Change - The Very Best In You - 1982
こんばんは。アルバム「Sharing Your Love」からシングルカットされUS #84、US R&B #16。前作までとバンドメンバーが入れ替わった第一弾です。Mauro Malavasiらイタリア人プロデューサーが前面に出たアルバムとなりました♪ やはり前アルバムからの「Paradise」のインパクトが強すぎたかな・・・。いい雰囲気なんだけど♪♪
From the same titled album
"Sharing your love" 1982
The second and final album that featured lead vocalist James Robinson. Change continued scoring hits with "The Very Best in You," while the up-tempo tunes clicked in the clubs and the slow songs got urban contemporary airplay. The group had toured successfully in 1981 and that momentum continued into 1982
Producers were Mauro Malavasi David Romani & Jacques Fred Petrus