最新コーティング方案を発信するShimada Appli(シマダアプリ)→High T.E. spray


New Film Coat Gun & Nozzle of Shimada Appli.

2016-10-07 | Conformal Coating

New film coat gun & special nozzles for selective coating of Shimada Appli.

Shimada application(the coating method of using film coat gun) :A uniform thickness coating could be applied in a splashfree manner to a printed circuit board by using a leaf shaped liquid film.

Shimada application,printed circuit boards could be coated with an insulator coating of surprisingly high quality in terms of coating thickness uniformity and the absence of splashing, by supplying the liquid coating material to an airless flat patterned nozzle at a supply pressure, e.g., 0.5Mpas for a 100 cps viscosity coating, such that a liquid film emission from the nozzle is produced in the form of a flat leaf pattern.

These equipment and system applied a basis of Shimada Application(United States Patent, Patent Number:4,880,663) invented 28 years ago now.

Shimada Appli G.K. is the venture combination company which performed a company in 2011, and sells the precision spray valves to each industry of semiconductor, PCB, battery, bio and food based on paint coating technology experience more than 40 years.

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