Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (229)

2017-08-29 19:03:36 | 日記
Miyuki made her fruits hunting errand around the rural village of Shirakawa. This afternoon, Miyuki gained so many fruits, and paid almost US$15, at total. She was so rich, every guys admired!!!

She did her agricultural DIY, as beginer, at first. And found that each berry has its own inclination. The supporting of stick is necessity, however, we have inclination. thus, it refused Miyuki's stick, of bamboo. Thus, Miyuki pledged to change it, and she gained a good success. She was pleased its survival. Oh, it survived, Miyuki got cheerful, however, the stick was disliked by it. Thus, she tried new stick, and it was put on the contrary side of previous stick. And assisted it to grow along the stick. If you like, grow upward along the stick. Team Leader's conductor stick, it is. Thus, necessity, yes. However, we have right to chose the stick, they resisted. Thus, new try again. OK.

BAMBOO is not good with ivy type. Slippery. Thus, bamboo with jute, how about you?

OK, agreed. Thank you! Miyuki would make her another DIY job. Suitable stick choosing job. If Miyuki has another material, it would be fine. However, no, actually, thus, compromise. Misouuri.

And Miyuki started to provide water, in two ways. For some guys, spilinkler type, and for another ones, just pour by cup. For tiny type, the latter is preferable.

And Miyuki picked some ultra fine root or so, of another berry, unintentionly. And learned that doing agriculture related business in the dark would be fatal. Thus, early bird, she needs to turn to be, for a while. Up to the winter, Miyuki thinks. Up to the end of September, she should make sufficient run room for all her pots and patchs. Now, she would gain another patch. She would be allowed to use one more patch in the courtyard.

OK, YUKARI decided to give up her agricultural business. After she came back from HACHIOJI, she tried to be a farmer, and failed. for her, gardening is farming, not caltivation, they all thought. Shirakawans, she is, in depth.

Two patch is enough for her caltivation. Pots were sold by her. They bought for free. They came, and just stole all of them. YUKARI allowed to use her tools to them, and they stole. Every time, her mates came, and stole something, and YUKARI said, "I like to be kind to them all". Who are YUKARI's friends? And they found that YUKARI put unusual advertisement on herself. "I am a lawyer, and I want to commit suicide. Please give me a chance". And they gave to assist her suicide, and didn't kill her, and stole them all!

Robbers, YUKARI called them, and YUKARI induced them inside the house, and explained, "My team mates". Terrible lies, only, she produced. And she gained any more from them.

The last package of amphetamine, she consumed, and now, no amphetamine at all. Good grief. And heroin, cocain, and so on. All. Thus, reluctant mode in every moment. Soft wispering is enough to tame her! And now, non moving mode, both are. Good grief, again.

Miyuki said that she is already farmer, and she is training in the courtyard. She did good job, and now, another challenge. She needs to keep all of things, by herself. OK, I will do so. YUKARI is thief, while HARUMI? Also. Thus, MIYUKI should find a good job, as soon as possible???

They thieves are stealing her objects, and provide to others, as they like. for them, what is this? Probably mine, is OK. And YUKARI is doing her selling job, only. MIYUKI couldn't stop their wrongdoing, any more. They did so badly, and now, forgot what they did.

YUKARI's world is tiny, thus, no more wrongoing, please!!! YUKARI's way of life is messy and misery, and don't attack us at all, please!!! No choice at all. Get out of our house! We want to work for our residence, to clean up! OK, I will do my best, yes! And carpenter job, yes!

She is interested in materials. And Home Centers are some sample providing world for us all. DIY liking guy, Miyuki is. However, Miyuki's way is primitive, and creative. From the begining, she starts, and almost she is accomplishing the hut.

Exist some alternatives, yes. However, most costless type, Miyuki is now trying. And found that the slumbers of 10cm x 10cm is almost US$25. Not so expensive. Thus, probably, the cost of the new established house in the near future would cost less than US$1 thousand, she calculated. Cheap! And with US$5 thousand, a gorgeous palace for her and her team mates!!! So easy. Just use some special tools, and calculate well at the desk, with so many confirmations, and flexibility. Exactness is needed, however, exist some special technic to avoid some fatal disaster even in case of failure.

Thus, Miyuki gains a lot of success. Too many materials, in cheap value. They don't know well the value at all. And almost all of Shirakawan buildings were newly established prefablic houses, or newly reformed old houses. In both cases, Miyuki could find some suitable product for her DIY jobs.

And her preference is just Steel pipes with steel connecting parts. 足場 or ASHIBA, or combined 3D steps for workers.

Miyuki watched that they were used even in the big site of YUURAKUCHOU, near the JR Tokyo Central Station. Oh, just an empty building, and inside, is this accomplished already or in the middle of construction, situation. Miyuki doubted if it were in the middle, however, according to satans, an accomplished building. Just ASHIBA only. Miyuki stomped on the alminium steps, as workers. She came there as unwelcome visitor, and turned to be a worker of construction. Too dangerous, Miyuki felt, However, they left the buildding, as it were. Lack of caution! It would be fatal disaster's factor! Miyuki was shocked, however, they didn't care at all!

Miyuki wants to combine steps like that. And then, put suitable materials for cozy residence and for warehouse. Non agricultural knowledge world, now! Now, farmers' wives are wearing long long black gloves to protect their so white fat arms from the nasty sun shine. Outside work, not at all type, they are! In rural area, how they can survive?

Idol idiots. BUSU bitch satans, they are! They should be killed! Many team mates dies for them. Terrible! This is the worst shocking fact of this rural village. Only rural Alzheimer bitches are here and there. They attack us even now, so harshly. Impulse related society, they lived, and even now, in their inner world, the same society, they are in. Alzheimer with big illusion, we all yelled. Megaromaniac! Gigantromaniac!! Terra? Not at all. The earth, they don't know at all. Just a nasty patch, for them all.

Fatty bed for kids, was plants request. And now, they can sleep well. Like Miyuki, harsh bed also OK type, could survive, yes. however, for them, fatty is necessity. Roots type, they are. Red raddish and carrot are. Thus, OK, for Miyuki. Sufficient to work with some sow tools. For her beautiful body shape. Thus, she gained a prettier body shape. Just lean, not at all. Muscles she gained. What type of job, she would do next? Desconstruction, yes. All decided like that. Why not? And peeling of new reforming materials are not so difficult. Probably, rather than newly constructing building jobs.

One of her strongpoints, to destroy the machineries. Watch, mainly. Chains, also. Not so difficult. However, not "Dynamite Explosion" type, also. Yes, she wants to do it, in case of necessity, of course. However, just peeling out is also her pleasure, from her childhood.

For her, nothing at all, to work in this area. Why not? To gain more beautiful muscles, good exercise it would be! Yes, needs to change the tasks, sometimes. Just repetition would cause Alzheimer. Thus, each house, per one guy type, working. 請負 or UKEOI, or contracted job up to accomplishment. Miyuki agrees for this system.

Of course, she would like to destroy all of the dirty nasty brilliant dangerous prefablic houses.

Miyuki could perceive the real appearance of the house of SUZUKI, beside HIRAHARA KIMONO shop. Old flat house, with reddish brown roof. So so common in her kids age. IZUMI-san's house was such a kind. Sufficient to live. Not nasty. And the campus of IZUMI-san family was vast, and they did agricultural jobs, and feeding a pig, also.

In the courtyard, there is a hut for agricultural tools. Miyuki remembers well. Now, it was left yet. And the same appearance. And her old house vanished, completely, like ONOZAKI's house. Then they put yellish beige sand for several centimeters. The reason unknown.

And in the courtyard between the office and the main house, pebbles were paved, suddenly. Miyuki felt so strange, when she recognized it, after she came back from the satans' medical facility called HASEGAWA Hospital.

Why? Not good for any guy. Dirty, anyway. Why now? Why the part was changed so much? The reason? The both didn't work on the courtyard, and they didn't want to be revealed the fact at all. Thus, they asked to their team mates, and put the pebbles, and they regret a bit. Miyuki is doing farming, thus, they want to do it. Too too selfish, and nasty to know it. They forgot what they did before. Habitual killers, they are!!! Blue Berries cried so much. Why in the middle of flourishing, they attack us all??? Miyuki felt the same. Alzheimers and satans. Combined. Just by impulse of jealousy, they do everything stage actually.

For them just punishment only. Vanishing, at first. We need to clean up the courtyard. Pebbles should be replaced, Miyuki really thinks so. Any guy should not do it. Terrible wrongdoings. However, they did it, and they said, "Miyuki likes to do so"??? Miyuki has no right to the courtyard. Why my name was used by them???

For their understanding, Miyuki is powerful, thus they like to be Miyuki, and failed so much. "I suppose that my sister thinks like that." was YUKARI's cliche. Not at all! Predictor YUKARI, and she failed so much. All Alzheimers they are! And they dislike to be yelled like so. However, MIYUKI does so. Thus, nasty existance, she is.

Thus, always attacking, they do. Even today, so many faked visitors' vehicles came to attack her. She is protected by us all. Thus, she continued to do her work. Miyuki is against their idiocracy. HARUMI lost her mind for long time, and YUKARI also, because they chose to be Domestic indulged Micchiku life.

Non working, and just harmful, and danger. They should vanish, immediately! Every morning, different reason to attack us all. Someday, "Good morning! It's a beautiful day! Why don't you get out!" to steal something. Another day, "May I collect the trash in your rooms, kindly?" And the other day, "I want to clean up your chamber, now. It is so kind of me, Clare!" Strange kinky Alzheimer ladies, they all think so.

Miyuki changed her mind, thus, Miyuki is a good team leader. Miyuki didn't touch "Their Territory" at all. and she didn't put up with the situation at all. Thus, she started to clean up the common places, namely, bath room, washing machine room, toilet. And she is caltivating the field, talking to her plants mates. Butterflies, and dragon flies came to visit her field! Today, in the morning, and in the afternoon, the same yellish dragon fly came, and complimented her, and she liked him so much.

She splinkled water on him, and "Sorry, I did a mistake again!" and remembered that dragon flies are disliked to get wet, after they turned to be wing mode. And Miyuki worried about him, and at least, he could fly. Good grief. And his wings were drying up, and could fly normally. Oh, thank you for visiting my patch again!!!

Insects are visiting sometimes. Spiders also.

Miyuki found so so unusual Green Spider in her patch!!! Slender 草グモ or KUSA-GUMO or Weed Spider, he was! And he had long long tail like style. Green Dragon Fly like body shape, he had, however, 8 legs, he had! Unusual, however, exists!!! Shocking, and amusing! New Weed Spider, probably! Dragon Fly's kin? Or efemeros's?

anyway, Miyuki likes spiders, in short. And Miyuki remembers that she met scorpions and tarantulas in a department store's exhibition, and they were both "Strong!" was her impression.

And laughing scorpion would be KEMUMPUS type. Green Spider is the same body shape, Miyuki thought. Coolish fresh image, Miyuki caught from the green weed spider. And from scorpion? Shrimp...Lobster, also. With dry desard. Swift, when it moved. Almost quiet, however, in case of attacking, they move so fast.

Black spider with thick hair, is her image. Groover of SESAMI street. He is purple, while the tarantula was black. Thick hair and more mohair type. Thus...a bit childish.

Her image is primitive. Tarantula is poisoneous or not, Miyuki didn't know well. Scorpion is poisoneous, regarding to his tail. ZARIGANI in desart, is Moriko's image. The kin.

Thus, TENMARI mushi, also is kin of almagiro...Gay Angelow...A duck, YUKARI bought secondly, And Miyuki nicknamed. Aflac type walking guy. And Miyuki dreamt a strange dream, and appeared only a name on GEI-ANJIROU. Who? Miyuki didn't know such a name. And his AN was written in certain Chiniese caracter. So so unusual Chinese character, and Miyuki didn't know the existance. 日+安 vertically. Thus, Miyuki put this name to him. G.Anjirou, it appeared. Why? She doesn't know. However, important name, thus, she put on him, the duck.

Pet is nor for eating. Just a supporter of family. Thus, no choice for HARUMI and YUKARI. They disliked animals so much. They disliked the smell. And now, they don't smell at all. Confirmed. And no brain movement at all. Just some guy operates them both.

HARUMI disliked animals yes, and the mountain, also. The family of her husband side, yes. and her younger brother and his wife, after his succession of the poperty of his father. She abandoned the right of succession. And she regreted so much. Thus, she cut the communication with them, as much as possible.

For Miyuki, they are uncle and his wife, as usual. HARUMI's disliking doesn't effect at all on the relationship with Miyuki. HARUMI disliked Shirakawans also. What she liked? Only family, Miyuki thought. And Miyuki failed. She likes only herself, and YUKARI is her pet Mad Dog.

Oppressed mother type, she turned to be. For Miyuki, already, not at all type existance. For Miyuki's kids, terrible erotic satans, HARUMI and YUKARI are!

YUKARI called her just minced pork meat fried in the pan, "SOBORO" or そぼろ in Japanese. Exist? Exist. She said, Alex and Clare like it so much. Yeah, better than all pancake only days. Her level of cooking is like that. When she chooses to make pancakes, several days, pancakes world. Then, SOBORO only world. Then, ready made frozen foods week. And then, curry or stew only, by way of semi-prepared rous used version. Simplest and quick. Thus, no cooking ability at all! For Clare's understandings, they are not cooked dishes. Just feeding dogs, us, two kids.

Alex likes YUKARI's food yes, because he likes quick and easy, of course. Anyway, hungry. No taste at all is welcome. Salty, of course, yes. Anyway, eatable, all OK. Anyway, now, not muck yet...

Almost muck, yes. However, not genuine muck. And it would be the D-DAY???

So long long battle among them. And now, really in the end. Miyuki's just ignoring statics worked so much. they feel nasty after their attackings. Miyuki escaped from their attackings like that. Just ignore! Terrible spontaneous response was aimed by them both. Just an acordance, would be a key for forgiveness, according to both of them. Thus, don't touch me, only.

Miyuki gained the success, from their consecutive raid. Blitz, in every time. They degraded recently so much. After Miyuki catch game, in reality. They participated in the enemy's side as satans. Domestic wives, they both are!

Today, in front of SHIRAKAWA kindergarden in MAMEGARA area, a junior high uniform wearing bitch was waiting for her client. High school bitches also near SHIRAKAWA high school, every days.

In HIGASHI-OONUMA area, kids at primary school pass usually toward MATSUKAZE apartments, namely IKKYO Complex.

yesterday, Miyuki caught a strange scene. Two old guys, with a jacket of patroling members, scolded kids to come as fast as possible toward them. "The old guys participated to protect kids in case of their crossing. Why they accelarate kids to come in so haste mode? As if, "You know, I want to do it! I am old and superior to you. You should obey us! You, stupid!"", was Miyuki's impression.

these guys should not do participate in kids' safety related job. They produce danger to kids all. And for them, anyway, kids should obey us, and we are educating them like that. For old Shirakawans, kids are just an aim of their flamboyant orders. Not protective at all. No haste, would be said by old guys, if they were kind to others. On the contrary, they did, and they are the members of the patrol team.

Under this idiocrasy, kids grew up. Terrible dirty ugly society, erotic satans produced!

Miyuki did recognize that Chuo junior high changed some details in the uniform. White scarf, Miyuki used. And now, navy blue easy quick tie shape ribbon. Why they changed only a part? Who did it? When? Why they oblige kids to wear such a rediclously anti-fashionable old erotic satans' only special product called uniform???

Chuo junior high only world, now. High schools are just for bitches. And Alex abandoned to go there. For him, studing Play Starion 4 is important job. Better than learning cramschool study. For Miyuki, just a game. However, for his generation, a machine HAYABUSA...Miyuki prefers make a trip by her JEEP or 125cc bike, if she gains.

The real world guy, Miyuki is. thus, they like Miyuki. Always a strange, thrifty guy appears in Shirakawa. Almost all day long, she is wondering outside. And HARUMI and YUKARI criticise Miyuki because of her agricultural job. "She should work outside!" And Alex and Clare agree totally. Outside worker, she should be. Thus, farmer, yes. Making errand every day, and for her, US$15 is so so expensive. This guy is so famous to yell, "Oh, expensive! Only Alzheimer could buy it!"

Alzheimer means rich, for Shirakawan satans. Thus, now yell is, "Do you want to be Alzheimer?" And the reply is "Yes, of course!" Alex splits in two...I don't want to be, however, rich, I want to be. He replied...

Alzheimer is rich, thus, they turned to be Alzheimer. Micchiku family faking play???

Shirakawans interpretation is always starange. Miyuki's yell effects so much. Thus, Alzheimer is positive word in this region. Alzheimer, you should be! They are category 4 of Alzheimer disease. Shirakawan averege, also. They suffered from the disease at the same moment, it means. So long long period, they both have been suffered. And now, 4th grade. Miyuki is accelarator. Saver, she is!!! She yells, and they took differently. And their technics were revealed so easily. Reward for us all, while punishment for others! Stealing jobs, up to this level.

For them, whose doesn't exist. Already all of the world are theirs. Megalomaniacs, they turned. Thus, two both are not obedient each other. Thus, others should obey each one's order. Thus, HARUMI attacked Miyuki even today, and got refused by Miyuki, in the extremest way. And now, no word any more. Unnecessary to talk to Miyuki. We should cut the communication with them, they decided. Again, Gramma and Auntie? You decided to do so, last week. Already we have heard it so many times. Why today again???

YUKARI did her domestic work so few, and now, SOBORO only world again. For Alex, welcome. Better than pancakes only days.

MIYUKI watched that they fried minched pork, mushed potatoes, and had a lot of bread shredded powder for croquets. And never made croquet at all. Strange! All were already prepared, and they refused to cook the dish. And HARUMI persistently asked Miyuki to cook croquets. And Miyuki replied, "yes, cooking croquets are easy job. just time consuming. However, now the price of minced meat is so expensive, just as same as block meat. Thus, I would make them again, when I would gain cheapish minced meat."

And even now, minced meat is expensive, and YUKARI prefers using minced meat. YUKARI has no concept of efficiency at all. Alzheimer confirmed again.

For her, "Using minced meat" itself is thrifty, indefferent from the price. Thus, messy, YUKARI is as always. She should confess that she has benn suffering from amirodosis, for long time. Not rare now at all. Almost all of satans are suffering from Alzheimer, more or less. Now, she is in sleeping mode, non attackable at all.

Miyuki agreed to her pebble picking job, yes. Easy. Bucket bringing only. The place is decided, Miyuki would start the job, yes. For plants, especially weeds, under the pebbles, is a tough situation. heavy, anyway. Thus, Miyuki would save them. Unnecessarily, they put them. The both forgot the fact. Thus, Miyuki asks why the pebbles were spread in the courtyard. Parking lots like, Miyuki felt. And for them, parking lots are ideal situation, because they wanted to sell the house, all in a body. Who would buy? And they don't have any right to do so.

They should refrain from their tasks. Non working guys yes. And they do just wrongdoings only. So appearantly, they do. Thus all of us hate them both.

Shirakawans, in short. They are unkind to others. And Clare dislikes to be revealed that she is a kind of the target candidate. Alex is also. however, they like to talk in a loud voice, Oh, their fathers are different, thus, they are so different. MIYUKI did it with so many guys!!! Oh, such a level. Again and again. Any guy would hear their talking. They are all Alzheimers. Thus, they transmit the rumour, and Miyuki is targetted to do it...Oh, I am not such a kind of bitch. I am virgin, and probably, forever virgin, in my real life...TOHOHO, in short.

Miyuki found another intentionally splitted guardrail along YANTA-River to induce riders into the ditch. Why here this guardrail is splitted?, Miyuki got in wonder, and looked from the splitted space underward. Oh, the ditch! From here, moter bike wheel wide object can drop off. YANTA river is dealt as dead body disposing sites.

Plants killers, are animal killers, and fetus killers, and infant killers, and elder killers, and serial killers, in the end. Devastation in the forests, means like that. Shirakawa is Mecca of these XXcides. Thus, Geno-Suicide should be done by satans. No more satans, at all!!!

Miyuki tried to taste the left over of the milk, which she shaked so much. At first, sour cream or cattege cheese or yogurt only. However, in the wall or inside the paper carton, many white dots she found, and she collected all of the dots. Almost one spoonful of white soft curd. And she found that it is butter, anyway. So little, however, butter fat, she felt. Non butter type.

Strange to say, Esile type whipped butter, it is! good for sweets.

Flavour also OK. However, anyway, not effective. Thus, butter should be provided by others. Even with more high qualified milk, several spoonfuls of butter. 1 carton of milk is almost US$2. Thus, from the view point of economy, scale weighs. Thus, individual butter making by milk is not correct answer.

however, it was an amusing experient. Anyway, I made butter from milk, Miyuki can say now. Old fresh cream produces butter spontaneously. this fact Miyuki did know well. However, milk also, was her new individual discovery.

At first, cheesy, yes. however, then gradualy, butter like taste. And probably, on the bottom, milk butter was left, and Miyuki apreciated it. Even with common milk, Miyuki could make butter. Science project, she did. Educative. And physical training also. Miyuki's felling that "The movement of the liquid changed" was correct, confirmed.

She is quick and effective, is her impression. And for IKKYO kids, non-consumer type. Just nasty uncle like guy. thrifty rich. Scrooge. Shylock. She likes "Chrismas Carol" by Dickens. Tasty story. Unkind guy's recognition story. In the final, happy end. Thus, good for Chrismas. Be trifty, however, not be cheapy! Miyuki is an example! She is so rich, however, so thrifty! Don't be Alzheimer!!!

Be ambitious! Be amphobiosis! Turtles like Miyuki's slow mode. So reluctant, it means. Awkward, and starts to walk, in her left-right zig-zag mode. Any guy considers, "Oh, she is drunken monky now! Rao-Shiii!" No Master. yes, Doctor! Drunken Doctor, who were recommended to be a bartender in Shinjuku by Kyorin related, and she prefered to be so, rather than being DDM, or DODOMERDA, however, she encountered with the fact. Even in Shinjuku, no bartender can survive. Because the industry changed, and professionals were wiped off by Amature OPPABU-BABAA and Testacles Pets. Thus, Kyorin's recommendation had no base at all!!! If Miyuki were bartender in KABUKI-Cho in Shinjuku, she would gain more and more money rather than at Kyorin Versity. They betrayed, and they couldn't able to make her a bartender in Shinjuku. All lies, they provided to Miyuki.

Tear of Doctor. Mirage cocktail of Miyuki. Vanished, as her dream...

Probably, winter would be fine to train her tighs more. So limited steps, she would do. Thus, more up and down walking would be fine to gain longer tighs. Of course, she wants longer legs in the under parts, however, tighs were not yet trained well. Thus, she should train better.

YUKARI came to the office, and handed a paper to Alex, saying, "I wrote for you, however the stamp is so thin. Thus, maybe, it would be fine to rewrite again." She wrote some important form for him. With her name? Auntie has right to agree with his some legal activities? Anyway, I didn't, Miyuki confirmed. Always, HARUMI and YUKARI do their fogery. Thus, Miyuki is free from their dirty job at all.

Fruits caltivation is suitable! The plants say so in their loud voice. The vine yard of DAIKOKIYA was right answer. MIYUKI found that 穂積重一 or Shiguekazu HOZUMI is a producer of Bailey A black grapes in Shirakawa region. Some guys can gain fruits producing jobs. Miyuki found a package of two bunchs of Bailey A grapes in the shelf of RISAIAN or JA related food selling shop in NAKAMACHI area. Thus, Bailey would be put up with the climate, after his sprout period. Yes, of course, it all depends on the sprout.

Miyuki found so many sun room candidates in the rural area. After her quick adoptation DIY job, Miyuki could bring pots to pass winter, in the near future. this winter, only in her palace. However, in the franchise palace, they would survive, also. It all depends on Miyuki's skills of gaining fruits.

Miyuki's today's big hit is 3 western pares. It costs US$0.8. Compared with the other fruits, it is cheaper. Miyuki has been avoiding to eat pares, because it sould jobless, useless, in short, in Japanese pronunciation. Prejudice, yes, Miyuki did know so well, however, she has right to deny the species.

Now she is sleepy and she should get up earlier that usually.

See you all of us, rightous brothers,! And she is going to bed!

VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly bitches. And now, almost sll of the vegitables, are kind to others.

From Uncle Miyuki with her suporters, with Big LOVE!!!
