そして あれこれ言いたい


hard work

2006-12-14 00:16:02 | DIARY

I don't study English recently.
Sometimes I study English very hard, but sometimes not.
I know it is important to study it day by day , little by little.
I can't stay motivated.

I watched English program on TV today .
I learnt some phrases like " for ages" " it's taken care of" " Dear Jone letter".

I have enjoyed studying English, but now it is not fun.
It is like a hard work.


2006-12-09 00:58:46 | DIARY

11月ごろ 急に始まった。私にとっては突然のことだった。

それにしても どうして株投資や融資の広告が入るのかわからない。


I got it!

2006-12-07 00:18:35 | DIARY

I passed the exam not for English.
It was for the licence of care manager.

I have had a terrible nightmare before that I failed it.
But it was only a dream .
In fact, I gained.
When I found my number on the web site, I jumped up for joy.
I looked it again and again, because I could not believe that all at once.

It's a first step to be a care manager.
I have to take some training courses next year.
I'm looling forward to them.

I hate this complicated society

2006-12-05 10:21:12 | DIARY
One day my san asked me ,
" Mam, I was wondering if you could help me ."
" What? can I help you ?"
"Yes. I used the cell phone too much. So I cannot use it this month."

My bad boy! he was permited to use it within the limited charge .
When he used it beyond the charge , he wouldn't be able to use it until next month.
More badly, he entered some of pay web sight, so he had to cancel them .
But He could not cancel because it takes high charge every month.

Unwillingly I called the phone company, NTT Docomo to ask how to cancel them.
First I heard the automatic voice to guide the correct section.
It took the long long time to arrive the section.
FInally the living stuff of docomo told coldy ,
"You should to pay at least one more 1000, if you want to cancel them. And you need to push the pin number according to the information of the automatic voice of the cell phone ."
I again call the docomo and push the bottons according to the cold automatic voice.

The cold machine said me to push the another pin number!

Ha! Another pin number !
Automatic voice of phone!
Unbelivable! Impossible!

I missed the pin number.
At last , we went to the Docomo shop on foot to do well.
It took about a hour to do well in the shop .
And finally, I could solve the problems.

It has taken a big deal of time and effort.

I don't like the automatic guidance of phone.
I don't like pin number or password .
We need them all the times all the place, bank, cards, web site ,even phone deal.
They say don't use easy number like your birthday, address or something.
It's a difficult society these days .

busy bee

2006-12-05 00:58:33 | DIARY

I have a lot of things to do this christmas season.
I have to get done the new years cards and oseibo gifts.
And clean up my house inside and outside.
Go to the police station and extend my driver's licence.
Go to the ward office and fill out the paper about social insurance.
And .........

But I would like to do other things when I 'm too busy.
I want to go to movies and gym.
Recently I feel that I need exercize.
I had been riding a bike over one hour everyday,but now only ten minutes.
Sadly , I gained the weight.

stop drinking

2006-12-03 14:35:19 | DIARY

Excuse me .
I got drunk yesterday.
I deside to quit drinking except the before day of dayoff.
Recently I drink every day like a alcoholic.
First,I drink a 350 ml can of beer.
Sometimes one more.

But yesterday I drunk too much.
Beer and sake .
I drunk with my husband who loves drinking .
Both of us love drinking , so we cannot stop drinking each other.
One of us should to suggest to stop drinking.