


2009-02-10 | ★妊娠3ヵ月






でもママ、その気持ちわかる~♪。* ゜ヽ(o´∀`o)ノ。* ゜゜・♪


15 コメント

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Wedding (Mari)
2009-05-22 06:38:06
Dear Tomo-chan,

today, it also was very warm in Germany. WE had about 24 degrees. And the sun was shining a lot.
It will become very warm on weekend, I heard.
Your brothers wedding is this week? Greate. I total like going on such events.
And you will wear a Kimono? What will it looks like, if a pregnant will wear a kimono? I never saw it. Is it able?
What do you mean with "cod roe"? I don't know that word.
So.. there is nothing, I can tell you. I didn't do something really special in thelast time. Maybee next time, I can tell you more.

Hi! (>Marichan)
2009-05-12 11:33:28
Japan is 27 degrees Celsius today.
There is the person walking with short sleeves.

It becomes hotter from now on.

There is the wedding ceremony of my younger brother late this week.
I look forward to it very.
I am a pregnant, but am going to wear a kimono.
A photograph is done and is in tune with the blog of the cod roe.

OK,,Have a nice day!
Pig-Influenza (Mari)
2009-05-06 05:49:08
Dear Tomo-chan,

Yes.. my Bird with the name Kibou has died. But.. I bought a new bird. Hoshi should not live alone.

Yes... I know about the "Pig-Influenza"... hm.. in Germany it called "Schweinegrippe"... I don't really know the english name.
Yes.. we all have to take care.
But.. there are only 6 people, who had that Influenza in Germany. I hope, it will no become more.
Are there ill people in Japan to? I saw in TV about the airport in Japan, where people was checked out, if they are ill or not.

So... the weather here is still becoming worse here. Today it is only about 15 degrees. But.. I heard, it will become warmer next week again. WE will see.

So.. thats all for today.. have a nice day.

Hi,dear (>Mari)
2009-05-02 14:16:07
The bird that you had kept died.
It is very sorry.
Cherr up,please...

My surroundings are the birth rush,too.

It wishes the thing where all babies are safely born.

Recently, the new kind of influenza becomes popular.
You also must take care about the body.

have a lovely day!

T&C xoxo
yaaa... (Mari)
2009-04-25 09:25:06
Dear Tomo-chan,

yes.. I don't need to be operated.. isn't it good? I think so.

Here the trees also blooming.. and it is becoming warmer. Thats good. I really like Spring.
Yes.. Easter isn't really popular in Japan. But here it is.
But.. one day after easter, one of my birds has did. I was very sad. But, because of, I don't want the other bird is alone, I bought a new one.
It is also a very sweet bird.. His name is "Yuki". (^-^)

Ah.. you are in the 6th month now. Do you still don't know the gender? And the name?
I'm sure, your baby will be born safley.
Two of my friends also getting Babies.
One getting a boy, and the other one a girl. There is a baby-Boom!

So... thats all for today. Wish you a nice day.

Mari yori!
Hello! (>MARI)
2009-04-23 13:35:50
You should not operate at once.
It is good.
I was relieved, too.

The colorful flower begins to bloom in Japan.
The temperature rises, and there is a day that can be spent also by the short sleeve.

its not congratulate Easter so much as you know in Japan.

I have gone for the baby's medical examination today.
It is the pregnancy six months now.
It came to quicken recently.
I wish the baby to be a safely born.

ok,,thats all 4 today.
Have a nice day!!
T&C xoxo
Gallstone (Mari)
2009-04-17 06:52:39
Dear Tomo-chan,

well... I talked to the doctor, and she said, it is not nessessary for me, to do an operation. It would be only nessessary, when I would have pain very often. And... I have sometimes problems.. but not to much. So... I don't need to be operated in the near Future. Yokatta. (^_^)

By the way... the weather here became fine. Everything becames green. Thats greate.
Last weekend, there was eastern here. We made a breakfast with the whole family. Tanoshikatta!
Eastern isn't very popular in Japan, isn't it.

So... have a nice day.

Unknown (>Mari)
2009-04-15 12:15:32
Yes. The photograph is my baby's photograph.

Is there a gallstone on your body?
Everyone feels undergoing the operation scary.

However, it was good in the minor symptom.

The thing that your operation succeeds prays sincerely.

T&C xoxo
Baby and Job (Mari)
2009-04-04 07:37:27
Dear Tomo-chan,

Ahh.. you still have no name for the Baby. You will decide, when you know the gender, right? A friend of mine also is pregnat now. She will become a girl.

Your Office had been closed? Really? Oh.. thats really not good.
And so you left the company. I understand.
Sure.. for you, the most important now is to concentrate on your baby's birth now.

I saw the photo... and I think, I see the face. I also always saw the baby on my sisters and my cousins photos.
Hope, I can see a photo of your Baby, when it is born soon. (^.^)

For me.. I also have a little "Baby"... my doctor found out, I have a "tanseki". (I can't find my englisch dictonary, so I wrote the word in japanese.) So.. I think, I will have a operation soon. If I would have no problems.. there is no need for an operation. But.. because of, I have some problems with it sometimes, it would be better to to that operation. But.. that kind of Operation isn't really difficult.
But.. sure.. I'm a little but affraid.

So.. thats all for today.
Have a nice day.

Mari yori!
Hello! (>Marichan)
2009-03-28 14:11:52
Yes. My baby's sex is not understood.
Therefore, the name has not been decided yet.
I have given the candidate of baby's name with the master.

The office where I had been working was closed by unification and reorganization.
Therefore, I left the company.
I gave it up though I wanted to work.
It concentrates now on safe birth of the baby.

Was it photograph of the article that I wrote today?
can you understood baby's face?

ok,,thats all for today.
T&C xoxo!
Baby (Mari)
2009-03-08 10:33:34
Dear Tomo-chan,

ah.. you still don't know the sex of the Baby.
No.. I think, we count like the same. A pregnance is 9 month. Don't think, it is different in Japan.

Yes... my cousin did a very easy delivery.
Her son is 4month now.
Did you still searched for names?

Here the economy also isn't really good.
As you said it is a greate depression worldwide... also in Germany. Sure.
That don't makes it easy for me to find a job.

May I ask you.. what means "pulled the pin"? I never heard it befor.

So... I hope, you also have a nice day.

Hi,Dear (>Mariちゃん)
2009-03-07 14:10:12
I am 4 months pregnant now.
However, sex has not been understood yet.
How to count might be different from Germany.

Did your cousin give birth in 20 minutes?
It was very easy delivery.
It envies it.

Because I pulled the pin now, every day is slowly spent.

Japan is a great depression.
It is a great depression worldwide.
It wishes business to recover.

OK,,Have a lovely day!
T&C xoxo
Baby (Mari)
2009-02-24 08:43:37
Dear Tomo-chan,

year.. not write for a long time.
So.. you are pregnat. Congratulations.
You are in the third month? Ah.. thats right.. it is not a stability periode.
You still don't know the gender? I have no idea, when my sister knew it.. maybee in the 4th month? If it become a boy, it is easier to see it. My sister told me.
Ah.. sure.. your parents and your husband's parents are surely happy to become a grandchild.. don't they.
So.. you will get it in September. Nice. A half year until September.
Which birth method do exist in Germany?
You can get the baby in the natural way.. or Caesearen.. nor naturaly but in a bath.
My sister got both on the normal way. (^.^)
Ah... my cousin only needet 20 Minutes to born the baby. That's fast.. isn't it?

So.. wish you a nice day.

Hi!How r u? (>Mariちゃん)
2009-02-23 12:05:08
Im fine,thank you. Long time no c,isnt it?
Yaah! I received the baby.
It is the pregnancy three months now.
Attention is necessary time because it is not a stability period yet.
Because sex has not been understood yet, the name has not been decided.
The family is very pleased with the grandchild's birth.
The expected date of confinement is September 9.
What birth method do you exist in Germany?
I seem to be going to give birth by the natural delivery though I am hoping for the painless delivery.
Baby? (Mari)
2009-02-19 09:53:33
Dear Tomo-chan,

Hoow are you? I'm fine.
Don't hear from you for a long time.
Are you getting a baby? Omedetou!
Do you still know, what it will become? Still have a name?
But.. on the Ultraschall-Picture, it looks very small. SO... I think, you still don't know.
So.. let me know, if you have more informations about it.

Mari yori!