Luxembourg Photo 欧州小国写真紀行

欧州の小国ルクセンブルクと周辺国を写真で紹介します。PHOTOS OF LUX AND SURROUNDING

第263回 コブレンツ 3 Koblenz

2008-07-31 00:07:09 | Germany

This time I show you a Ehrenbreitstein fortress where stands 118 metres high, overlooking the Rhine opposite Deutsches Eck.

第258回 ナショナル・デー前夜祭 1 National Day’s Eve

2008-07-25 01:57:16 | Lux-event

Main stage 1

Main Stage 2

Main Stage 3 with many people

This time I show you the midnight music festival of National Day’s Eve on June 22, 2008. Many young people enjoyed the open air disco in the free concerts of many places. As Luxembourg is a small town, normally we don't see so many people, especially young people.

第255回 ラインラント唯一の豪華宮殿 Palace in Bruhl

2008-07-22 00:39:18 | Germany

Augustusburg Palace

Falkenlust Palace

This time I show you the luxurious palace classified in UNESCO world heritage. It is situated in south suburb of Cologne and it is a only palace in Rhineland. When there was the government in Bonn, it was used as the Guest House where many chiefs of state were invited.