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Susila Budhi Dharma/・Chapter 5 Internal characteristics of man and four kinds of land (no.2)//

2018-10-06 | 日記
So, why are they out of balance today?

To begin with, in Prophet Adam's time, or when there were just a few people around, the differences between human beings were not so glaring.

Why was that?

The reason was that the first human beings were made by God.

The first people were made by God, but thereafter people were granted free will.

At first it was by God's will, then it was by our will.

[God said], now, human beings, I give you permission and I give you the power to reproduce, to create something like you; you can have children.?

So, after human beings started to be made by human beings , even though we do not make people in the same way we make other things, we still say, that's my child; I did it.

After God's power to create passed to humankind, and people could make other people by having children, that is when it started.

For God is not like human beings and human beings are not like God.

When God made human beings God had no worldly self-interest, so made them correctly, in balance.

But after humankind took over it was different.

Could human beings do it that way?

They had no idea that people should be made like that, they had no idea they were at fault; they did not understand.

They just knew that they had to have children.

That is the root of the problem, because in truth a human embryo encapsulates the understanding and quality of its parents.

That's it.

Well, it's because it is normal for people, a man and a woman, to marry only out of love, only out of attraction based on allure or beauty.

What else causes attraction?

Money or wealth.

What else causes attraction?

Power or intelligence.

People do not marry because they are soul mates.

People who are true soul mates do not worry about beauty or other factors.

Instead, they are one soul.

So what Bapak is explaining to you concerns marriage.

Now, let's look at the child.

A child is made by the parents; we can say he or she is made by both parents.

But before making a child, of course, this is due to the influence of this world, the parents may have taken pleasure in punching people, or in criticising people, or in boasting, or being selfish or egotistic.

There are also parents who helped others, who were hospitable and well-behaved.

That is what creates the foundation.

If a man of good character gets married, if he takes a wife and God blesses that man with a child, the child will have a core made up of the four soil types; in all likelihood they will be in reasonable balance.

There will be fertile soil, clay, stony soil and sand. (Note 1)

The reason for that is because if you contained only fertile soil you could not survive in this world.

If your nature was too generous, and you always gave in to other people, how could you live in this world?

You could not.

Even though you give, you should also receive, you should receive and you should give.

If you help others, you too should accept help.

In other words there is mutual co-operation.

But it is rare to find someone like this.

It is very rare.

There are very few people with a truly good character.

This is why it is so important for all of you, as you receive and follow the latihan, to increase or deepen the level of your submission to God.

Almighty God is the original creator of human beings and can restore balance inside someone.

Therefore, if you surrender to God, to the All-knowing, the All-enveloping and the All-powerful, then God will be able to sort this out.

In truth, brothers and sisters, the nature of soil has a profound influence on human life.

This is a sign or proof that one's being really is like soil, because we are in fact made out of earth, as Bapak said.
Even human beings can convert sandy soil into fertile soil by piling on fertiliser or lots of manure; or by bringing in good soil and layering it on top of the sand until the soil is fertile.

Just look at Kuwait.

In Kuwait the soil is sand and well, Bapak is not saying that Arabs are like this, no, but what can I say ? [Bapak smiles.]

However, people can make efforts.

So they brought in good-quality soil.

They piled it on the sand.

Now Kuwait has fertile soil.

They can plant all kinds of plants, which flourish and bear fruit, and which can be consumed by people, by society.

If human beings can do this, then God certainly can.

Therefore, if you are able to leave this to God by having an attitude of patience, acceptance and a willingness to let go, because actually it is hard to be accepting, and it is also hard to be patient; and to be willing to let go, that is very hard, God will do the work.

And God is an extraordinary Contractor.

God can take on the job of making bad soil good.

For God has enormous bulldozers; God can work extremely fast.

Even so, it is a slow process.

I offer the example of your own situation.

We can say that all of you who receive the latihan are being led, you are being educated, your soil, so to speak, is being worked on , by the power of God.

And yet it will take a long time.

As Bapak said, or as people have asked, Why is that?

What are we doing wrong ? [inaudible]?

We behave well, we get along, so why aren't we making progress?

That is it.

In fact you are not doing anything wrong.

Your slow progress is a consequence of your natures.

Even though God is working inside you, it will take a long time.


The problem is not just the imbalance of soil types in your inner feeling, but also the topography ? the topography of your inner feeling, the lay of the land inside.

Bapak will illustrate: suppose this is soil, the soil lies like this [gestures].

It is like this, this, this and that.

But once your soil has been levelled it will be a different matter.

Then it is certain that your content and inner feeling will bring about a change in your outer life.

[People] will be delighted to see you, they will want to spend time with you and they will want to know why you are like that, and about other things too.

This is why Bapak says that, let's say you are soil, the prerequisite for you to become fertile soil - for your life force to be human, your passion to be mutmainnah,

and your light to be white - is that you have to be patient, accepting, willing to let go and to leave this to Almighty God.

Note 1
"Now, let's look at the child.
A child is made by the parents; we can say he or she is made by both parents. "

Bapak uses the expression as above in this case.

However, this is a stance in the case of looking at the birth of a child with parents' eyes.

For children born on the other hand, they had choosed parents who were in line with your Jiwa's situation or level.

Children's Jiwa were attracted to parents' sexual union whose level were matching children's level is Bapak's explanation when "When a children were born, how the children's Jiwa were into in fertilized eggs" .

So, if a child born is "having good soil" it will require the premise that the child's level was originally such.

If we say it in another, it means that the child's karma, the child's personal Jiwa level has already been "good" in the past life before this life.

And for the birth of that child this time it means "Good parents' sexual union was necessary."

Please refer to "Human seed" for details about this area. <-- Link (Sorry. Under construction.)
Susila Budhi Dharma is a series of psalms received at Yogyakarta in 1952.

And the talk quoted here is at Peru in 1968 April 4th.

There is a change due to what has been 16 years since receiving Susila Budhi Dharma.

According to Susila Budhi Dharma Japanese translation 1987 edition, the part which deals with this theme is P 145 ~ P 158.

We say it in each chapter , it will be as follows.

Chapter11, ASMARANDANA 36 to 50
Chapter12, PANGKUR 1 to 30
Chapter13, DHANDHANGGULA 1 to 5

There are two types of nafsu appearing in roughly divided areas.

One is nafsu represented by fire and wind, it is thought to be amarah and aluamah (lawwama) in anger and greedy nafsu.

Next is nafsu represented by water and earth, patience and acceptance nafsu mutmainnah.

So in Susila Budhi Dharma nafsu called supiah has not appeared.

Then, the nature of the four kinds of land is explained by these two types of nafsu.

(One type is nafsu amarah and aluamah (lawwama) ,and the other type is nafsu mutmainnah.)

1, fertile land (golden land): A = B : Balanced between A and B nafsu.

2, clay-based land: A> B

3, Padas, hard-to-plow land (stone and rocky wasteland): A >> B

4, Lands made of sand and dust <- only for anger and greedy nafsu : A >>> B

A: amarah and lawwama (aluamah)
B: mutmainnah

As the number goes up, the balance between nafsu collapses, the proportion of nafsu represented by fire and wind increases, occupied by anger and greedy nafsu increases.

Next, on April 4, 1968, in the Peru talk, nafsu supiah is made to appear, and we correspond four nafsu and four kinds of land one by one.

1, fertile land: mutmainnah, its light is white, human force corresponds.

2, clay-based land: supiah, its light yellow, animal force corresponds.

3, Land of the stone: amarah, its light is red, plant force corresponds.

4, land of sand: lawwama (aluamah), its light is black, material force corresponds.

Although the types of the four lands that appeared in Susila Budhi Dharma did not change, you can see that the way of explanation using the four nafsu of each land has changed.

In addition, in this talk Amarah has to correspond to plant force and lawwama ( aluamah) is correspond to material force, but in the end Bapak will transfer the material force to Amarah and plant force to lawwama (aluamah) .

However, at the time of this talk, the way of correspondence is different from the final one, and the order is reversed. <-- Link

Amarah, aluamah, supiah, each of nafsu or desire interferes with "getting in Latihan", but without those desires people can not live as Bapak points out .

Therefore, the existence and work of mutmainnah as a counterbalance for those ego-like nafsu becomes important.

Then, to maintain balance between nafsu like that, to bring a balance needs to be made in everyday daily life.

Otherwise only during Latihan we simply follow the attention that Bapak says.

"It is important to accept patiently, let go (abandon), give up on God 's power to lead Latihan" .

If we do so, it is only plating, then it seems not to lead to essential progress.

Abraham's religion, Bapak belonged to one of them, but its object of faith is the transcendent who is said to be "the only one god".

Then, among those religions there is an avid believer, and it seems that there are also many people who are still in Latihan again.

Those people's "thoughts on God" are strong.

However, as in the above talk, Latihan seems to be demanding that it is "a thought on God" with the characteristics of mutmainnah.

Then, in reality, it seems that there is no situation that the progress of Latihan is faster, because of it is the same religion as Bapak.

If so, being a believer in a certain religion seems to say that it will not be an advantage in receiving Latihan.

The reason is It is difficult to say" Thoughts on God "with the characteristics of mutmainnah regardless of which religion it belongs to.

Conversely, if you are not a "believer of a particular religion" but have a character of mutmainnah ,we can say that Latihan's progress will be early.

That's why the big point tend to be overlooked is "How do you get the characteristics of mutmainnah?" <-- Link

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