
「歌声列車IN房総半島横断鉄道」の夢を見続けている男・・・ 私の残された時間の使い方など

宝島・・登場人物 (ウィキペディア)続き 機械翻訳

2014年11月21日 | 好きな歌

Minor characters


"Blind Pew" redirects here. For other uses, see Blind Pew (disambiguation).
  • Alan: A sailor who does not mutiny. He is killed by the mutineers for his loyalty and his dying scream is heard by several.


  • Allardyce: One of the six members of Flint's Crew who, after burying the treasure and silver and building the blockhouse on Treasure Island, are all killed by Flint. His body is lined up by Flint as a compass marker to the cache. According to The Adventures of Ben Gunn, his first name was Nick, he was surgeon on Flint's crew, and Ben Gunn was his servant and friend from back home.


  • Job Anderson: The ship's boatswain and one of the leaders of the mutiny who is killed while trying to storm the blockhouse; possibly one of Flint's old pirate hands (though this is never stated). Along with Hands and Merry tipped a "black spot" on Silver and forced Silver to start the mutiny before the treasure was found.


  • Mr. Arrow: The first mate of the Hispaniola. He drinks despite there being a rule about no alcohol on board and is useless as a first mate. He mysteriously disappears before they get to the island and his position is filled by Job Anderson. (Silver had secretly given him access to alcohol and he fell drunkenly overboard on a stormy night.)

氏矢印:イスパニョーラの一等航海士。彼はそこにボード上のノンアルコール約ルールであることと一等航海士として役に立たないにも関わらず飲む。彼は神秘的に、彼らは島に到達する前に消え、彼の位置は、ジョブ·アンダーソンによって満たされている。 (シルバーは密かに彼にアルコールへのアクセス権を与えていたし、彼は嵐の夜に船外に酔っ落ちた。)

  • Black Dog: Formerly a member of Flint's pirate crew, later one of Pew's companions who visits the Admiral Benbow. Spotted by Jim and chased by two of Silver's men, but disappears from sight. Two fingers are missing from his left hand.


  • Captain Flint: John Flint, the fictional pirate Captain of the Walrus. After robbing and looting towns and ships among the Spanish Main, in August 1750 he took six of his own crew onto Treasure Island. After building a stockade and burying the bulk of his looted treasure, he killed all six men. In July 1754 he died at Savannah, Georgia, of Cyanosis, caused by drinking too much rum. While dying he gives his treasure map to Billy Bones. Long John Silver's parrot is named after Captain Flint. Several members of his crew figure in the story: William "Billy" Bones, the ship's first mate; Long John Silver, the ship's quartermaster; Israel Hands, the ship's chief gunner; Allardyce, used as Flint's "pointer" to the treasure; Job Anderson, the Hispaniola boatswain and mutineer; Dirk, one of Pew's henchmen in the assault on the Admiral Benbow inn; Black Dog, another of Pew's henchmen in the assault on the Admiral Benbow inn; Benjamin Gunn, the island maroon; John, a Hispaniola mutineer, possibly one of Pew's henchmen on the assault on the Admirial Benbow inn; Tom Morgan, a Hispaniola mutineer; Blind Pew, the blind murderous beggar; and an unnamed mutineer of the Hispaniola marooned with Morgan and Johnson on Treasure Island.

フリント船長:ジョン·フリント、セイウチの架空の海賊キャプテン。スパニッシュ·メインの中の町や船舶強盗や略奪の後、1750年8月に彼がトレジャーアイランド上に彼自身の乗組員の6を取った。柵を構築し、彼の略奪宝物の大部分を埋めた後、彼はすべての男性6人を殺した。 1754年7月、彼はあまりにも多くのラム酒を飲むことによって引き起こされ、チアノーゼの、サバンナ、ジョージア州で死亡した。死にかけている間、彼はビリー·ボーンズに彼の宝の地図を提供します。ジョン·シルバーのオウムは、フリント船長にちなんで命名されます。物語の中で彼の乗組員フィギュアのいくつかのメンバー:ウィリアム"ビリー"ボーンズ、船の一等航海士。ジョン·シルバー、船の需品。イスラエルハンズ、船のチーフ砲手。宝物にフリントの「ポインタ」として使用アラダイス;ヨブアンダーソン、イスパニョーラの甲板長とmutineer。ディルク、提督ベンボウインの暴行でピューの取り巻きの一つ。黒犬、提督ベンボウインの暴行でピューの取り巻きの別。ベンジャミンガン、島栗色。ジョン、イスパニョーラのmutineer、Admirialベンボウインの暴行にピューの取り巻きのおそらく1。トム·モーガン、イスパニョーラのmutineer。ブラインドピュー、ブラインド残忍な乞食。とイスパニョーラの無名のmutineerはトレジャーアイランドにモルガンとジョンソンで置き去り。

  • Abraham Gray: A ship's carpenter on the Hispaniola. He is almost incited to mutiny, but remains loyal to the Squire's side when asked to do so by Captain Smollett. He saves Hawkins' life by killing Job Anderson during an attack on the stockade, and he helps shoot the mutineers at the rifled treasure cache. He later escapes the island together with Jim Hawkins, Dr. Livesey, Squire Trelawney, Captain Smollett, Long John Silver, and Ben Gunn. He spends his part of the treasure on his education, marries, and becomes part owner of a full-rigged ship.


  • Benjamin "Ben" Gunn: A former member of Flint's crew who became half insane after being marooned for three years on Treasure Island, having convinced another ship's crew that he was capable of finding Flint's treasure. Helps Jim by giving him the location of his homemade boat and kills two of the mutineers. After Dr. Livesey gives him what he most craves (cheese), Gunn reveals that he has found the treasure. In Spanish America he lets Silver escape, and in England spends his share of the treasure (£ 1,000) in 19 days, becoming a beggar until he becomes keeper at a lodge and a church singer "on Sundays and holy days".


  • Mr. Dance: Chief revenue officer (titled: Supervisor) who ascends with his men upon the Admiral Benbow, driving out the pirates, and saving Jim Hawkins and his mother. He then takes Hawkins to see the squire and the doctor.


  • Dogger: One of Mr Dance's associates, who doubles Hawkins on his horse to the squire's house.


  • Israel Hands: The ship's coxswain and Flint's old gunner. Killed on Hispaniola by Jim after he tries to murder Hawkins.


  • John: A mutineer who is injured while trying to storm the blockhouse. He is later shown with a bandaged head and ends up being killed at the rifled treasure cache.


  • Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins: The parents of Jim Hawkins. Mr. Hawkins dies shortly after the beginning of the story.


  • John Hunter: The other manservant of Squire Trelawney. He also accompanies him to the island, but is later knocked unconscious at an attack on the stockade. He dies of his injuries while unconscious.


  • Dick Johnson: A mutineer who has a Bible. The pirates use one of its pages to make a Black Spot. Mortally ill with malaria, Dick ends up being marooned on the island after the deaths of George Merry and John.



  • Richard Joyce: One of the manservants of Squire Trelawney, he accompanies him to the island. He is shot through the head and killed by a mutineer during an attack on the stockade.


  • George Merry: With Anderson and Hands he forces Silver to attack the blockhouse instead of waiting for the treasure to be found. Later killed at the empty cache just as he is about to kill both Silver and Hawkins.


  • Tom Morgan: An ex-pirate from Flint's old crew. He ends up marooned on the island.


  • O'Brien: A mutineer who survives the attack on the boathouse and escapes. He is later killed by Israel Hands in a drunken fight on the Hispaniola.


  • Pew: An evil and deadly blind beggar who is accidentally trampled to death by the horses of revenue officers riding to assist Jim Hawkins. Silver claims Pew spent his share of Flint's treasure (£ 1,200) in an entire year and that for two years until his accident at the "Admiral Benbow" he begged, stole, and murdered. Stevenson avoided predictability by making the two most fearsome characters a blind man and an amputee. In the play Admiral Guinea (1892), Stevenson gives him the full name "David Pew". Some film adaptations call him "Blind Pew". Stevenson's novel Kidnapped (1886) also features a dangerous blind man.


  • Tom Redruth: The gamekeeper of Squire Trelawney, he accompanies the Squire to the island but is shot and killed by the mutineers during an attack on the stockade.


  • Tom: An honest sailor. He starts to walk away from Silver who throws his crutch at him, breaking Tom's back. Silver kills Tom by stabbing him twice in the back.


Among other minor characters whose names are not revealed are the four pirates who were killed in an attack on the stockade along with Job Anderson; the pirate killed by the honest men minus Jim Hawkins before the attack on the stockade; the pirate shot by Squire Trelawney when aiming at Israel Hands, who later died of his injuries; and the pirate marooned on the island along with Tom Morgan and Dick.


 宝島・・主要登場人物 (ウィキペディア)機械翻訳に戻る
