki took the picture of this violent driving. On the center line, the middle of the track, exactly. Exists? Exists!!!

MAGNUM pose, Miyuki did. Cameraman would love it. Despite of the big risk, she approached the dangerous big track, in front, she took the exact picture of the scene!!! She did it! She did it!

Best performer as professional photographer. ASADA liked her pose. Oh, we didn't have such a marvelous chance! Kyou adored her theatorical danger faking pose. With fail, she asked, and refused by Miyuki's side. Not sliding catch, Kyou. You should do it at first!!!

however, the pose effect. Another similar MAGNUM pose along Route 4.

When Miyuki was walking along this goddamnit national road called Route 4, a yellow repairment track popped out in the pedestrian deck, before MIYUKI. Oh, it wants to hit me! Why they don't drive on the wheel road and came to me, in front?

Thus, Miyuki, as a representative of the top ranking holder of this pedestrian deck, she walked in the middle of it, and as natural course, they came in front of her, with normal speed. We are ligitimate user, and you are not! Miyuki got upset. And strange thing happened. One more yellow same damp track followed the previous track. Thus, the two tracks wanted to hit Miyuki, in the pedestrian deck, not on the road. ???? Anyway, the time to person to person type battle, OK, you two! Thus, Miyuki, taking the pictures, continued to walk in the middle of the pedestrian deck. TAIMAN or タイマン it is called. SASHI in old Japanese. "SASHI de IKUZE!" Miyuki declared, and she walked and walked. And the result?

The previous yellow car stopped beside Miyuki, and the latter, distant from her, stopped, alsmost altogether. Thus, we won. Miyuki won against two damp tracks. How brave, she was!!!

The reason of her bravery was her sly calculation. As a matter of fact, she prepared for her runaway course. Just move from the center to the side. And the calculation on the speed. Just two steps would be fine. Thus, even in TAIMAN, Miyuki could win!!!

Pedestrian deck for what? Wheel holders' moving? Especially heavy duty vehicles, and double cars?

Totally illogical, however, happened. MAGNUM would love her calculated bravery performance. Sly, however, a kind of theatorical play.

For them, Miyuki didn't exist any more. However, they intentionally use Miyuki's information, and disturb her job, in material meaning. Storange and spooky. However, anyway, rain will end up tomorrow!

Clare's birthday, thus rainy, the two Alzheimer Queens required. The weather forecast of the starting of this week said, "in the latter half of this week, we will have sun shine days only" and on Thursday, today, the weather forecast changed their remarks completely.

No past world, they live. Fass has no necessity of the difference between before and after, and between past, actual, and future. No future world's existance at all.

YUKARI popped out to wash the dirty clothings, however, after classifying them in several net packages, she got out from the office, and didn' reappear yet. Unnecessarily she came to show up as if she were existing.

Spooky Ghosts, they are. And they were born to disturb others' dream.

Alex and Clare were their ideal kids, according to them both. Cute and stupid. Always the Alzheimer Queens were superior to them, they thought. And Miyuki understood totally on the contrary. Stupid feeble minded forgetful strange cruel unkind snags they were.

They love to torture us all. Just feeble minded, OK, we are stupid, in certain points, however, with cruelity, not at all. We can't coexist with both of them. They did beyond the limit. And no claim at all now to others, they were ordered, however, they didn't.

Last night, Alex was targetted by HARUMI. When he was using toilet, she yelled to him consecutively, "Oh, you stupid! Shut the door of the office, and lit the toilet light, Bad boy!" Where is Alex?, Miyuki got in wonder.

Alex kept silent. Enough. Always, HARUMI yelled like that, just to show up her "Well cantious clever guy" position. Not at all. She was expert to torture others. Thus, good grief of retiring of her from our safe society.

Each time, they used different key frases like HASEBE. Rights, Safety, Convenience, Social Justice, Politeness, and so on. They lost already importance values. Life and body. For them, no chance to survive, however, they want to be killed as polite ladies... Oh, thus, you should die immediately, because it is only way to show your politeness or avoiding more impoliteness against others.

Their existance is harmful. Not only nasty. They are attakers, in short.

Miyuki came to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to Clare with a gift in her hand, and after compliment, she refraiend from the scene shortly. Miyuki is busy, anyway, and it is school day for Clare. Thus, she has her own pace. Thus, the shortest visit would be fine.

However, HARUMI started to preach with a rice bowl in her hand, on some lesson of Birthday.

HARUMI thought that Miyuki did like that, and Miyuki started her minimum farming job there.

Today, rather cold and rainy. Thus, the second patch only wants to be peeled the blue sheet, and the pots, rather, mainly seeds type, prefered in the concealed position. Anyway, today, cold. Only some super coldness tough type will like the cold rain, and they would not dislike the warm rest with their juniors.

Thus, just a bit of blow of wind, Miyuki thought, and opened a bit for the wind to pass through.

and Miyuki remembered that shooting produces CO2, and the green predicessors would produce oxygen. Thus, with the predicessor would be fine for shoots, and with some passing wind. So so few, however, better than choking situation. ADACHI yelled. Much better. Suffocation should be avoid for shoots. It would cause roots rottening.

Yesterday, when Miyuki was spilling water on the Blue Berry patch, HARUMI popped out, and yelled to MIYUKI, unnecessairly, "Providing water will cause rottening process of the roots, you stupid!" in her arrogant mode. It included, "You should stop spilling precious water immediately!"

Alond the Route 4, so many used car shops are there, including strange NISSAN used car dealing shop. It declares suddenly, "We decided to take a rest on Wednesday. Come back another day!" was their discription. and near the entrance, ASIMO, the AI or articfficial intelligence put Robot, in the staffed animal version, was sitting on the wheel chair!!! Exists? Exists!

Miyuki took the marvelous pictures almost one month before, however, she couldn't inform on this significantly symbolic interresting joke like existance, up to now. Sorry for delay.

Now, YUKARI came to switch on the mashinery, and she put so strong smell put ditergent called New Beads. Oh, she waited for the moment, Miyuki thought. At lunch time, thus, Miyuki would suffer with this smell. Stronger than usual. Miyuki decided to hear up a cup of milk in the micro-oven to cook royal milk tea, and almost fainted with this strong smell.

For YUKARI, no smell as always, however, we suffer so much by way of this evil particle inhaling.

DDMs want to push all of others for the sake of their indulged idol life not to be revealed. They want to be alone in their own house without any disturbance, watching TV, dreaming the ideal lovers. Only when their families popped out, they moved as if they were so busy during day time. MISAE, in short.

If Miyuki were working outside only, she would not have recognized how they were idol and indulged and degraded. However, now Miyuki is free from anxiety of being apple polisher in the office of some groups, she discovered the fact. HIROSHI, Miyuki was during Kyorin Versity period, and YUKARI wanted to play the role of SAZAE-san or MISAE, in short. Stupid and ugly, and unkind. No value at all type. SNAG tribe, they are!!!

During day time, only washing. The rest of time, sleeping, chatting, TV watching, eating rice, are YUKARI's life. In case of HARUMI, just replace the washing job by trash collection. Only one expert system they adopted, probably. Trash collector HARUMI, while washing machine switch user YUKARI.

For them, MIYUKI would be the third guy, to provide meals for them. No. Miyuki provides meals just for Rightous guys, and under the condition: The Two Alzheimr Queens should not appear at all in the kitchen. Not exist, they should!!!

They should do their 定年退食 or TEINEN TAISHOKU, in the grotesque version of obliged hunger by their quitting job. No necessity at all in our world. you are harmful attackers, you, Alzheimer satans!

Burden, in short. And they should refrain from their own society also. They are betrayers, in short. Too too strange in these several years, they were. And they attacked others, in harshest way. They did as they liked, and they yelled that "We did so on behalf of Miyuki". Always, the replacement. Why you are with rice bowl?, Clare asked directly to HARUMI, and HARUMI responeded to her, "Oh, MIYUKI's. She forgot to bring her bowl to her office. I wanted to hand it to her, directly. However, she refused."

Always like that. Miyuki suffered from them both. and no forgiveness at all. Always selfish and childish evasions only. And they put dirty names, in case of being accused. Dirty, nasty stucking situation was caused by them both, and they said, "Miyuki did it, because she is mentally illed". Always, she is mentally illed, thus, she did wrong. And Miyuki forgave to criticise them to others orally, and started to accuse their wrongdoings only on the blogs, and she fights against their cruel dirty ugly treatment in the pragmatic way. Cleaning up the house, would be fine to show her power. And others did know well that Miyuki combined with ADACHI could do it. We are the some co-existing personalities, thus, difficult to separate. Ally and Britteny, we are. Thus, they hate us both.

They are unusual, yes, however, it is the matter of habit. We can get accustomed with seeing them, playing with them, understanding them, to live with them. Yes, strange, in short, however, non attackers they are. Rather, just two personalities share the same stalk, legs and hands. Brains, two. Thus, separated personalities. Not so difficult for us, to understand.

However, even for their mother, "Ummm...sometimes, I am not accustomed to feel that they are so usual common existance."

For Miyuki, frankly she confessed, and probably, as standard, it is taken, generally speaking. However, how we should do? We are satisfied or rather, accustomed to be so. In this case, we don't want to be split...we have right to live.

Thus, so many attempt to separate Miyuki from ADACHI, vice versa. Thus...No Man's Land. Why not?

Non walker, in the rural village, and only one guy are walking. In this case, two heard holders or not, should be the theme of discussion? The standard is Two head holders, in short. Thus, "Only one? Too strange! Lack of one more, aren't you?" fenomenum should happen. However, it doesn't happen. Why? Exists some inclination, specially for one head holding.

Not the matter of number, but only for our feeling. Thus, subjective matter. Thus, in public, not persuasive at all.

Thus, Kyou gained so many rewards!!! Oh, ONBU-OBAKE???

In Shirakawa area, recently, the sling on the back fenomenum happened. Miyuki already reported clearly, and Kyou reported continuously with her detailed tones. Oh, they are two brain holders???

One should be cut, while another also. Thus, all together would be correct answer.

In 1970s, it was popular, while in 21st centuries, the habit was abandoned already.

Now, in Shirakwa, the habit revived. At first, some grand mother fakers only. Then mather fakers, also. Sometimes, they appear, and in every sense, non moving babies are on their back. Not so different from on the belly type. Already diceised type, they are. Just skin bags, they are showing up to sell their mummal milk.

Satanic inclination to body liquid. Thus, OHTA of Todai licked Miyuki's nose. Unusual, however, this guy's some kind of expression. and to protect against affection, Miyuki washed up her face, after being licked.

No choice for satans. Body liquid is tasted by them all. Blood is just a kind of them. Running nose is also. Variety of body liquid was used for their 3D printer using job materials. Iron, for example. And degradation. Thus, tear drop likers were called sob story lovers.

Replacement is so common among OMANKO journalists. For example, look at this article:

Compare Miyuki's TAIMAN with two big heavy duty tracks with this case of high way accident of two deaths.
Miyuki ⇒ Car
Pedestrian deck along Route 4 ⇒ TOUMEI High Way

The same situation. Miyuki provocated the two yellow tracks, and they stop, losing in the battle, and the track after the front one, crashed on the front one, and died two driver and the acompanied guy.

No source among OMANKO journalists, thus, only loop mode they apply and just check gramatical errors. Thus, BLA-BLA-BLA only in written version.

Thus, Japan is super in boom financially, without any seeds of development. Just related on the Liberal Democrat Party's leaders' hope. Thus:

No any industry at all. We Japanese can't produce even plastic sacs. Basic industrial knowledge vanished already, thus, monstrous Alzheimer shopkeepers are eager to ask, "Do you want to have a piece of plastic bag daredly?" in cheapish robbery only commercial facility called KOMERI.

In this Home Center or agricultural supermarket, old used rice bags which came from AKITA prefecture are sold in the shelf. Oh, used fat paper bags are also their commercial goods!, Miyuki got astonished, and took the picture. Already the name of the rice's species was written on the surfice. Thus, the producer of any rice can sell their product under the name of the first class 秋田こまち or AKITA-KOMACHI, famous precious rice in AKITA prefecture.

In the crash of interests of each side, the gods' ordial happens. In this case, long term benefit should be chosen, even in case of short term loss. In total, in after long period, we will gain, thus, we win. Justice should be effective and makes us rich. OKINO theory, we adopted. OOSAKAN only, OKINO thought. However, Miyuki's theorty is so so persuasive for others. Without Justice, just KAOS, thus, if KOSMOS exists, Justice should be prevalent! The existance of Justice. Thus, should be calculative.

We are not perfect, however, better than idiocracy we should reign ourselves. However, they provided just idiocracy, anti-constitutional injustice, unfairness. Thus, Justice should win, eradicating this idiocratic system called Japanese society all in a body.

In the nuclear of this society, existed the religion called Domestic Wives' First policy. Thus, DDMs were revealed as satans, in short. Fass making project, we all got involved for so many thousand of years!!!

Machiko SATONAKA was disliked by Miyuki, OKINO and Moriko. Feeble minded flamboyant girl should control the most beautiful man in the tribe, was the message of her comic, which Miyuki had read when she was in the 6th grader. Vomitting Ice Age's story. She, feeble in body and soul, however, trapped the handsome guy, and the latter fought against all of the tribe, and could protect the former, and they produced the seeds of evilness. Sex only society, in short.

In this comic, the girl was discribed as slender lean lady, however, in fact, DOGUU or 土偶, a fat female ugly body shape holders' dolls, which were found in the tumbs of ancient power holders. The real OPPABU-BABAA in Ancient period in Japan!!

TOHOHO DOGUU was so rare to be found. Lean cheapish girls were not targetted to be the model of this area. Why? Because they were thought as males, thus, not dolls to be buried, probably. Non working crass, which were not desdained to work, was DDMs' catch frase. And they should be buried with the power holder, at the same time.

Male version was King Sii, 始皇帝 in China. He wanted to be buried with handsome soldiers, because he was so jealous. Thus, a good quick minded guy, adviced for the funeral party organizer at this moment, "Think well! These soldiers are so precious and marvelous! Just put dolls beside the deceised Emperor. He already went to INFERNO, thus, he can't recognize the difference between dolls and human beings. Just put so many dolls of them, resembling the soldiers each. Substitutes are enough for the emperor."

Thus, be efficient, was their policy, and did like that.

Always, dolls are empty and they can absorb evil spirits near them. Miyuki feels so much, thus, always, staffed animals only, she chooses.

However, when some dolls came with some good intention of others, Miyuki dislikes to exclude them, because they are representative of the kindness. Not so liking guys, however, a kind of classmates, they are. Thus, she treated them as much as possible, as suitable respectful guys.

Miyuki got to know that doll's face changes by some reason. TAKAHARA's face was so similar to the doll's face, of which she gained as a male partner of the couple dolls called お雛様 or O-HINA-SAMA, for Girls' Day's party on 3rd of March. Not spooky in his case, however, elegant and cold, was his impression, not of TAKAHARA, but of this doll. Handsome aristcrat. however, cold. Thus, Miyuki respected, however, not liked him so much. just not excluding, was her position.

However, after her assasin of TAKAHARA, the doll changed his face. Childish, a bit plump type, he turned. Ummm...yes, he. however, infant version. And not slender type. Oh, he was fat, when he was infant! And gerring married with a girl, you, doll, you are too too immature! Not yet, please! Just child play called おままごと or O-MAMA-GOTO or doll house play in family version.

Thus, they changed their line. Miyuki dislikes marrige. Rather, rotten system in the world. Thus, even in case of gay marrige, "Oh, you choose it? Underdevelopped type in mind...If I were you, I prefer being single gay...However, we are nor perfect. Thus, your choice. With dog? Oh with male dog? Not bad. However, is he rightous? OK, for me. Underdevelopped gays' wedding party is so rotten as common P&H marrige party. The same. Thus, a kind of costume play for me. Extravagance. If you invite me, Dr.Miyuki SATOW, I will participate as a costume play performer, OK?"

Not OK, Miyuki. KENJI was female...Oh, sorry! P&H type! Congratulations, anyway. However, marrige is not so clever way to live together. However, your choice...In Japan, KENJI is usually used for males only..Like Paul or John. So rare to be used for girls...However, she is Kenian. Thus, tribal name, probably.

Black round eyes she has, and so so attractive. She likes Fabio so much, and the same, Fabio. However, Miyuki thought as if she were he, and they would get married in the near future. Too too nice to think so. And Miyuki appointed KENJI, as a substitute of Kenji ISHIKAWA, pimp of Todai, whose major was Constitutional Law, and Fabio, her translator, and Todai should provide sufficient residence for the couple. Gay marrige, Miyuki imaged, and failed. Only simple P&H marrige, Miyuki. You should correct the information totally.

Thus, sorry. Kenji is revealed as female. Thus, look at this article:

In her case, basic body composed shape is the reason of being desqualified. Thus, appearence weighs only even now in sportive society. Thus, Gainer, you can compete with Bolt!!! Carl Louis, you are the rival of Gainer!!!

Terrible confusional classification among sex maniacs. SEX is came from SIX, in the middle. Classification, it means, her junior high teacher told to the pupils in front of their parents, in the special Sunday Class for exibition to the parents. Oh, six is sex, Miyuki understood. Thus, in Rome, one dose is basic unit. Always, one dose. Thus, 12 rules of law tablet gained success in ancient Rome. Always 12. And in Britain, Bakery's one duce means 13. One for cherish to attract consumers, Miyuki thought.

Not at all. They required 13 pieces of value for consumers. Oh, the contrary. Bakers were so sly?

One dozen, is so common in Latin world. In Brazil, in blue sky vegitable markets, the unit is dozen. and Miyuki bought a lot of citrus, per errand, on Saturdays.

Why 12? They had six fingers, generally speaking? The sixth was some extra super technic finger? Day is counted by 24 hours, and 6 hours are one unit of sleeping, working, and prepatation. And one unit is based on, yawning starting period...thus, 60 minutes for common guys.

In Miyuki's case...15 minutes. The yawning starting period. Thus, 4 times more detailed version is necessity for her life. Romans are slow type, probably. Thus, BLA-BLA-BLA only, they could put up with.

Thus, drinking with taking a bath, lying on the bed, in a night party. Miyuki imaged this party, reading some attractive books on this matter. They drank, and vomitted, in public, and they took a bath, all together, and ate and drank, ate and drank, and ate and drank...repeatedly. Kuniko YAMADA's way of dinning, they prefered.

A commedian, she was. She gained popularity by her imitation of Bus Guide explanation:

Bus Guide : Look at the marvelous scene in the left side of the window. This is Tokyo Tower, at the hight of 333 meters high. And look at the right direction. Which you can see?
Tourists : Ummm...clouds.
Bus Guide : Oh, Tourists, you are so stupid to say so. Of course, my right hand fingers!

And she liked to eat and at the same time, she wanted to keep her not fat body. Thus, she ate, in some restaurant, and then, she vomitted, in the toilet, and then, she ate in the second restaurant, and vomitted in the toilet, and ate, in the third restaurant, and then vomitted...Thus, she could gain the both results. Eating various foods, without gaining excessive fat in her body.

For Miyuki, unusual, and nasty, however, a kind of professionalism, Miyuki understood. Fat guys were not attractive. healthy robust plump body is not bad, it all depends on body structure of each guy. And her case, flat and taller, than averege, and not fat, at all. Thus, she wanted to maintain this line, probably.

Thus, a kind of diet, of her own. Miyuki is now a bit with nausia and fever. And she wants to eat OCHAZUKE or お茶漬け or BUBUZUKE or ぶぶ漬け, so much. Not necessity, however, it would be fine to be able to eat it. Thus, with some boiled rice with some salty picked root type begitable would be fine, for her condition. It is easy dish. A kind of porrige. However, it is so difficult to have it. Thus, second choice is, eating porrige of oatmeal in hot milk with apple jelly. Soft not attaking food, now she wants. At the same time, she wants to eat a bit protain...Thus, chicken porrige with pork lard with backwheat powder is second choice.

Easy cooking is so nice, however, gas energy is her preference. And now, micro-oven only. Thus, no rice type. Already cooked type would be used. Anyway, eating should be necessity. Thus, probably, for first porrige, chiken put backwheat porrige, and then, as dessart, British or Latvia type sweet porrige.

Both would be fine, and no choice for rice? If Miyuki make an errand, yes, however, not so attaractive!! Oh, I need to cover our solders with blue sheet. Thus, see you later!!!
