ブランケンベルヒの町town of Blankenberge
海岸通りのアニメーション animation on the beach road
砂浜風景 landscape of beach
自然が残る町はずれの砂浜 beach with nature outside of the town
町はずれの砂浜 beach outside of town
干潮時は沖合いまで歩ける people can walk until the offing during the low tide
砂浜から町を望む town landscape from the beach
中心部近くの砂浜 beach near the centre
This time I introduce you the most popular sea resort Blankenberge in Belgium. Many shops open on Sunday and there are many tourists. There are many people in the beach neat the centre of town. But it is empty in the beach outside of town. The difference of the high and low tide is very big and, at the time of ebb, can considerably walk to the offing.