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Dave Snowdenのブログ Cognitive Edge: Wikipedia: Cynefin framework経由、
WikipediaにCynefin frameworkが登録されている。
Wikipedia: Cynefin framework
Cynefin (pronounced kun-ev'in) is the name of a decision making framework which has been used in knowledge management as well as other applications including conflict resolution. It has five domains, characterised by the relationship between cause and effect. The first four domains are: Simple in which the relationship between cause and effect is obvious to all, the approach is to Sense - Categorise - Respond and we can apply best practice. Complicated in which the relationship between cause and effect requires analysis or some other form of investigation and/or the application of expert knowledge, the approach is to Sense - Analyze - Respond and we can apply good practice. Complex in which the relationship between cause and effect can only be perceived in retrospect, but not in advance, the approach is to Probe - Sense - Respond and we can sense emergent practice. Chaotic in which their is no relationship between cause and effect at systems level, the approach is to Act - Sense - Respond and we can discover novel practice. The fifth domain is Disorder, which is the state of not knowing what type of causality exists, in which state people will revert to the comfort zone in making a decision. In full use the Cynefin framework has sub-domains, and the boundary between simple and chaotic is seen as a catastrophic one: complacency leads to failure.

Cynefin frameworkの概要: Order and Unorder:shiba blog
Cynefin framework for Sense Making:shiba blog

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