そして あれこれ言いたい


I hope.............

2006-08-25 09:04:01 | DIARY
Today is my day-off.
I would like to update my blog everyday , but I cannot.
I spend a few time on my blog bacause I have to do everything ,houseworks ,study, shopping and so on in my day-off.
And it's too difficult to make the sentences in English so that it takes long time .

I hope to improve my English skills.

Sad 2

2006-08-20 14:41:42 | NOVA
My favorite instructor decided to quite Nova.
Today is the last day .

I 've never known about it.
I'm sad to hear that.
So I went to the instructors' room and said " You were a terrible teacher. Good luck in your future. Good bye!"
I would like to say more , but my poor vocabulary forbid to talk.
I have loved his parsonality .
He always tried to teach us heartily.
I guess the motivation to study English ( for me) is depend on each instructor.
It's 50% or over, isn't it ?

Actually I 'll not stop studying English.
I love learnig English .

I love my old family

2006-08-14 21:29:34 | DIARY
We went to my hometown on last Saturday.
We have spent three days there.
I met my sister and brother.
All our family were gathered in our parents' house.
We ate and drunk much, and told about a lot of things each other .
It was so wonderful and familiar times for us.

We went to our ancestor's grave and prayed for them.
We cleaned it and placed the sticks of incense and some flowers .
It's our traditional custam.

these hot days

2006-08-10 10:22:18 | DIARY
Typhoon has gone, and the hottest days have come back again.
I turned on the air conditioner in the morning.
We sometimes talk about global warming so that I know that's bad for the environment .
But I can't stand the heat and the humidity these days.
I should turn down it instead of turning off.

Anyway, the hanging laundry will dry soon.


2006-08-09 13:39:56 | BOOKS



Everyone knows this story written by Charles Dickens.
It's a ghost story of christmas.
I love this heartful happy ending story.
Perhaps you can read it without dictionary.
My book inclluding the words list is published by "IBCパブリッシング”.
So I could read it more easier.
They said it is for the people eiken level is above grade 3 or toeic is above 350 score .

I was intersted in reading it.
FIrst, I read it silently and second time loudly.
Then I heard the reading by downloaded voice.
It costs 680円.
If you intersted in the readng , you should go to the site of "yohanstudy".


2006-08-07 08:53:45 | DIARY

We went to the yakiniku restaurant "安楽亭”which meats are cheap.
I paid 12,000 for cost.
We drunk and ate enough. We were filled up.
Our whole house hadn't eaten out togather for long time.

To be honest, I would like to a few delicious meat even if it's expensive.
But now we have two big stomachs in our family.

Mission Impossible Ⅲ

2006-08-02 17:07:36 | MOVIES
I went to the movies with my youngest sun today.
He is 14 years old and a junior high school student.

The theater was rather crowded because summer vacation now.
there were a lot of children and their mothers.
they might have seen some animation," ゲド戦記” ”ポケモン”or " カーズ”.

Of course, we two were a pair of mother and child.
We watched " m.i." .
Yes, I had watched it already .
Although it's secand watching , I enjoyed enough.
I was satisfide with it more than I expected.
What a exciting movie! I love it.
Besides, I could catch more english than before .
What do you think if I watch it once more?
It's a nice idea ,isn't it?
I can enjoy m.i. and improve my english ability.

After the movie, we had sushi lunch nearby. 


2006-08-01 09:36:13 | NOVA
Believe it or not, I've passed the level up test last week.
I got on level 4.

Unbeievable!? But it's true.

I took my first lesson of level 4 last Sunday.
It's rather difficult to catch the contents.
First, there were a lot of new words I didn't know.
For example, "invest" "frugal" " spendthrift" etc.
You know " take out" of course, but I've never known that means " ローンやサービスを受ける、保険をかける、申し込みをする等”.
And I'm ignorant about economic something.

Anyway, I 'll enjoy the lessons and practice hard at home.