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The story that Bapak's successor did not speak

2015-11-06 | 日記
There are three things that successor did not talk.

And she was silent.

The first one is the transition of members. <-- Link

The second one is the enterprise. <-- Link

And the third is the correspondence relationship between Roh and Nafsu, the correspondence relationship between four low-order forces and nafsu. <-- Link

The successor never speaks about this.(Described later)

Especially enterprise is the core of erected basic plan by Bapak.

However, successor has not told about these two items ,like as Japanese Dharma doll has been silent.

Well, actually in this two there is the common denominator.

This two items also must have a direct relationship with outside society.

Then both the two actions are that we propose things (benefits) to the public world and then we obtain the return.

Because in return, the one is time, and the other one is located in the money, both of value are very important for anyone who received a proposed .

Then, this two items of organized activity were proposed against public.

But with respect to these things Association is not very good.

And successor has not spoken about this situation unfortunately.

Bapak had recognized that the involvement to the public was very important for the association.

Therefore,about the number of Association members and about the enterprise, thus, Bapak told enthusiastic that social business to be performed by the Association.

But now, the successor does not speak most of those things.

The successor says about reality , but it is a "spiritual reality", and it is not the "reality of real world " unfortunately.

Thus successor seems to have turned away her eyes from the real problem.

And then, Successor seems to have focused to only the spiritual progress of the people who belong to the association.

When we change the words "very inwardly", it is like "only the inside of the Association" is a "subject of interest".

In the erected basic plan by Bapak, it had a structure that advance of the second plan (enterprise) makes a success of the first plan (increase in the number of members).

And here is no advertising ,but there was a plan of Bapak that we get the visible results by doing enterprise.

It would become difficult that "Increasing the number of members" is the original purpose because the second plan is not successful.

Bapak's successor seems to be too optimistic about this situation.

Then she has no worry about the "continuity of the association itself",and I don't know the reason why. <-- Link

Well, Bapak wished that "the continuous development of the association would realize in each countries".

However, it also seems to be no way to clear this problem without face to reality of real world.

When we look at current situation from that perspective,we should notice that "the story that is not spoken by successor" is the same one as "weak point of the current association" unfortunately.

And the third is the correspondence relationship between Roh and Nafsu, the correspondence relationship between four low-order forces and nafsu.

The successor never speaks about this.<-- Link

There is only one talk that Bapak talked about the relationship between Jiwa and Sukma.

That is August 7 1959 .

On the contrary, Bapak use the words Roh and Nafsu to talk about "the relationship between Life forces and Nafsu" in more detail, and then talk with numerous talks.<-- Link

So, if the successor speaks of "relationship between Life forces and Nafsu", it is more natural to talk using Roh and Nafsu.

However, the fact is that "the successor never speaks about the one-to-one correspondence between Roh and Nafsu."

Then, even if she told, it would be over with expressions like the following talk.

December 16 1999 - Ibu

"And these fine bodies are called Sukma in Indonesia.

They correspond to the level of Life forces that exists in humans. "

Bapak, on the other hand, explicitly stated that "Nafsu ~ corresponding to material force , what corresponds to vegetable force is Nafsu ~ .

However, the successor never speaks like that.

And the successor only talked about Sukma and Nafsu based on Jiwa, referring to the talk that Jiwa and Sukma were told by Bapak .

As the successor speak like that, in her talk, "Nafsu's name corresponding to the four low-order forces or to the respective life force is never explicitly indicated".

The unnaturalness of that situation can not be overlooked.

And it seems as if there is a secret that Member should not know here.

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