

国連安保理 制裁の実効性をどう高めるか

2009-05-27 08:32:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun(May. 27, 2009)
Tough sanctions needed to halt DPRK's N-efforts
国連安保理 制裁の実効性をどう高めるか(5月27日付・読売社説)

Japan must actively lead discussions at the U.N. Security Council to ensure that a new resolution against North Korea for conducting a nuclear test Monday produces results.

At an emergency meeting Monday, the Security Council agreed to start work on a new resolution after declaring the latest test a "clear violation" of Resolution 1718, passed in the wake of North Korea's first nuclear test in October 2006.

Tokyo plans to prepare a draft resolution, which calls for a beefing up of sanctions against Pyongyang.


Resolution must have teeth

Resolution 1718 obliges all U.N. member states to ban the export to North Korea of arms and materials related to weapons of mass destruction as well as luxury goods. It also requires them to freeze assets held by North Korean companies linked to weapons of mass destruction and requests them to inspect the cargo of vessels traveling to and from North Korea.

Pivotal points in discussing a new resolution are whether the Security Council will be able to expand the scope of the assets freeze, compile a list of luxury goods banned for export and make ship inspections an obligation rather than a request.

Work to select North Korean organizations whose assets are to be frozen was suspended after Pyongyang returned to six-party talks on its nuclear program in 2007, but it was resumed after the North launched a ballistic missile last month.
The number of such organizations currently stands at only three, reflecting the positions of China and Russia, both of which are reluctant to impose sanctions on North Korea.

The Security Council should not make the same mistake in responding to the latest nuclear test. It is important to ensure a new resolution has teeth.

Even if a new resolution is passed, it is possible North Korea will openly defy it by ramping up its nuclear program and test-firing more missiles.

Unless the United States and China make a serious effort to forestall North Korea's nuclear ambitions, it will prove difficult to make Pyongyang abandon its nuclear development program. The United States can resort to financial sanctions, while China, as the biggest provider of energy and other aid to North Korea, can play a crucial role.

Japan is directly threatened by North Korea's possible development of missiles with nuclear warheads. It is therefore essential for Tokyo to vigorously urge Washington and Beijing to apply pressure on Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear program.

China has said it is reluctant to strengthen sanctions against North Korea because doing so would make the early resumption of the six-party talks, which it chairs, less likely. Russia, which currently chairs the Security Council, has acted in tandem with China.


6-party talks not top priority

The truth of the matter is that North Korea hitherto used the six-party talks to play for time in its efforts to develop nuclear weapons.

It has been a standard tactic of North Korea to agree to the resumption of six-party talks only in an effort to gain something in return. At this point, prioritizing dialogue with North Korea will only give the country an opportunity to turn the situation to its advantage.

The international community must make the yet-to-be-agreed resolution the cornerstone of an approach that will put pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, May 27, 2009)
(2009年5月27日01時27分 読売新聞)

