Luxembourg Photo 欧州小国写真紀行

欧州の小国ルクセンブルクと周辺国を写真で紹介します。PHOTOS OF LUX AND SURROUNDING

第67回 ルクス市中央公園 central park of Luxembourg City

2007-10-31 01:09:13 | Luxembourg

This time I introduce you the central park of Luxembourg that was former fort of Vauban.
The city is surrounded by the valley but it is faced to the flat land only the west side. Therefore it was constructed the strong fort in this side. When the city constructed the underground parking 5 or 6 years ago, the part of the fort was appeared from the underground. Now we can see this part of the fort after the rearrangement.

第66回 ルクス市の蚤の市a flea market of Luxembourg City

2007-10-30 01:50:18 | Luxembourg

Luxembourg City also hold on a flea market in Place d’Armes like other European cities from spring to autumn. As the size of market is small, you can find many old dishes, decorations, dolls and books.

第63回 秋のブリュッセル 1 autumn of Brussels

2007-10-26 00:26:53 | Belgium

From this time I show you a autumn landscape of Brussels where I stopped during the trip to Brugge. This time it is Grand Place. As it was Saturday, I saw several wedding couples in front of town hall.

第60回 秋晴れのブルージュ1 Brugge of autumn fine weather

2007-10-23 01:13:45 | Belgium

I went Brugge by day trip on October 20. This time I introduce the landscape of Brugge with blue sky of autumn fine weather. The train to Brugge was full. It was very cold but there were many tourists in the city. The first one is the landscapes along the canal.