そして あれこれ言いたい



2006-09-22 21:58:11 | MOVIES
I watched MIAMI VICE by alone.
I've got a free ticket.
I think it's the second string of M.I.3 .
I would like to be refreshed by seeing an action movie.
Acyually the action scene was rather good, great sound of the gunfight scene.
But the love scene was too long.
And I don't like what the woman was badly injured.
It's a cruel sight.

The acting were good.
I enjoyed the movie.

I'm a good.................

2006-09-21 10:53:03 | DIARY
I'm in middle of vacation.
First I attended the town festival and served some drinks and foods to people.
It's kind of volunteer work. I'm a good citizen.
Then I visited my parents and worked for them.
I'm a good daughter.
And today, I 'll work in my house.
clean up rooms, wash the laundry, buy some daily necessaries and cook for family.
I'm a good mother.

I will go to the movies tomorrow. I' ll spend the day for myself.

Long time no see.

2006-09-18 13:24:54 | DIARY
Long time no see.
I've got vacation for 9 days.
I' ve quit the job already, and will start next job at 25th of this month.
I'd like to enjoy my vacation.
But I 'll not spend so much money because I don't have so much money with me.
I'll go to my parents' house to see them.

I got angry.

2006-09-10 23:15:20 | DIARY
I decided to quit my job and move to another place.
I told my boss about that one month before.
He got angry and said that I should have proposed to quit two months before.
I think it's impossible.
I'm just a part time worker.
I'm not covered for employment.
He took care of money but me.