そして あれこれ言いたい



2005-11-29 22:40:42 | DIARY

While commuting, I listen to some English CDs.
I ride the bike for about one hour everyday.
It takes 30 minutes one way.
I pass through regidence area, shopping mall and industrial area.
And I pass through river side.
There are cherry blossoms I love.

Today's plan

2005-11-24 09:58:29 | DIARY

I'm going to spend all the time for myself Today.
I didn't prepare the lunch for my kids who go to school.
I will go to beaty salon in the morning.
I have my hair cut by regular hair dresser.
After lunch I'll go to NOVA to catch VOICE.
Then go back home and eat dinner.
And I wii go to NOVA again to catch two lessons.

Am i selfish?
Even so, let me free from domestic chores Today. Thanks.

What do you want to talk about?

2005-11-20 23:55:25 | NOVA
Today's lesson was about movie.

I sometimes go to movie.
So I was interersted in today's lesson.
Acting, plott, CG, we were taiking about.
Recently I watched "ALWAYS" it is Japanese movie, and I could talk about it.

I noticed that I could talk lots about what I'm interested in.
It wasn't important for me the grammer at that time .
Because I wanted to talk about it.
Certainly it's neceserry to talk correctly, but It is important that what I would like to talk about.

from lesson

2005-11-20 20:18:28 | PRACTICE
The movie wasn't amazing, was it?

You thought so? I thought it was boring.
The plott is predictable.
Actings are wooden.

I laughd abd wept, because I was moved by the movie.
It was powerfull.
I was gripped to the screen.


It had a original ending.
I have never seen such a realistic movie.


2005-11-20 13:53:12 | PRACTICE
Hi! We've never met before, but my name's Yoko.
You know Sizuka, don't you?

Yes, that right! I'm yukiko. Sizuka is my friend.

She has told me so much about you.

Nothing bad, I hope.

So I hear you're a big baseball fan.

Yes, sure.

She tells me You 've been in Hawaii recently.


2005-11-20 13:38:05 | NOVA
At the lesson.
I said, " You work in the music company, doesn't you?"

Oh, my! unbelievable! No kidding!

don't you? don't you?

You live in Japan, don'tyou?
you are a teacher, aren't you?
He works in the company, doesn't he?
He is in Japan, isn't he?

Just hang in there.

three books

2005-11-19 19:49:52 | BOOKS
I borrowed three books from the library.
Two of them are picture books for children.
"Cinderella" and "Snow White and Rose Red",very famous stories.
I could read them easily.
The rest one is "その気持ちネイティブだったら1秒で言うよ!”written by David A. Thane. ダイヤモンド社
It's full filled with short phrases.
Some of them are useful.