本の紹介 一リットルの涙 2007-01-21 23:14:31 | BOOKS 1リットルの涙―難病と闘い続ける少女亜也の日記幻冬舎このアイテムの詳細を見る I read this book in the train. I think you had better read it in the room, because you can not stop weaping.
一リットルの涙 2007-01-21 20:54:04 | BOOKS I boroowed a book from my son. It's a book written by a cool girl who suffer from incureble disease. It's like a diary. She died finally. But I think she has lived desperately. Thanks for my son lend me that book. I shed tears in the train . I've read it in it and I could not stop shedding tears.
Good morning! 2007-01-21 11:01:35 | DIARY Good morning! What a lovely day today. From now I'll take bath and go to NOVA. And afternoon I'll go to Toyotyo to renew my driver's licence. It's my day off. I can do anything what I want to do.
I'm busy now. 2007-01-21 02:21:57 | DIARY I take a course to be a care manager. Yesterday I went to Myougadani and spend a all day. I spend a hard time. So I'm busy.