Luxembourg Photo 欧州小国写真紀行

欧州の小国ルクセンブルクと周辺国を写真で紹介します。PHOTOS OF LUX AND SURROUNDING

第341回 眠らない夜 1 White Night in Metz

2008-10-29 02:10:48 | France-event

Place St Lous

St Louis


Place d'Arme

This time I introduce the White night (Nuit Blanche) that was held in Metz at the first time. There was a free bus service from Luxembourg City but it was nearly empty.

第338回 大聖堂の宗教行事 1 Religious event in Cathedral

2008-10-26 01:52:16 | France

This time I introduce the 200 anniversary of St Fiacre Confraternity on Sept. 27, 2008. We could see the procession with farm products and the status of saint from the various places in France. In the cathedral the special product of each place and the decoration of the flower were exhibited.

第337回 ポーランド移民写真展 Polish Immigration Photos

2008-10-25 05:38:00 | Lux-event

This time I introduce the photo exhibition of the immigration history from Poland. The first immigration arrived in here before 1920. Now 2 or 3 thousands people live in here.

第334回 科学者の夕べ 1 Scientist Night

2008-10-22 00:45:01 | Lux-event

今回は、9 月26日夕方からルクス市内で開催された科学者の夕べを紹介します。科学者が子供たちに科学の楽しみを実習を通じて分かりやすく説明していました。す。
This time I introduce the Scientist Night event in Luxembourg City on Sept.26, 2008. Scientist explained children about the interest of science through the practice.