Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (266)

2017-10-28 15:52:42 | 日記
15:58, cold, cloudy,

Oh, US and Japan, as financial Twin, put their imaginary value on stock market price. See this article:

US$220, in Tokyo, the price of stock market is! And the second record was reached in 1996. Oh, already after the Bubble Economy. Miyuki remembered the movie called "Short Money", which was seen by her in Roppongui Hills in Tokyo. The most high valued newly created town in the center of Tokyo.

In the film, so many times, the greedy beasts with human skin bags fail, in the same process. They don't learn by their own failures, big ones, not at all. And they repeated the biggest error in the end.

After the end of the film, Miyuki got in wonder. So many guys were clinging to the seats. 2/3 of the audience. Why? They didn't move at all, thus Miyuki later thought that they were dummies, to show up the number of the audience.

Now, she changed her mind completely! Oh, they died after Miyuki's recognition of the financial problems in the world. They were in the moving process from Japan to INFERNO. Just like dead bodies, they didn't move. Oh, not at all! They were dead already, not "Just Like...". Exactly, in the middle of the process, Miyuki thought of the financial problem and their measures at Kyorin, at first, then, the versities in Japan. And then, stockmarkets all!

Thus, non effective society, she criticised, and then, No Man's Land, again.

Miyuki now took her late lunch with turnip bacon soup. Delicious! They were leftovers of the first patch, however, she learned a lot from their growing process. Sawing is necessity, not luxury.

And she moved a big terracotta pot of berries and lemmons. And now, pleasant report! Abocados are already shooting! Two long thick roots they have! And they yelled, "We want to be the selective members of the symbol trees of the second Pyramid no.2!", and Miyuki thought that it would be a good idea!

she failed a bit during the process. Without knowing, she cut the last part of the longest roots of the first Avocado. So sorry! She would dinne with the members so soon, with her original wine! And so soon, she will gain the kitchen and cook for them, with her cost of US$100 per each roots...Two roots. sorry, however, just "Oooops, and from which these roots were come? Of whome?" at firts, then, when she checked the avocado, she found that she had done it already.

The biggest pot, it was. And she was doing her moving of the berried to the first patch. In the middle, she encountered with unusual existance...So many nasty snag eggs surrounded the Rasyberry roots! She got so shocked, and started to pick the egges all, as much as possible! And she found so rare scene of snag's popping out from the egg. A beige tiny snag was moving, in the size of the egg! Terrible! The snags produced the second generation, confirmed!

It was totally against Warship Treaty! They established NEO NATZU, in short. And a middle sized snag, near! So rare to find the eggs and snags inside the pots! Now, probably, she needs to do this nasty moving works so many times, to fight against all of the snag tribe!!!

She killed them in the parking lots of Shirakawa III. She already had found another fat snag in the first patch, when she was doing harvest job of red raddishes. In the hole of the raddish, it stayed. Miyuki, picked it with the chopsticks, and killed it in the parking lots. Whe used Slate Flat stone, found in the courtyard digging process. Slate was made of coal, probably. Thus, to gain chemically neutral soil, the first patch's coal would work, probably!

Turnips are now turning her Weekend Soup's ingredient. So many, and so tiny. Thus, Miyuki learned the necessity of digging the soil so well before planting. However, tiny turnips are also for her edible, and efficient, because she can eat without cutting process. Thus, no loss at all. And now, the patch are turning to berry field, and it would be better use of this first patch.

No weeds at all patch. Miyuki found strange. Thus, Miyuki asked to allow to use it, and she planted the turnip seeds, in her so easy work. She made small holes with a chopstick, and put the seeds per each hole. She didn't want to exclude any shoots, because they are precious! Thus, just taking a sufficient distance between the neighbour seeds was the correct answer. And the snags attacked them so many times, and Miyuki didn't recognize the attackings at all! And then, the snags started to appear with the shape, and Miyuki turned to be the Killer of Snags!

Thus, they categorized Miyuki, a brave farmer! Nasty, however, she does know well the necessity to devastate them, whole snags all! Thus, she gained the power! Thus, Avocados came! And they were waiting to grow up more and more. However, coldness came, thus, they failed to grew...And now, Miyuki is preparing the two Forever Green Forts, for pots only. Thus, Avocados decided to appear now! Good time to decide the leader of the team Pyramid no.2, and the Avocado Twins, they gained the chance.

The biggest pots are necessary for them, thus, the same pots, without berries, and of course, without snags, would be correct answer! Thus, Miyuki recognized the big errors, and gained the forgiveness of the twins!

And she put four lemon trees, also, already in the same pots. Good to be the center of the Pyramid. Thus, the center pots team, they are now! Already decided. Thus, just accomplishing the primitive tapping plastic cover papers on the frames were waited by all of the pots!!!

She found suitable places for the Forever Green Forts, movable type. The ex-parking lot for the yellow beetle faked car. Just two frames would be fine for the winter, and the pots would be recicable. The necessity to roll down shole of the targetted pots, to avoid the nasty result. Just the reference of the book, which Clare gave Miyuki.

so primitive knowledge for the garden type farmers, the writers teache, in the book, and Miyuki categorized that this book is not so attackable all lie type, at least, they try to avoid chemical weapons, as much as possible. Thus, reference book, and found the discription was correct. Reliable, probably. A bit a bit, Miyuki should confirm the degree of reliance of each book!

Now, she is in wonder of the usage of used teabags. According to some sites, used tea spilling on the patch is basic knowledge for all of garderners, in case of necessity of alcalization of the soil. Accoring to others, used tea leaves cause damage on the soile, beause it is sour. So many contradictional discriptions, thus, Miyuki decided to try anyway, her own way, and then, she will decide which is which. Experimental patches, they are. Thus, she tries variety of experiments in the two patches, yes.

And now she, as experiment, put some chiken bones on the parsely hills. Probably it would cause some counterattack on sour soil. Thus, probably, for western type vegitables, the bone burying would be fine.

And now, unusual contradictional scene Miyuki caught. Alex came back from her schooling, and he dashed into Miyuki's space to say, "Oh, this space is so smelly. You should take responsiblity! Your rotten food would be the reason!" and Miyuki responded, "Oh, sorry, I will dispose the rotten fruits as soon as possible." And Alex opened the window of the office room, the glass sliding door, and the window of the corredor, widely.

And YUKARI dashed into the office room, and asked him, "May I put petroleum on the heater?" Alex said, "I feel nasty smell." And YUKARI, checked the tank of the heater, and said, "Oh, sufficiently, the tank has oil. Can you lit the fire?" and Alex kept silent.

YUKARI, despite of opened window, lit the fire on the heater, and she waited for something. She was there for ten minutes, without doing anything, and Alex said nothing during her stay. YUKARI finally said, "Oh, the heater is fine." in her smallest voice, and left the office.

In the middle of these unilateral conversation between Alex and YUKARI on the heater, Alex said, "This room is smelly!" to YUKARI, and YUKARI said, twice, "I am not good at smelling. I feel any smell at all." with her feeling some fear mode, in the soft low shaking voice. He just informed what caused his window opening behavour, Miyuki thought. And probably, it triggered YUKARI's unusual response of too too early oil heater litting. She couldn't stop the sensation to do something to show up her working. anyway, I need to do something to show I am useful. I am not incapable! I can...I can...Yes, I can lit the fire on the heater, at least!

Also in the middle, Alex said, "This mactch box is scarse in the sticks. I can't lit the fire on the heater with so few sticks". He intended to be provided new match box by YUKARI. However, for her side, "Good Grief. he asked me to lit the heater. He can't do it, and I am sure I can!"

This is Alzheimer world. So subjective, and for others, kinkiest behavour, YUKARI did, is the correct impression.

Subjective world only existance, YUKARI is. From the begining, she has been like that. We all have subjective world, however, at the same time, we do know that subjective world is different from objective one. Miyuki can separate the both, in her sharpest way.
For example, "Dr.Miyuki SATOW is Mr.Universe prize gainer! Oh, she is superman! Look! What is it? Bird? Rocket? No! Superman MIYUKI! Anyway, she is not MAN, she is WOMAN!", in her inner subjectibe world. However, in our objective world, "Oh, messy kinky Uncle or Auntie, probably. Yes, she can sing in Japanese and in English, however, so many different songs, and no preference at all for J-Pop. We are J-Pop generation, thus, her songs are totally out of mind!"

Thus, YUKARI conducts like that. "Alex can't do it, while I can do it" means, at this field, I am superior to you, Alex, she can say so. Alzheimer inner world, she lives. So many years, she lives in this narrow dark world, faking the super domestic diligent guy called Auntie YUKARI. And now, we should know the result. A positive, she is, not O positive. Oh, I think O, YUKARI's blood type is!

however, they checked, and they declared like that. Cheangeable, Miyuki didn't know. With personality change, the blood changes???

Alzheimer memory is so short, thus, after the checking, they already forget the result. Oh, no use for the checking! Thus, for them, A positive is enough. And MAKIKO is B negative. Too too rare, however, it happened. Thus, nurse is good choice at this point also, was Miyuki's understanding. Anyway, near the facility which can provide the same time rare blood, in case of emergency.

Thus, MAKIKO as sobstory heroine like rare blood holder, Miyuki can remember it. Oh, only 1% of guys can gain this type. Especially among Japanese, it is rare. B is also the second rare. And the Alex is B, while Clare is O. Both positive, yes. Miyuki, O positive. IZUMI-san, B positive. Always, O and B surround Miyuki fenomenum. Akemi is AB, while Fu-san and MADOKA, Os. Sayumi, Moriko and OKINO, are As.

AKEMI likes to play with blood inclination combined with personality. O is for cheerful guys, A is for serious type, B is unique type, and AB is kinkiest!

And by any scientific ground at all. However, coincidently, exists experimentsl tendencies on this point. Miyuki, every guy expects O, and her father is O also. HARUMI is A, and YUKARI is O, was Miyuki's understanding.

Japanese prevalence is A, while westerners, O, was heard so many times. Thus, standard model, at this point. Common, no rare at all. And Alex is proud of B, because it is rare than A and O. Thus, we all envy AB holding, and AKEMI has the envied AB.

OKINO is O, soryy. IZUMI-chan is A, probably. Mieko is A, and Mannrie is B. Miyuki's blood is NOTA ZERO???

She can't contribute at the blood contribution. However, if she had testacles, she can contribute at sperm contribution for some furtility problem holders, among rightous brothers only world. The same, the kids book of assisted reproduction explained, using the metaphor of bicycle.

The couple wanted to have a kid. However, he didn't provide sufficient material to her. Thus, they decided to ask sperm to others. Namely, they used sperm bank. Then, the wife gave a birth to a girl. She, after gaining some ages, recognized the difference of the physical characters between her and her father. Thus, the couple explained like above. Sperm is part, and a kind of usage of substitute part of broken cycle. with this new substitute material, the bicycle we can use entirely. Thus, the gene contributor provided the part, and with it, you came to us, and you are the kids of both, thus, no problem!

Reproductive problem, others think, however, subjectively, a kind of no problem. Thus, it worked so much!

Alex and Clare resolved the problem already. Not so difficult. Just, Oh, we have westerner's blood, as we thought before. Better than Japanese blood. Both Japanese, we have not such cute faces, they really sighed. Good grief, only her side...Japanese problem!

Miyuki started to cover the frame of the pyramid no.1. While this job, at 10:00, morning, in the gym hall, another music festival like event. So many cars came and parked in the parking lots of Shirakawa III. Miyuki closed the rope gate, in front of them, to avoid nasty breaking or stealing jobs, as much as possible. They are thieves, and forgetful. Thus, just caution for our side effects.

And Miyuki liked to sing a song, along the melidies that the kids in the gym hall played, putting her original contemption against MISAEs. Variety of songs were sung by her, in a loud voice, to be heard by the audience in the gym hall. Variety of generations she sang for. Thus, folkrolic music, J-pops, Rocks, world musics, kids song, versity songs, and so on. Some guys would feel sympathy and would like to sing with her, and for her side, just contemption only! how nice! MISAEs should be punished!

Strange to say, today, Miyuki didn't hear MISAE's voice at all. Where is she? Oh, Saturday is resurved for plastic surgery, periodical regular checking included. And the music festival stopped suddenly. Why? Miyuki didn't know the reason, and probably, MEGA-DEATH, they wanted to go, She imagined. How contemptious! MISAEs were target, not us, good grief. Thus, now! Here we go to INFERNO, parents! Kids asked to their faked parents, and they vanished!!!

So few families came to appear in the gym. The movement was not so busy. Probably, 10 families. However, Shirakawa III prepared so many chairs for the audience. Just they faked the number, Miyuki calculated. And the voices were not so many. Sound Echo effects were used, however, in total, 10 kids or so. Thus, instead of the kids, Miyuki sang, showing the model of naughty kids. And she preached to them, "Japanese Educational system was so rotten, and the result is you, IKKYO kids! Only obedience world, Japan turned easily because of the wrong educational system, mainly!" and Miyuki accused FUKUSHIMA versity and TOKYO versity. Both are rotten, and now, they provide chance to enter with money or connection with MICCHIKU.

And the meaning of MICCHIKU, in darailed version. MITSUBISHI KICHIKU, Domestic beasts, they are! Kyou named so. MIYUKI said so clearly, and KYOU cried. Even now, for satans, what is MICCHKU? Oh, they forget easily. Don't get dissapointed. It's so common in every place.

OKINO's case also significant. Old Alzheimer is over 60 years old guys only. And OKINO is 55. Which is bigger, 60 and 55? Moriko responded clearly. 60! Yes. Thus, should not be OLD ALZHEIMER, in her case.

Moriko's case was confusional. Sobstory mode, included, of course! Miyuki dashed into Todai Hospital by her unnecessary worry on her exaggarated problem! What should I do! I cough so much! Might be lung cancer! Oh, I lost weight so much! And I have fat LIMPA ball near right chin. Oh, I am suffering from some fatal diseas, might be! I should manage the disease! As soon as possible, to avoid to make my kids orphans!!! And so on. Thus, sob story mode, and she cried so many times, thinking of the possibility, and then, dashed into it, the evilest hospital, because she believed that it were the best one in Japan!

Almost once per 10 years, and the checking prolongs for 1.5 years, and then, no problem, she was declared as usual. Some standard existed in these cases. Pediodical checking like strange situation, despite of her hush hush dashing mode. She was obliged to pay so much, and abused so much. Raped, also. All of contemptions were endured by Miyuki, who was believer of Todai medical skills and knowledge!!! And she got betrayed in short.

She wanted to sing "200% of Obedience and Patience!", a big hit of Terra-Death, faked girls band combosed by all LINDAs. Chinkoro is the star of this unit, because she, Mary-Lin, in this perpormance, popped out of the sky, with her air guiter, with her most violent pose! Always she broke her big electric air guiter, before the play. And this is ritual. A kind of sign of opening of their play. Thus, Miyuki, as Chigu-Lin, played the role of sub assistance. Mary-Lin, you are the super star, in our band! Thus, "Ladies and Gentlemen! We are now expecting Super Flying Rabbit Tribe representative, Mary-Lin, the fluffy orverge girl, who plays the guitar! Now, here she comes! Look! She would appear from the sky!" and all the audience waits for her arrival, and Mary-Lin, with her cutest smiling, and violent appearance, came from the sky, and reached the starge, with her big air guitar!

She, always in rage, starts her breaking guitar job, and she broke it completely, as usual. She got excited so much, and the audience yelled and after cooling down of her sweat on the nose, the band started to play the music!!!!

Frustration causing machinery, Schools are! Tortures are so common, and the percentage of the tortures got increeased abruptly in one year, according to Ministry of Education. And the reason was explained differently by two OMANKO journalism. YOMIURI, the biggest, explaiend that the teachers turned to be more honest, while MAINICHI, not so big, because of pupils' inclination toward violence! Both, not because of teachers. Enough. Just they wanted to write on school problems, and faked the document, and they wrote differently. Ministry of Education didn't provide any reason, it means.

Anyway, Miyuki thought that the pyramids are on the rail. And in case of necessity, she would make one more pyramid for the pots!

Pyramid no.1 would have symbol tree, already. Olive, yes. And now, Pyramid no.2, Avocado Twins! Tompson Twins, for another pyramid! Oh, exist already the candidates? Probably the third guys. Chestnuts Twins? They are already welcomed to stay in Magpie Mountain, and Miyuki changed her mind. Need to wait for a while more to plants them, because it would be dangerous for the twins. Miyuki stomps, without recognize their existance. Thus, probably, up to the tranks get strong, namely, to put up Miyuki's unusual unconscious "Ooops!" like stompling, they should be kept in the courtyard.

Thus, courtyard problem again and again. For Alzheimer ladies, they have right to use it to stomp as they like, however, we don't think so. Productivity is necessity, and stomping as they like is just their hobby, not necessity. Thus the Alzheimer Twins failed, again and again.

So many times, we explained to them, however, as always, they say, "We have right to use it" only. Not at all! You don't have any right at all, because you are incapable. Just it. No right for them!!!

For the Twins, they are obliged to show up unnecessarily, because they need to prove that they were useful, and Miyuki categorized them as unnecessarily cruel harmful attackers. They chose to behave unkind, because they were both degraded morally.

They just pretended to show as if they were kind, and they were liars, revealed and confirmed. We don't want to believe the existance of such kind of creatures, however, Shirakawans, in short. Just they want to be superior to other Shirakawans, calling themselves Tokyo Type.

MICCHIKU life is their aim of adration. No purpose of life, it means. Just disturb others, is their killer catch copy. Thus, the twins yell so many times for us, "You, stupid!", in public.

Miyuki now plants echarotte or western tiny long onions. Almost 10 pieces, she put in the earth of the second patch. Western type soil, she wants now. And she is attmting to furtilize the soil in this line. Putting just bones would be good for the patch. One patch for westernized vegitables and another for traditional Japanese. Now, Miyuki trys also to plant variety of potatoes in the theird "L" line patch.

These days, YUKARI started to use the bicycle. Abruptly, she started. Just like several weeks ago HARUMI started to drive the yellow car. What happened on them? Wheels are the key words. Wheels should be used, were the bosses' instruction?

Excessive burden, Miyuki's existance, for satans. Thus they should vanish immediately. We are all burden to others, however, we can put up with the weight of them. And now, satans can't put up with them, thus, they should refrain from the earth at all!!!

They can't do easy job, in short. Alzheimers are like that. Thus, YUKARI is a good example, already, in HACHIOJI. And now in Shirakawa, she forgot her disease? Unusually forgetful, however, I am normal, was her remark on her symptom. This forgetfulness is called Alzheimer sympton, we tried to persuade her to go to hospital, however, she refused, and started to show up that she can ride the bicycle. And the result, she came back without bicycle!!!

Thus, they searched it, and Clare found it, and she said, "Oh, thanks, it's mine" thus, she gained it again.

Clare did it already and now, again, Auntie? No Man's Land, for this reason. Alzheimer covering jobs, the kids are obliged to provide. Oh, KAZUO ISHIGuRO's "Don't Leave me alone" itself!

Miyuki plans to make Potatoes patch on the long vertical side of "L" letter patch. Potatoes and onions. Roots vegitables only. Beats, and radishes also. Variety of basic vegitables, she wants, and she images her future vegitable patch like that:

She plants variety of vegitables on the patch, as she likes, and then, they grow up as they like. She checks the patch every day, and when she finds some in the good mood to be eaten, she picked them off, and she thinks of the menu, and cooks according to the menu for the day. Professional cooks like attitude toward the patch. A grocery or a market, alsto, she can play the selection job at.

Substitute of grocery or supermarket, in the near future. Jobless, however, materially satisfactional, is her desire to be. Thus, she images the near future, and acts in this line. Sometimes, she needs to correct the plan, however, she reforms the last version, in every time.

Protection against strong wind would be also necessary for Miyuki's Pyramids. Probably, the stones would be used for the purpose.

Now on TV, every Police's wrongdoings are on parade. The name of the program is "The Police, 24 hours". Each contry has such kind of programs on TV, and they are all proofs of their anti-constitutional illegal activities.

Miyuki perceived the strong inclination of the police toward Man Hunting. In collectiveness, they attack on some targetted guy, chased him, asked him beyond thier authority, abusing the police power, threatned him in a loud vulgar rough voice and the holding of the guns, and induced him to the police, after put the handcuffs on his hands, and already the penalty was decided by the police, instead of the judiciary.

They already substitute the judges, and the judges don't work at all. Just gaining money type, the judges are. And the police also act by impulse. They are sadists in the evilest line. They are also chikens individually, thus, always in squad, they act, and they imitate the film or TV heroes, without any exception.

how nasty their vulgar attitude is! Arrogant, and they want to behave as if some protagonists of the famous TV programs. They are just bad actors, with gun. Slightest infringement would be the cause of the big chase with so many policemen.

Drunken and nakid, the informants called to the police, and they spent so many hours to chase the poor guy. So so slightest crime, however, they persistently accused him, an old guy with 60 years over, and preached as if the police were the representatives of the social morality! Terrible! They want to be teachers, also!!!

This is the real Police in Japan. Just torcuring machinery, they are. Sadists unite in the police, was impression taken by Miyuki's side. Police uniform means the licence to kill targets, probably. Foreigners are already targetted because of their distinctiveness. The police is the trigger of Japanese degradation. Judicial Order stopping machinery, the police was.

No justice, because they conducts with total abuse of the power. And TV channel provide them the chance to earn money, at the same time, to promote the police's wrongdoings, by way of showup their faked TV drama protagonists like attitudes.

And human figure audience like to watch the proofs of the exact wrongdoings performed by the police themselves. All of them are witnout saying illegal and anti-constitutional crimes, and TV program producing team ant the broadcasting company support their wrongdoing in the most active way.

Miyuki perceived the extreme resemblance of the police men each other. The same characters, they are. Integralists, or totalitarians, in short. Thus, Mr.Responsibles, they are. No Man's Land's faked Owners, they are, in each region. Thus, they are so arrogant. Management is ownership, for these low level intellectuarily holders, and occupation is also managiment, even it is illegal and illigitimate. Judicial order doesn't exist among them. They themselves preach the rule of their own. They are the ruler, in short. Thus, always they behave wrongly. No brain gun holding class, they are.

Whole narration is all supporting for the police side. Idiocracy's supporters, they are. No rightousness, in short. Just torture and human hunting.

With the existance of the police, we can't work effectively, at all! Informants exist even now, here and there. The police whole should vanish, immediately! VANISH! DDMs! You are so ugly!!!
