

島サミット 環境協力できずなを深めたい

2009-05-23 12:22:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun(May. 23, 2009)
Japan should cement ties with Pacific isles at forum
島サミット 環境協力できずなを深めたい(5月23日付・読売社説)

Through providing cooperation in the fields of environment and marine development to small island nations in the Pacific Ocean, Japan, which has nearly 7,000 isolated islands, will also enjoy benefits in the form of acquired expertise in those areas.

With the participation of leaders and representatives of the Pacific Islands Forum, which comprises 14 nations and regions in the Pacific as well as Australia and New Zealand, the two-day Japan-Pacific Islands Forum summit meeting began Friday in Hokkaido. The triannual meeting is the fifth since 1997.

At the meeting, Prime Minister Taro Aso proposed the creation of a "Pacific environment community," and the participants agreed to work together in dealing with climate change as partners sharing the Pacific.


EEZ's potential in focus

For small island nations that have been suffering chronic shortages of power and water, the main pillar of the ongoing cooperation is to spread Japan's advanced environmental technology, including solar power generation and seawater desalination.

Japan's solar power generation technology converts solar energy to electricity at a rate among the most efficient in the world. As for seawater desalination technology, Japanese companies have 60 percent of the global market share in the field of reverse osmosis membrane water purification systems.

In Tuvalu and Kiribati, which are in danger of disappearing beneath the waves due to their low elevation, technologies developed as conservation measures for Okinotorishima island may be useful, including coral transplantation and a technology that creates sand by placing active electrodes in seawater.

The provision of cooperation in such fields is expected to yield the side benefit of the transmission of Japan's scientific and technological capabilities to the rest of the world.

Japan and small island nations in the Pacific share common development potential and tasks as they all consist of islands scattered across the ocean and have vast exclusive economic zones.

An EEZ is a sea zone over which a country has economic rights in respect of the exploration and use of underground and marine resources. In recent years, Japan has begun full-fledged work on the development of its EEZ.

However, it is not properly utilizing its about 400 inhabited isolated islands and about 6,400 uninhabited islands, although some of them could serve as hubs for EEZ development.

By advancing technological research on the generation of electricity through the utilization of tidal currents and differences in sea temperatures, and research into offshore fish farming, the government should promote the nation's isolated islands and develop its EEZ. Knowledge acquired through such research will also contribute to providing cooperation for small island nations.


China, Taiwan dangling carrots

China and Taiwan have been rolling out diplomatic initiatives to boost ties with small island nations in the Pacific by offering huge amount of economic assistance. For the purpose of corralling nations with diplomatic ties, they have hosted multicountry meetings similar to the Japan-Pacific Islands Forum summit.

The fact that a field in which Japan is a leader--environmental technology--was picked as the main pillar of the cooperation will highlight the difference between its cooperation and China's assistance diplomacy. We hope respect will be paid to the framework of the Japan-Pacific Islands Forum summit and that cooperation among its members will be strengthened.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, May 23, 2009)
(2009年5月23日02時05分 読売新聞)

