Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (316)

2017-10-11 10:08:23 | 日記
11/10/2017, Wednesday, 16:29 cloudy,

Miyuki found an example of "Informants only society" on this advertisement. Look at this:

Betrayal is praised, and the average gaining of betrayal is US$2.5 thousand, per case. Don't you want to inform the other's weakpoint, slightest one, monitors?, was their message.

And according to this forgetful OMANKO journalists, in 1996, in the middle of "After Bubble Symptom", Japan gained super highest value of stockmarket, in short. Over Bubble Age Value, We all got astonished at their audacious big lie!!! Even Bubble period, the value was always less than US$200, which was compromised by all of MICCHIKU relatives and Japanese government. Existed Big Agreement on this point.

Now, over US$200, the value is! Where is industry? Where are workers? Where are funcional companies? Oh, in INFERNO! Thus, 2 dimension economy only, among OMANKO journalism. No History, No past, No future. Actual Lies, only world, Japanese news are!!! Look at this also:

Miyuki went to JA store also today. By way of Alno Hill, as usual. And found so so laughing document on the process of their wrongdoing, which was they themselves were showing in public. Shames, accumulated ones!

For example, the weather: "Not good", the writer filled on it.

Most important part is the safety cheking on the heavy duty using tasks. And this is horror gags, in serious mood. For satans, only, please! Oh, satans, you are really not knowing the value of lives! Miyuki couldn't put up with their rough way of declaring the matter. As follows, they declared on the checking points officially.

We are taking care of not to touch others with heavy duty vehicles, as much as possible.
We are in danger of slippery place, and we check not to catch the disaster, probably.
We don't want to fall down other objects, as much as possible.

They said, it was not so common to cause disasters, however, sometimes they happen, thus, we, presumably, would behave to avoid the unfortunate result, if we can, perhaps.

Do you believe that any State allows these so vague and unsafe discription for the construction of road or park, or water supply or water disposal? The object of heavy duty using is also changeable, and they change every day, according to their own flamboyant idea.

Several plump females were working for the construction job, and they were just watching the movement of the heavy duty working. They are expecting the treatment after this faked jobs. They want to earn money mainly by OPPABU distribution. Thus, they come to participate in the faked jobs.

Only DEBU fat plump hog hip female holders are hired in this occasion. For the death on the belly only. No spirit already, they have, thus, no chance. Thus, their working is so rough, and dangerous. Why they like to confess their facts so much? A kind of maniac of desclosure, they are!

Confession, is the title of Kanae MINATO, ex-domestic wife, actual writer, she was. And she is cold hearted. At a glance, so plain anti-fashionable rural bitch, however, so cruel case, she wrote, and gained a big success in Japanese society.

She appeared as commentator of social matters, and she was revealed that she herself was so flambyant and no brain type. Some guy, on the back of her, is controling her, was our common impression.

Satans, who gave a chance to be big for common plain domestic wife. Atsuko ASANO, Miyuki remembered. However, ASANO's writing is plain, however, understandable. While MINATO's, out of mind! Just betrayals, she wrote, in the sadistic way. Satanic writers, in novels, is our opinion on this matter.

Puttsun, is their common character. Abrupt character change, in short. HARUMI, YUKARI, also. Mariko ISHIHARA, an actress of Bubble Age, also. Miwako FUJITANI, yes. Keiko SEKINE, also. Taizou SANO, also. Seikou ITOU, yes. Jakuchou SETOUCHI, included. Ikutarou SHIMIZU, yes.

Conversion, we call it. Abrupt change of their relevant belief or value order in their lives. Tatsuo INOUE, is an example of Todai pimps. Ryuutarou HASHIMOTO, also. Munehide NISHIZAWA, Ichirou KITAMURA, Masato NINOMIYA and so on. Suddenly, they changed their religious beleves, in the most swiftest way.

Up to this, NOMIRA got shocked. She rather appreciated INOUE, as rightous brother, and Miyuki also. However, he changed from Catholic to Transcendentialist, and the latter means, idiocracy beliver, in short. KAKISHIMA, also. These guys kill others, and they forgot even the homicide of others, which they did at the past. GUTS fenomenum, it is called. So so shocked at this forgetfulness. Satans are all in this line.

However, forgetfulness sometimes effects. YUKARI this morning required to succeed just like Miyuki. "OK, as you like" was her father's response. Miyuki already prefered to be judicially ilegitimatized by him. Thus, in short, no succession at all. ZERO money, she would gain in the succession. Thus, in case of YUKARI, also.

For Miyuki, as usual. Succession is evil system No.1, thus, she denied it already, and concretly, refused to participate in the evil system. Thus, in short, "Iligitimatized" by judicial strange term. Thus, YUKARI required No Money, in short, against her own intention. Too stupid own goal, and Miyuki's menory worked so much.

For her, why abruptly in 2001, his father asked Miyuki "Are you OK to be ilegitimated?" in so serious voice. YUKARI was there, and Miyuki was preparing documents to apply some versities, because she was jobless, after being fired by Tokyo Versity, on the sake of her single parent baby birth.

Miyuki's reply is short. Oh, your problem. I, rather dislike the judicial term, because of the impression of Chinese characters as 廃嫡 or HAI-CHAKU, which sounds as if I were invalid entirely. However, I am against succession. OK for me, and the system is unilateral, and by your own will, without my agreement, you can do it. Why do you ask me on it?"

Easiest decision for Miyuki. Degraded system no.1 in the history of human beings. And it impressed others so much. No reliance at all on succession, bacause I don't want to be thought of my post death money by my own kids. Terrible! My kids would turn to be my snypers!!!

Don't kill me, my kids! I am alive yet! Don't talk on the succession! is Miyuki's cry. Alex caught it seriously. YUKARI wants to kill others, he thought, when YUKARI accused Miyuki to think of buying apartment, instead of individual house, with land. YUKARI said clearly, "You stupid! Think of the succession! Your kids would be poor because of your stupid decision! Without land, building has no value. Apartment is just only one part of building, no land, in short. You would give a big damage on the future of your kids, you stupid!"

And Miyuki got chilled of YUKARI's expectation on post death of Miyuki. Miyuki is just money provider for YUKARI, already. By way of the kids, YUKARI wanted to gain the benefit of the house. And YUKARI calculated that YUKARI is younger than Miyuki, thus, YUKARI would live after Miyuki's death, enjoying the life with Miyuki's money.

Thus, Miyuki lost any interest on buying individual house completely. And YUKARI is so idol and evil and crulel, despite of her so so feeble minded appearance, Miyuki deeply got impressed.

Miyuki now did her evening farming duty, namely, covering the blue sheets on the surfice of the patches and the pots. Today, Miyuki put jute knit handkartif on the pot of citilians, instead of yesterdy's plastic sac. Probably it would work for Cicilians. Up to gain the glass sun room, please put up with the coldness like this. If you gain the power with this way, Miyuki would apply the same way to other pots, especially, citrus pots. Thus, pilot case, the sensitive to coldness guys' pots are. Test pilots, they are! Not Downward Air Plane type, please! Fly Upward, as much as possible, Cicilians! Be brave!

Miyuki did a slight wrongdoing on the shoot in a pot. Miyuki, knowing its existance, put the added soil on the surfice of the pot. It got upset, and threatend Miyuki to sue, under the name of betrayal of the pledge. Thus, Miyuki appologied, explaining the situation, and admitted her big error. Troublesome, Miyuki thought, and with slight notice, put the soil. 未必の故意 or Intention, in the middle, in Japanese criminal law.

However, finally, the shoot agreed not to sue her, because she offered him future special treatment. judicial trading, which is adopted in USA, not in Japan. Miyuki offered US$100 dinner with him. Greek foods party, among them. And if he agrees, Greek foods party with others, with the same value.

US$100 is the highest value, which Miyuki thinks "Wow, really expensive!" now. Thus, sincere, he thought. And Greek, is good point, which he got interested in recently. Thus, probably, she would make menu for it. Soup, greek type: Buyon, Oatmeal, lemon peel and juice, egg white. A bit of salt, probably. Dessart; Bacrava, honney, mazipan, wheatflour cracker, almond, walnut. The main dish is not decided yet, however, probably, grape leaves would be used for it. Apperitif: Not yet decided. Octopus would be good, probably.

Oh, Euge Civilization! Miyuki categorized so so cheerful world, they enjoyed. Probably, a model of co-existance of FAUNA & FLORA and human beings.

Probably, it was Paradise, and Atlantis is not it, rather later civilizations, which started with ancient Greek one. Ocutopus was used as design motiv of the civilization. So vivid, and the human figures at that moment did it with animals, presumably. With love, of course. Not raping case.

And dirk skin guys appeared so many in the paintings on the wall and the vases. However, westernized face, they had. Probably, moreno types, they were. More suitable for Black Athen. They vanished, and they were devastated by Greek army. And from Greece, the seeds of GENE modification started to grow, and in the end, under IDIOCRACY, we did it, and got sunken, entirely. The end of old system, in short. Thus, No Man's Land is realized in every region.

In SHIRAKAWA, not yet. However, in the so near future, we can realize it. Paradise Project. 楽園計画 in vulgar way of saying. And the impression on the four letter words, "Oh, Chinese Restaurant combined with MUJI!"

Unfortunately, despite of Miyuki's westernized idealism was taken by Rightous Brothers in this vulgarest way, in resume. Too too cheapish, she is. Thus, oh, quick easy convenient job, they thought. Miyuki doesn't deny the character of this job, yes, however, a bit more coolish, Miyuki imaged. However, OK for Miyuki's side. Inside of her mind, so so westernized idealism exists. However, for vulgar common guys, probably, lack of knowledge of liberal arts causes such a confusion. We should put up with their unbenefitted situation. Thus, no problem at all. Miyuki chose the result, not subjective feeling at all. Thus, OK, Chinese Restaurant, which provides universally cheapish ordered dishes, in its easiest quickest way, according to the orders.

At least, not "Alzheimer Restaurant", which is run by Alzheimer satans, where consumers should be obliged to eat non ordered dishes, which provided by the satanic team's flamboyant feeling.

At JA store called Ri-SAI-AN, Alzheimer patients provide "Only Dried up Powder situation packages of variety of vegitables", "Only mish-mushed products", "Only kids' cooking type products" and so on. So so easy to make, only stupid can do it type result of the food treatment. Dirty, nasty and expensive, are their characters.

Thus, sub-products are dangerous at all! Miyuki remembered the lunch box of Tokyo Bay Detention, which included mashed potatoes with the smell of female bottom part. OMANKO KUSAI, in short. They made cray mixing after they gained the lunch from some shop near the public facility. This kind of "Too mixed powdery ingredients" type products only there in JA store. Probably, only Alzheimers exist in SHIRAKAWA. They have skill to steal, pick, mix, paste, mill or so only. 単線機 or Only one use machinery, they are. Thus, YUKARI's weekly mush potatoes story started in this season.

Only half a dosen of recipe, YUKARI knows, and last winter, weekly mashed potatoes only. Once per week, it was made in large scale, and the kids were provided it at each meal. HARUMI didn't claim anything at all, and spoke ill of Miyuki to others in public, saying, "YUKARI is bad cooker, while MIYUKI is worst. The latter doesn't cook at all." And now, they are free from anxiety of cooking. Good grief.

Mashed potatoes are now so difficult for them both. Thus, they retired from their cooking job. Dirty, nasty objects were called "Delicious dishes done by kind skillful cook called YUKARI" was their illusion. No Man's Land because of them in reality.

Disastrous, in short. satanic salty dishes. Not devil egg, devil chiken and so on. In this case, mastard put, in short, and chilly, yes. Not salty, it means.

Mustard, yes! Miyuki wants to cultivate it! She needs to cultivate more patch! Spyce is her next target!!! Herbs, in the next generation, Miyuki is expecting. Yes, Miyuki falied yesterday. She recognized that she fold the basil stalk, without knowing, and appologized him, saying, after driying up, I will sprinkle your seeds in the soil. And then, probably, many baby leaves would pop up, and then, Miyuki, who gains suitable kitchen, will be given several leaves from them.

Some peppers, also. Cultivate, as much as possible, variety of seeds, yes. And now, Miyuki is in wonder on the light weight of walnuts in the shelf of JA store. It costs almost twice espensive, and it is lighter so much than casual products. What happened, Miyuki thought. The same name tag, 大沼美恵子, or Mieko OONUMA appeared, however, so so light. Miyuki is now investigating the species of walnuts.

Miyuki learned a lot of fact from some discriptions on inernet. In resume, they were KASHI-KURUMI or 樫胡桃 or Orak Chestnuts, diffrent from Japanese traditional Mountain walnuts called Devil Walnuts. This strange name is after the hardness of the cover. Thus, not artifucially changed or burnt already. Miyuki is now in mood to buy the new products. They came from Asian continent. Easy to break, and OAK related. Probably Miyuki's kin, in distance. Thus, she will depart here almost 10:00, tomorrow.

Miyuki's office room cooking school is a big success. This morning, she cooked Bolish, and this time, the flavour is naturally delicious. ADACHI says "Superb!", considering Miyuki's limited situation. No kitchen, and in the office room, and she put Sii-Qua-Saa lime, and it made no necessity to put salt situation. Delicous, and sweet. Beets functioned so well, with the harmony of other petit ingredients, namely, lemon and a tiny turnip. A bit of other products is the correct answer.

And then, turnip soup with bacon. In this time, big hit of "Blue Turnip". Purple Turnip turned to be blue! Beautiful contrast of other red turnips! Transparent after heating! Colourful! Pretty, in short! Miyuki is planning blue and pink transparent turnip soup for others. Consome type would be fine for the soup! Colourful soup will astonish the visitors with big smiling! Jack in the box type surprise soup, it would be!

And now, Miyuki decided to use one big bottle for her Brandy Project. Western Pear skin only bottle. She put the newly peeled one and the old skines, already kept in another tiny bottle, to combine altogether.

And now, she cooked Rubby Apple with melty cheese. The the middle. Sour sweet with cheasy a bit salty flavour. Ummm...eatable, however, not superb, yet. Roasted Cheese was super fine, according to her primitive memory. However, micro-oven use doesn't effect in this case. Thus, Miyuki wants to have gas range, at least, two circles.

Today, it's Wednesday, however, JA store was open. Last week, they closed the shop, and said nothing. Presuming
the discriptions put in the independent building of messy restaurant, on Wednesday, they take a recess. Suddenly changed the holiday, Miyuki got impressed, and today, no recess at all. IDIOCRACY in short, again.

Squeals will adore this new product called Oak Walnut. At the same time, Miyuki warned to them all. Easy to crash the nuts, thus, you should do escersise more and more to be bigger, or, you would turn to be just plump, and you would be obliged to run on the round conveyer, as your tourtured kins! Curves, you would be put in! Animal version, yes. In stead of running on the ground, they prefer running in the conveyer. Squeals training center, they frequent.

Squeals laugh at the joke. they really like Miyuki's sarcastic jokes. No much energy to laugh more...Oh, hungry? Thus, No Animal Land, in the end. Thus, so many articles came from Mountains to the towns!!! They are really hungry, encountering with the devastation. And also in the towns, they were killed and tortured. So many squeals dies in NANKO mountain range. No animal land, so many times. Their attackings were so harsh. Thus, Miyuki buys many walnuts, probably, however, one package costs US$4, thus, twice rather than Devil Walnuts, they are really much more rare now in Japan.

They turn to be so big trees. 20 meters high. Thus, in this case, 10 meters distance is necessary between them. Alno Hill is already devastated, and now, another devastation with various heavy duty vehicles. Miyuki watched the functions of each vehicles, and not so difficult to controle the machinery, she thought. In a vast space, it is rather good amusement like Gulliver Miyuki works in a big sand ground, playing the sand constructing game, as she, as kid, did sand play in the courtyard. Miyuki, MAKIKO, IZUMI-san played there even when they were junior high. Of course, when pupils of the primary school were not there. Vacant place, thus, for them, good to enjoy the vacancy. And sand ground was no problem at all.

However, when Alex and Clare were infant, they were prohibitted to play the sand ground. HARUMI yelled that it was shitted by pussy cats, not clean at all.

Thus, their grand father made a special sand ground for them only, however, the same remark was ejected by HARUMI. Always HARUMI disturbed their pleasure. Always the reason was anti-scientific or reasonless. Flamboyant messy ladies, HARUMI and YUKARI are, was Alex and Clare's final decision.

They learned a lot from Miyuki's attitude. Miyuki didn't claim at all on satanic attacking? Claimed, and gained the support of others. They are satans, they should vanish. Thus, Miyuki wrote their reality toward Rightous Brothers all! The both ladies are samples of Japanese DDMs. Femi-Les Ugly Bitch Cruel Dirty Alzheimer satans, they are! Intentionally they disturbed others' happiness. Terrible chain mail like illusion based society, they live in, even now.

YUKARI spets on Miyuki, even now. Miyuki compared with last year's situation. Only impulse inclined now, yes, and no brain functioning, at all. Just "I hate you, stupid!" only, YUKARI is now, thus, only attacking on Miyuki situation again. She came to the office, with only one purpose. Just bringing washing basket. Just checking the bath room. Just opening the windows. Just opening the doors. A bit a bit, she degradaded mentally and physically.

Flat space for apples and pears, while Mountain slope, ivy types with tall type trees, like walnuts, chesnuts, and so on. Thus, dress wearing guys, they would turn in the near future.

They grows 1 meter per year, thus, so many vast places would be borrowed by MIYUKI. And Alno Hill is ideal for Miyuki, considering the situation. And heavy duty training center, it turns to be. Miyuki monitored satans' juniors controling of the heavy duty vehicles, and judged that it is rather easy and enjoyable, as she wrote above.

Thus, good for her side. And she laught at the exisance of Memorial Park of The Big Earth Quake in 2011. Oh, my toilet and water supply!, Miyuki thought of it. No man's land, and only toilets are there. Strange empty scene. However, Alzheimer disease holders think that they did their best. Only toilet in vacant space. Oh, Tokyo Central Station!

Now, Miyuki found that the Alzheimer twins split again. HARUMI lost reliance on YUKARI now, and yelled to her "Suffering illusion holder", while YUKARI doesn't obey HARUMI ever. Thus, ugly struggle between them on so tiny matters. Trifles, they dispute with each other on.

Tonight, bathing order is their theme of discussion. At first, HARUMI yelled to Miyuki, "Is there someguy who took a bath already? I prefer taking a bath not at first." and Miyuki kept silent.

HARUMI, presumably asked YUKARI the same question. And YUKARI didn't know it well. And YUKARI came to the bath room of the office, to say her claim directly to HARUMI. "Why can I know such a thing?! You should ask it on the guy directly! Why you put me in the middle of the guy? I am not negociator of you, HARUMI! Don't call me such unimportant matter here. I was obliged to come all the way from the main house!" And YUKARI did the same choice, twice, accusing HARUMI again and again. And HARUMI ignored YUKARI.

Ridiculous scene, the battle was. YUKARI came to the office, just to say so twice. She came to claim spontaneously, and YUKARI accused HARUMI because of her invitation. Now HARUMI is barked by her own Mad Dog. More than 30 years, HARUMI feeded and protected this Mad Dog, and in the most critical moment, it betrayed.

Thus, YUKARI wanted to gain the succession money, as soon as possible. For my safety, YUKARI said, and she agreed the same value of Miyuki. The result! Marvelous! No money at all!!!

YUKARI started to refuse HARUMI's requirement. Obedience was their treaty, and now, YUKARI forgot the base of her protection. Thus, just kinky old forgetful bug, even for HARUMI, YUKARI turned.

YUKARI is so strange. Any guy admitted, however, only HARUMI denied the fact, and she put the dirty name on others. And YUKARI took advantage of the situation, and faked as if YUKARI were good domestic service provider. Total lie, it was. However, they tagged on this point. Cover their errors against the benefitt of others. Their lies should be kept in secret, and each guy played the role of witness of their alibi, and the other's wrongdoing, produced by them artificially.

This is the system adopted in any society in Japan. Kyorin adopted also. AOYAMA Gakuin, TSHUDAJUKU and so on, also followed the system. Why they came with a clerk or several ones, with a board for memorumdum to register my remarks?, was Miyuki's clue to understand the evilness of them all. They are producing proofs, according to their own selfish interpretation, and this is totally contrally against the basic knowledge on the processual law. The enemy's side guys are not fair and reliable at all, is our golden rule. However, they are satans already.

From the begining, human beings are satans. And some rare guys are allowed to live with us all, as suitable to co-exist. honesty is necessity. Thus, Miyuki is gaining so many prizes, yes. GUTS, now turned to be attaking point. Oh, SOUGUI MODOSHI?

A coin of US$5 was put on the stone table in front of him. any guy didn't take it. Too too strange for us all. Naughty kids would like to pick them up to buy some sweets on the OOYA confectionary beside GUTS. Miyuki presumed that No Man's Land means no kids world, thus, any kid did not want to have them.

A kind of. No kid recognized the money, was the result. Ikkyo kids are recognition problem holders, in short.

Miyuki got surprised at their musical skill again. Too too primitive. She thought that the first or second graders played each instrument under the Ms.Responsible type female teacher, and found also that only few guys played the role of IKKYO kids. So few kids were there. Our school was like that?, Alex and Clare got in wonder!

On the road of Alno Hill, Big heavy Duty damp tracks passed beside Miyuki from her back. They wanted to hit her, probably. However they couldn't. Also, in the river side of ABUKUMA, smaller black van passed beside her, this time, from front of her.

And in YOKOMACHI area, on the pararel ally of Route 294, Miyuki watched a dark brown car went beside her in the middle of the road, not on the left side. Alzheimer driver, confirmed.

Oh, Drone! Miyuki was monitored by a Drone also in Alno Hill. Miyuki bravely shot it with her Gun Fighting pose. KATSUMI adored it! With "SHEEEE!!!" pose of MEE, of OSO-MATSU KUN, by Fujio AKDATSUKA. Slugger of Ultra Seven also. Specium Beam of Ultra Man I, too!

And it gradually shrank. Why it appeared? Just to compliment Miyuki?

Flying machinery, they are. Thus, Alzheimer pilotting, they do. Downward Airplanes, Downward Helicopters, Downward Oslpays. Downward Sesnas. Downward Drones. Efemerous like Efemeros.

Vanishing, yes. They shall die, immediately. However, too too slow. Thus, we all plan how to cultivate Alno Hill. Chestnuts and Walnuts would be fine to put in the mountain slope, and the west side of the hill. In the middle flat space, apples and pares. Walnuts and Chesnuts grows 1 meter per year. 10 meters in distance between them. Apples and Pares, 5 meters per each. Between the trees, the fields can be cultivated according to the neighbours' advice. Weeds fields also are welcomed. Variety of vegitables and flowers would be planted between trees. Root type also. Beans would be fine to be planted in other side, probably near the river bank.

Miyuki found the south edge of the hill was occupied with the family called KIKUCHI. Oh, YUUKO's???

Alzheimer family, already. Beside the house, their painting factory was there, and its name was 8-loss. Do you believe it???

And on the wall of the family courtyard, there are wedge of bushes, cut in the shape of 凹 on the contray, consecutevely. Four 凹s, impressively. Alzheimer gardening they did, it means. It should not be. Just like "We want to advertise your posters between the wedges" was Miyuki's impression.

On 22nd of October, national congress's deputy member's election would be held, according to the advertisement. 6 posters would be put on the board, however, the order of the math figure is:

1 - 3 - 5
2 - 4 - 6

Totally skewed. The producers and the supporters of this putting were all Alzheimers, confirmed.

1:Communist party, 2:Liberal Democrat party called UESUGUI, 3:Democrat Promoting Party called GENBA. The rest is empty. How much money was used for the illusional election. Just put the photograph type poster. So many years ago, they vanished, presumabely. No Man's LAnd, however, tax was collected even now. 苛斂誅求 or Harshest tax system for us all. They are satans and zombies. Why we are obliged to pay for the wrongdoings done by them all???

Already FUKUSHIMA prefecture vanished. NASU belongs to TOCHIGUI prefecture, and TOCHIGUI doesn't exist either. Why they perform as if they were existing? Just to absorb money from us. Draculas, they are!!! Carpatians, new walnut team is, from the birth land of Dracula legend. Just a Rumanean legend, similar to Blue Beard in France. Probably Erotic Satans, they were, like Shirakawans. So similar, thus, it would be accustomed for them all. Nasty however, we should put up with the situation and start our new creative job, as early as possible.

L-R, L-R, U-D, U-D

Miyuki monitored how to move the heavy duty vehicles, like Road Rollers, Cranes, Bull Dosers, Shovel Cars. Easy to move. Slowly is recommendable. However, not so difficult. Left-Right, Upper-Down. Easy controlling. Even stupid Alzheimers could move in their roughest mode. Why we, common human beings can't? Of course, yes!!!

MAchinery, they are. During their stay, without satans, we can do our job, yes! Easy, quick and efficient. Establish our Fruits Paradise!!! 果物楽園 is also giving the impression of Fruits Parlour combined with Chinese Restaurant. Not so different from Miyuki's image. Fruits Empire is 果物帝国 or some So Big Fruits move as if they were Monsters, is Miyuki's image. 化物帝国 it is! Chemical Garden???

BAKERUNO-SHOUGAKKOU, or ばけるの小学校 or Transformers' Primary School, was the TV program of NHK Education. The Doll Animation, and Miyuki felt spooky. Dolls are absorbing so so negative spirits, was Miyuki's understanding on the dolls with human related figures. Appo-ShimaShima-Gugguguu, also. Jusaburou TSUJIMURA's works, too. Shimon YOTSUYA's, also.

For Miyuki, dolls are similar to human skin bags, thus, they were used by evil spirits, probably. Thus, already, inside the Japanese baby dall, existed evil spirit of satans, and it replaced the skin bag from it to YUKARI's. So so similar and so so vacant and stupid!

Now YUKARI is pussy cat mode toward Alex. Tamable, however, nasty. Alex brought her to the main house. She came just to complement him, just in the mid night, exactly 0:00. Strange habit to say, "Mya~o!" to her nephew. however, we should put up with their attacking!

See you soon, Rightous Brothers! We will have better Thursday!
VANISH! DDMs! Ugly bitches, you are!! Satans, in short!

From Uncle Miyuki, with Cyborg 009, With Big Big LOVE!!!!
