Dark matter, Hawking radiation, black holes,

Approaching the Identity of Dark Matter

VARINDRA's Recognition (or understanding)

2015-08-23 | 日記
Subud is not a teaching, but it is a great learning.

Go ahead and be responsible in the world, but feel in yourself first what you are able to do.

Laugh more: it brings more oxygen to the brain and lightens the load there.

We Subud members should try to be courteous to everyone, all the time, for that is a sign of true, inner human culture.

All of us who have been assigned to perform a task have responsibilities, but none of us has authority.

The Subud organisation is not a power structure but a service.

That is the greatest challenge Bapak placed before us: how to carry our responsibility without authority.


Life is never about either/or but about and/and.

The poor are the experts on poverty.

People’s perceptions of the world are usually determined by what they seek to protect.

And language is frequently a means not of revealing but of masking our thoughts and distorting the inconvenient opinions of others.

Never grovel because people are famous or powerful.

Read tyrants as though you were a detective, and learn to say no.

It’s not global warming that will destroy us, it’s gullibility.

I was all the right things - a majority man, a Singhalese, a Buddhist, the right caste, oh everything.

But defending the minority rights was not on.
(After being forced into exile in 1961.)

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