そして あれこれ言いたい


Oliver Twist

2007-03-18 22:51:56 | BOOKS
I read a short famous novel, Oliver Twist written by Charles Dickens.
I think it is a typical novel.
That's a story about a pretty boy who was born with sad story.
Finaly he got be happy because of his honest and innocent things.

there are lots of nasty and cruel people.
And there are some pity people.
And there are some kind people who help Oliver.

It touched my heart.

A notorious rumor

2007-03-15 16:17:13 | NOVA
I received a letter from NOVA.
It is a greeting and an excuse for their notorious rumor.
It is about the fee for cancel.

I don't think NOVA is wrong.
Almost english conversation school's fee is expensive.
NOVA is rather cheeper than other schools.
And it's nearby. You can take the lesson whenever you want to take.
I am not sure about the quality.

But in fact, I can talk to english people now without so big stress.
At first I oculd not look straight up teacher's face and could not talk anything.
I've improved my English ability .
I started it a year and a half ago.

I go there once or twice a week, sometimes third times .
And sometimes I dont go there for a month or two because of my busy job.

You can use NOVA your own way.