Luxembourg Photo 欧州小国写真紀行

欧州の小国ルクセンブルクと周辺国を写真で紹介します。PHOTOS OF LUX AND SURROUNDING

第2235回 Octave Notre-Dame 2016-1

2016-04-16 19:00:11 | Luxembourg

Luxembourg Cathedral

The first mass of Octave

The « Octave » is one of the most significant religious pilgrimage events marked in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. From 16th of April until 1st of May, this event is honored with an „Octave-market“ held in the capital’s Place Guillaume II (Knuedler) square and the Place de la Constitution.

Historically, this market catered to various pilgrims, providing food and a place to shop for basics. Today, this traditional market includes a small fun-fair packed with local sweets and savories as well as retail stalls selling souvenirs and other gifts.