臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。


2017-05-11 | 学習メモ

I'll keep it on mind!

Must put it on my list.

I could do with going out. 出かけてもいいかなと思ってる

I know what you mean. 

Two wrongs do not make a right.

I can't sit back. 傍観してられない

There's no good outcome from here. なんの解決にもならない

To top of it off,  おまけに

Hang on sec. ちょっと待って

I foolishly left my unbrella at the restaurant.

What's this party all about? 一体全体何なのか?

We are getting together. 集まることになってる

I seem to have lost my purse. 財布無くしたようなんです

You're in luck.

That's a relief! ほっとした

How does it go? どうやるのかな?

Clever boy!

Your badge isn't on straight.

Now go along with them. 付いてゆけ

come along with me わたしについてきて


Once every other week 隔週で

No wonder you're a good chef.

Do you wanna a hand?

On three, One, Two, Three!


I've got three-two hour journeys 3 days in the row.

Rather you than me. わたしじゃなくてよかった

I'm all set!

The facilities there are outstanding.


The weather forecast wasn't too promising earlier on. 確約できない 

70 odd number 70歳ちょっと 


I was wondering if you could help me.

Afterwards, そのあと

It's the best if you buy one-day travel card.

That sounds like a good deal.

That's for one


I later realized I wasn't good at drawing.


