Luxembourg Photo 欧州小国写真紀行

欧州の小国ルクセンブルクと周辺国を写真で紹介します。PHOTOS OF LUX AND SURROUNDING

第16回 ベルギー中世結婚絵巻1 Belgian Golden Tree 1

2007-08-31 07:15:35 | Bel-event


This time I introduce the ‘Tournament of the Golden Tree’, organized in 1468 in the Market Square on the occasion of the wedding of Charles the Bold, Count of Flanders and Duke of Burgundy, with the English princess Margaret of York. The pageant remains a colourful and enchanting event with some 2000 actors, six giants and twelve floats.

第14回 ベルギー花のパレード1 Belgian Flower Parade 1

2007-08-30 00:49:33 | Bel-event


I will introduce the Belgian events from this time. The first event is Flower Parade held on Aug. 26 in Blankenberge where is the most popular sea resort in Belgium. It is held every last Sunday in August and it is the biggest flower parade in Belgium. The theme of this year is “Maskers”. The first parade is Miss Belgian Beauty 2007. There is a special direct train to Blankenberge every Sunday during summer from Luxembourg.

第13回 ルクスの夏のイベント4-移動遊園地Kirmes - Summer Event 4

2007-08-29 16:59:35 | Lux-event



The big fair (Kirmes – Schueberfouer) has been opened since Aug. 23 in Luxembourg City. This event is the end of summer. Since the opening time we have a fine weather for a week exceptionally in this bad weather’s summer. It will continue until Sept. 11. The price will be half on Sept. 11 and there will be a firework. There are also many restaurants and shops.

第10回 ルクス夏のイベント1(路上大道芸) Summer Event 1

2007-08-27 22:48:23 | Lux-event

Drôle de Mine Companie (France) ‘La Gastounette’

La Compagnie Du Bout Des Doigts(France) ‘Le temps des saisons’

Heinz baut (Netherland) ‘Jean cnstruit une tour’

Buldegom Théâtre(France) ‘Encore PluVieux’

Compagnie Mouton de Vapeur (France) ‘Quiétils, les marcheurs de dedans’

Makitouch et Cies (France) ‘Les Colorieuses’

N[ex]t (Latovia) Saxophone 4tet.

Compagnie Stromboli (France) ‘L’Engin’

There were many events in Europe during summer. I introduce the events in Luxembourg and Belgium from this time.
The first event is Street Animation held on August 11, 2007 in Luxembourg City.

第9回 ワイン街道-4(Wine Route -4)

2007-08-25 01:18:38 | Luxembourg

レーミッヒの町(Remich town)

レーミッヒからの観光船(Tourist ship from Remich)

かってのセント・ニコラス修道院の門(Gate of old St Nicholas monastery)

水上オートバイを楽しむ人(Person who enjoy Water bike)

バナナを楽しむ人たち(Persons who enjoy banana)

The final chapter of Wine Route is the most popular town Remich where is situated near the middle of Mosel river (42 km long in Luxembourg) .
Every the end of March we can enjoy the full of sakura along the river. There are many tourists during weekend and many cars come from Germany to get the cheap petrol.
During summer many people enjoy the water sports on the river.

第8回 ワイン街道-3(Wine Route -3)

2007-08-24 00:29:52 | Luxembourg

ドイツとの国境にかかる橋からのシェンゲンの町(Schengen from the boarder bridge to Germany)

同じく橋からシェンゲン協定の記念碑(The monument from the bridge)

シェンゲン協定の記念碑(A monument to the Agreement in Schengen)

記念碑近くの果物売り(Fruit seller near the monument)

モーゼル川(Mosel river)

ドイツ側にある標識(Road panel in Germany)

シェンゲン城(Schengen Castle)

This time I introduce the final point of Wine Route, Schengen. It is very famous for Schengen Agreement which allows for the abolition of systematic border controls between the participating countries. There is the monument under the EU flag. Schengen is located to the border of 3 countries (Luxembourg, Germany and France). In the Schengen Castle Luxembourg Prime minister had a meeting with Russian President last May.

第7回 ワイン街道-2(Wine Route -2)

2007-08-23 00:16:29 | Luxembourg

ワイン街道の標識(Panel of Wine Route)

ワイン街道の2階建て路線バス(Double decker bus of Wine Route)

モーゼル川沿いのワイン街道とサイクリング・ロード(Wine Route and cycling road along Mosel river)

斜面一面のぶどう畑と丘の上の小さなチャペル(Vineyard and small chapel on the hill)

ワイン街道の村エーネン(Ehnen along Wine Route)

ワイン司教(Wine bishop)

民俗博物館(Folk museum near Remich)

村の間は両側ぶどう畑(Vineyard both side of the road between the villages)

村落の風景(Landscape of village)

I introduce the landscapes of Wine Route again. There were nearly no cars on Sunday lunch time. I could see sometimes only cyclists.