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Networks, Complexity, and Relatedness: Sensemaking and Selection of Cooperation Toolsより。
クリステンセンが"The Tools for Cooperation and Change"を適切に選定するためのSensemakingのフレームを提案している。Cynefin frameworkと似たところがあるらしい。
It provides a framework for making sense of the current context of an organization before selecting specific management tools to approach change. It's about seeing patterns and then acting on the patterns, not unlike the way that we CognitiveEdge (previously Cynefin)practitioners contextualize a situation before determine the appropriate tools for action.

The Tools of Cooperation and Change (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition) by Clayton M. Christensen, Matthew Marx, and Howard H. Stevenson (Digital - Oct 1, 2006)  Previw(PDF)
Scenario #1: If employees agree on goals but disagree on how to achieve them, use leadership tools: vision, charisma, salesmanship, and role modeling.
Scenario #2: If employees disagree on both goals and how to get there, use power tools: threats, hiring and promotion, control systems, and coercion.
Scenario #3: If employees agree on both goals and how to get there, use culture tools to counter complacence. In particular, use “disaggregation” (separating the organization into entities that each have their own agreedupon goals and plans for achieving them) to disrupt high-level agreement about goals and methods that could otherwise preserve the status quo.
Scenario #4: If employees disagree on goals but agree on how work should be done, use management tools: measurement systems, standard operating procedures, and training.

What You Really Need to Know About Change (HBR OnPoint Collection) by Clayton M. Christensen, Matthew Marx, Howard H. Stevenson, and Michael Beer (Digital - Oct 1, 2006)
The three Harvard Business Review articles in this collection: "The Tools of Cooperation and Change" by Clayton M. Christensen, Matt Marx, and Howard Stevenson, "Why Change Programs Don't Produce Change" by Michael Beer, Russell A. Eisenstat, and Bert Spector, and "Your Company's Secret Change Agents" by Richard Tanner Pascale and Jerry Sternin.

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