Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !


2007-10-25 14:25:26 | Daily Talk
Yesterday, I waked up at 11 O'clock because of the pernoctation the day before yersterday.

This week my wife and son went back to my wife's home town to rest.
Therefore, I have to put out the garbage to regulated garbage spot near my house.
Monday and Thursday is burnable garbage, Tuesday is nonburnable garbage, Wednesday is paper garbage what can recycle sometime in the future.
My city is strict about administration of garbage.

To tell the truth, We are on gurad for preparing garbage net what we must set every Monday and Thursday.
Frankly speaking, it is pain for us.

By the way, I arrived at company.
Of course it was tardy.
But yesterday was not busy so I had long time lunch with my colleague.

At 19 O'clock, I finished my work and came back home.
I would study english after dinner, but could'nt do because of drowsiness.
Despite the deep sleep last night...

Wake up : 起きる
Pernoctation : 徹夜
The day before yesterday : 一昨日
Go back to one's home town : 帰省する
Rest : 休息する
Put out the garbage : ゴミを出す
Burnable : 燃える
Nonburnable : 燃えない
Recycle : リサイクルする
Sometime in the future : 将来的に
Strict : 厳しい
Administration : 管理
On guard : 当番
Prepare : 準備する
Set : 配置する
Frankly speaking : 正直言って
Pain : 面倒くさい、苦痛だ
Tardy : 遅刻して
Colleague : 同僚
Come back home : 帰宅する
Drowsiness : 眠気
Despite : -にもかかわらず(=regardless of)
Deep sleep : 熟睡
