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"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all"

I know it is late, but,

2016年10月20日 18時51分22秒 | 幸せ

THANK YOU so much for the well wishes for my 40th. That meant a world to me.
I am keep re-reading them and they make my heart happy!

I realise many of us with my disability don't have the previlege of having many birthdays,
my parents were told I don't live til 20,
I, myself was told I won't live past 36 as I had a severe case of the condition called Borderline Personality Disorder.
Well, I am 40, blessed with reasonable health, having life, be the member of society,
and have many, many awesome people in life!

What else I can ask for? Thank God for such blessings.

Yes, I do have many health issues, will have health scares, many more surgeries to go through.
And our future is unknown.
But I know I will enjoy life to the fullest til my time here expires.

I really appreciate your love and support for me to be able to reach big 40, thank you for not giving up on me even if I felt like I wanted to give up on myself.
Because of you guys, I can move on.

I have full intention of having life and enjoy it, appreciate it for the next 10 years too.
I can't wait to be 50, but if my time comes before that, that's okay. I shall treasure it til then.

My dance lesson is tomorrow.

I love you all xx
Thank you for being there for me.

