そして あれこれ言いたい


The wonderful chorus

2006-11-30 15:14:36 | DIARY
I went to school concert at city hall.
It was marvelous I've ever heard.
At first I 've not expected so much.

Now I remember, he went to school at early time and came back at late everyday.
I sometimes heard about their chorus contest from him .
He first told me their chorus was terrible.
The class was separated .

But someday they began to work hard to do their best.
Today I heard their beautiful and exellent singing voice "HALLELUJAH".
A mother seated at next was weaping for the emotion.
They touched our hearts indeed.
Their teacher praised them.
He told that it was one of most exellent chorus concert in these ten years.

The class got the prize.

Yes, I'm a doting mother.

I'm happy

2006-11-30 00:38:25 | DIARY
I'm only a part time worker.
But I'm satisfided with my work.
I work from 9:00 to 18:00 four days a week.
And I have a responsible for customer.
I take them to our day care center.
And help them to take bath, lunch, and to do activities.
We prepare all the things for them.

We can see loveble old people.
Some of them are suffering from illness or dementia .
People say it's a hard job.
To some extent,IT's true.
But I'm pleased with it.