


2009年05月12日 | 英語で日記



Hiro has poor handwriting.
His father, he tend to have big interest for learning various things.
When Hiro went back to his parent's home,
he found his father's notebook opened with full of sentences in foreign language.
He asked father,
"Have you started to learn Arabian language this time?"
His father was puzzled, and answerd,
"It's your dad's Japanese handwriting."



A Japanese thief stole a lot of money from Colombian Mafia.
The Mafian boss and his guys chased the thief,
the thief had been running and almost could get away.
The Mafian boss was about to explode,
and shouted,
The Japanese thief stopped,
and was killed.


A chiken asked a pig,
"Are you chicken?"
The pig answerd,
"No, I'm not chicken!"
and he ran to a hunter's house,
and was eaten.


A little innocent chicken was finding his friend.
He asked cow,
"Are you chicken like me?"
The cow answerd gently,
"Noooh, I'm not."
So chicken went to dog and asked,
"Are you chicken perhaps?"
"No, I'm diggin' drops."
At last,the chicken found a pig was over there, so he asked loudly,
"Heeeey!Are you chicken??"
The pig answerd madly,
"No, I'm not chicken!!"
and he ran to a hunter's house,
then got to be a proud pork.


my little DNA topic

2009年05月06日 | 英語で日記
The GW holiday has come.
And, my parents came to our home, we've spent a really nice time together.

I'd been thinking why I was so curious, and during their visit, I figured out the reason for the first time.
It's my father's DNA.
I was given it from him!

I'd known that my dad always had asked to anyone without any hesitation,"And why...?""Then how...?" actually he often had used "5W+1H", but I'd never noticed the connection between it and my character.
Now I know that was funny that I'd never, ever, found it.
There is no doubt that we have the same part of DNA, definitely he's my father.

I was given the curious character, and was also given the concentration about the things which I'm interested in,
and somebody said that I am persistant, and I know that my dad is too!
(But he also has sense of humor.)

My mom gave me her optimistic character.
(She also has a sharp sense.)
Then I know that my voice is from her.

The way of talking;
I sometimes talk boy-like,
that also is from her way.

During this visit,
I felt strongly and happily their blood's running through me.

On the other hand,
sinse I was born as their child, growing up,
various experiences have built who I am.
I'm sure that, this is a really important thing for my identity.

But one thing more if I could mention it,
I have the same shape feet as him, but a little bit smaller.

I'm happy to be their daugter.


2009年04月14日 | 英語で日記
I ran into Mr.I(Eikai)on the way to Daiei.
I often run into somebody.
This is just what happens from living in neighborhood(of course I'm not following them, neither are they.).

I feel a little bit strange writting my diary in English.
They say that it's one of the best ways to study one's foreign language to improve, but I've almost never tried it before.

Speaking of learning language,
I met one person who seems to be studying Japanese.
I wonder why.

I'm saying this not because it's not worthwhile studying Japanese, but I think it seems pretty rare, and I'm curious about the people who study Japanese.

I suppose that Japanese is one of the most defferent languages in the world on it's characters, grammer, and other things.
In other word, It's very unique.

So, for foreign people,
I think it'll be hard to comprehend,
if I weren't Japanese, would I try to learn it?
I'm not sure but I hope to study local African languages(like bushman's language; they speak their language with the sounds of lips, tongue, whitsles, it's amazing!!I saw it on TV before.),
so may-be I will.

Oh, wow, I've written too much.
It's time to sleep.

I feel learning languages is really, really interesting.