Luxembourg Photo 欧州小国写真紀行

欧州の小国ルクセンブルクと周辺国を写真で紹介します。PHOTOS OF LUX AND SURROUNDING

第685回 聖ニコラオス 1 Saint Nicholas 2009

2009-11-30 02:01:09 | Lux-event

I introduce Saint Nicholas Parade in Luxembourg City on Nov. 29, 2009. Children recived the pack of cookies and apple. The day of Saint Nicholas is Dec. 6 but Luxembourg City always organize on Sunday before this date. Shops also opened this Sunday. In Luxembourg children receive the gifts from their parents on Saint Nicholas Day.

第683回 クリスマス・マーケット 1 Christmas market 2009

2009-11-28 05:07:20 | Luxembourg

シュトレン (Stollen)


Christmas market has started from Nov. 27 in Luxembourg City. There was the music band parade. People could eat Stollen cake as they want and drink Glühwein (hot wine).

第679回 ハイキングコース 1 Hiking Course

2009-11-23 21:21:13 | Luxembourg

There are many hiking courses for the beginners and middle level in Luxembourg. This time I introduce the middle level course in north region.
It is the couse about 1.5 hour that there is up and down to the hill. Person can walk without losing way because there is a map guide and the symbol in many places.