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☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

Lesson 20

2015-11-17 | 学習メモ
emerge [あらわれる] verb: appear, come out, come up, come into view

① When the fight was over, the underdog emerged the winner.

② You have to be nimble to emerge from the narrow opening in five seconds.

③ What emerged from the bottle was a blend of fruit juices.

jagged [ギザギザ] adjective: with sharp points sticking out; unevenly cut or torn

① Being reckless, Rudy didn't watch out for the jagged steel.

② It's an enormous job to smooth the jagged edge of fence.
柵(さく)のギザギザなエッジを なめらかにするのは、たいへんな仕事です。

③ Leslie's hair was so jagged it was scarcely possible to tell that it had just been cut.

linger (on) [のこる] verb: stay on : go slowly as if unwilling to leave.

① The odor didn't vanish, but [lingered on] for weeks.

② Some traditions [linger on] long after they have lost their meanings.

③ After the campus closed for the summer, some students [lingered on], reluctant to go home.
  夏休みの間、学校が閉まったあとも、何人かの生徒は居残(いのこ)り、家に帰りたがりません。→[reluctant : adjective 嫌がる].

ambush [まちぶせ]noun: a trap in which soldiers or other enemies hide to make a surprise attack.

① The ambush became a tragedy for those who attempted it because they were all killed.
  待ち伏せ作戦は、皆殺しにされたので、仕掛けた側の悲劇におわりました。 →[attempt :verb しかける ためす こころみる].

② General Taylor raved about the ingenious ambush he planned.
  ティラー少佐は、自分が計画した こうみょうな 待ち伏せ作戦を 熱狂的(ねっきょうてき)に語った。→[rave : verb ねっしんに、かたる].

③ The troops lay in ambush in the dense woods all through the night.
  軍隊は夜中、うっそうとした森の中で、待ち構(かま)えて伏(ふ)せていた。[dense : adjective 濃い].

crafty [ずるい/狡猾(こうかつ)な] adjective : skillful in deceiving others; sly; tricky

① His crafty mind prepared a comprehensive plan to defraud his partners.
  彼の野心(やしん)は、仲間(なかま)をだますために 広範囲(こうはんい)にわたる計画(けいかく)を準備(じゅんび)した。

② Leo didn't use brutal strength against his opponents, but he used his crafty bag of tricks to beat them.
  レオは対戦相手(たいせんあいて)に 残忍(ざんにん)な力は使わなかったが、彼らを倒(たお)すために、たくさんのずるい罠(わな)を使いました。→[brutal : adjective 残忍な].

③ The Indians did not fall for the crafty ambush.
  インド人は狡猾(こうかつ)な まちぶせに陥(おちい)らなかった。

defiant(ディファイント) [はんこうてきな]adjective : openly resisting, challenging.

① "I refuse to be manipulated," the defiant young woman told her father.
 「わたしは、いいなりには ならないわ!」、はんこうてきな わかい女性は、お父さんにいいました。

② Professor Carlyle was defiant of any attempt to disprove his theory.
 カーライル教授(きょうじゅ)は、彼の理論(りろん)に 反対するどんなくわだてにも はんこうしました。

③ Defiant of everyone, the addict refused to be helped.

vigar(ヴィガー) [やる気 元気] noun: active strength or force.

① Having a great deal of vigor, Jason was able to excel in all sports. →【a great deal of】すごい.

② Tom Thumb made up for size by having more vigor than most people. →【make up for A by B】BでAを補(おぎな)っている。.
③ Putting all her vigor into the argument, Patsy persuaded me to let her drive.

perish(ペーリッシュ) [ほろびる] verb: be destroyed, die.

① Unless the plant gets water for its roots to absorb, it will perish.
 植物(しょくぶつ)は、根(ね)から吸(す)って水を えないかぎり、死んでしまう。.

② Custer and all his men perished at the Little Big Horn.

③ We are trying to make sure that democracy will never perish from this earth.
 私たちは、民主主義がこの地上から消滅することはありませんことを確認するためにしようとしています。→Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln.

fragile (フラジャル)[こわれやすい]adjective : easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; delicate.

① The expensive glassware is very fragile.
② Things made out of plywood have a tendency to be fragile.
合板(ごうはん)で作られた物は、壊れやすくなる 傾向(けいこう)があります。.

③ On the box was a label that read, "Fragile! Handle with care!".

captive(キャプティブ)[つかまっている] adjective, noun : prisoner.

① The major was grateful to be released after having been held captive for two years.

② Until the sheriff got them out, the two boys were held captive in the barn.
保安官(ほあんかん)が 、小屋(こや)の中で監禁(かんきん)されていた2人の少年をつれ出した。

③Plácido Domingo can hold an audience captive with his marvelous singing voice.
プラシ-ド・ドミンゴは、彼のすばらしい歌声(うたごえ)で観客(かんきゃく)のこころを がっちりとつかんだ。

prosper (プロスパー) [成功する] verb : be successful, have good fortune.

① Howard Hughes owned numerous businesses and most of them prospered.
ハワード ヒューズは、多くのビジネスをてがけ、そのほとんどで成功した。

② No one should prosper from the misfortunes of his her friends.

③ The annual report showed that the new business was prospering.
年次報告書(ねんじほうこくしょ)は、新しいビジネスが 成功していることを 示(しめ)してました。

devour (ディボワー) [むさぼる] verb : eat hungrily, absorb completely, take in greedily.

① It was a horrid sight to see the lion devour the lamb.

② The animal doctor was pleased to see the terrier devour the dog food.
獣医(じゅうい)は、そのテリアが ドックフードをガツガツ食べるのを見て喜(よろこ)んだ。.

③ My aunt devours four or five mystery books each week.

1 If we do not do something about pollution, we may ____ from this earth.

2 The ___ edge of that sheet of metal is very dangerous.

3 We were held ___ by the sinister enemy for ten days.

4 The bank teller's ___ plan to steal a million dollars didn't succeed.

5 I like to ___ on until everyone else has left the theatre.

6 My parents taught me not to be ___ of authority.

7 Did the ___ of the Lebanese soldiers fail?

8 Business persons can ___ if they are honest with their customers.

9 A new star has just ___ from the rock music world.

10 I can ___ a steak in two minutes when I am hungry.

11 With a surprising show of ___, the old woman swam up and down the pool six times!

12 A lack of calcium in Tyrone's diet caused his bones to be quite ___.

