Luxembourg Photo 欧州小国写真紀行

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第2380回 Bretzelsonnden

2017-03-21 18:17:42 | Lux-event

Pretzel Queen

Luxembourgers celebrate 'Bretzelsonnden' (Pretzel Sunday) every year on the third Sunday in Lent.

Pretzels are a Luxembourg specialty, made of puff pastry with fondant icing and almonds, representing two lovers arm in arm. Although pretzels were originally salted, the sweet version is more common nowadays.

According to tradition, a man should offer his sweetheart one of these pretzels on Pretzel Sunday. If she accepts it, he is allowed to visit her on Easter Day, when he will receive eggs in return.

Otherwise she gives him a basket. Hence the Luxembourgish expression 'de Kuerf kréien' (to be given the basket), meaning to be rejected.

In leap years, the tradition is reversed: girls offer their sweetheart a pretzel.

In Luxembourg City, Pretzel Sunday is celebrated these days as a neighbourhood party, and the Jhangeli tourist train is decorated with pretzels and accompanied by a small band. The procession, which includes pastrycooks from all over the Grand Duchy and the 'Pretzel Queen', walks through the streets of Luxembourg City, handing out free pretzels.

(Explanation from Luxembourg government site)