臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。


2017-05-09 | 学習メモ

What are you going to do for this holiday?

Any plans?


One concerned about is gaining weight.

It's hard to quit, but not that hard.


Do you need anything?

Let me know if you do.


I'm still at the bank.


I was going to call you.

Be at Daniel's by 7:30.


I'm still not sure.

Try no to drop it.


What would you've done?

I would have to told her to leave after a week.


Pour some honey over

Put the slice cheese on top


What a lucky break!


Turn down the TV a little, please!


You go on-line with the modem.


I'd make a good Journalist.= I can become

I'm too impatient.


I could double the money in a day.

You've got a point there!


You shouldn't go by yourself.

You ought to go with someone.


It opens at 9AM.


retail 販売(小売り)

I hate working on weekends.


She couldn't make it.


I'm doing great.


Are you doing anything on Saturday night?

I won't be able to make it.


Have you decided on your appetizer, yet?

I'll have the snail, please.


I don't know for sure. はっきりわからない


You must be excited!

I am.


I'm planning to go fishing at the lake.

It may rain a little this afternoon.


I mean if you'd rather I didn't.

It doesn't matter to me whether you smoke or not.


Is there anything in particular, I can help you find.

I'm afraid we don't have anymore fountain pen in stock,

but  we expect some in very soon.


Can I pour myself a glass of this juice?

Help yourself!


Don't get me wrong. 悪く思わないでね 気を悪くしないでね

I wouldn't be so sure.


bandaged up 包帯で巻かれてること

The batteries died . 電池がきれる

My foot was killing me. すごく痛い


On cold days, icecream is good.

I prefer sorbet personally.

What's your least favorite food?

I can't stand celery for some reason.



