Business English Study

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Dating Violence

2007-11-10 13:43:50 | Reading
50 percent of young people in Japan subjected to dating violence
Fifty percent of young men and women in Japan have been subjected to physical or psychological violence in a relationship, a government survey on dating violence has found.

The survey, conducted over the Internet, found that 55.5 percent of the respondents talked to their friends when they suffered violent treatment, but 42.7 percent didn't share their problems with anyone.

Since dating violence is not covered by Japan's domestic violence prevention law, it has been difficult for the government to form a response to the problem, prompting the Cabinet Office to conduct the survey on young single people in their teens and 20s.

A total of 35.4 percent of men and 56 percent of women said they found it annoying when their partner did something selfish, suggesting a possible cause of dating violence. Another 10 percent of the respondents said they thought that the person subjected to violence was also at fault.

Of the 258 people who said that they were dating or had a partner in the past, 53.1 percent of men and 44.6 percent of women said they had had experienced mobile phone-related issues in their relationships. Examples of such problems included being berated for not answering their phones or not immediately returning e-mails.

The survey also found that 21.7 percent of respondents said their partner had restricted their actions, and 13.2 percent were made to feel bad because of things their partners said to them.

Figures in the survey were based on responses from 192 men and 166 women chosen randomly from 600,000 registered monitors in their teens and 20s who were not married.

--- Vocabulary ---
subject to : -することがある、-しやすい、-に支配されて
subject : -を支配する
dating violence : デート中の暴力
relationship : 関係
suffer : 苦しむ、-をこうむる
treatment : 扱い、処置
since : -して以来、-だから
domestic violence : 家庭内暴力
prevention : 防止、阻止
form : 形成する、組織する
prompt : 刺激する、促進する、促す
cabinet : 内閣
possible cause : 考えられる原因
suggest : 提案する、意味する、示唆する
annoying : 気に障る、うるさい、うとおしい
selfish : 利己的な、自分勝手な、自己中心的な
at fault : 責任のある
related : 関係のある
issue : 問題、刊行物、株式
berate : 激しく非難する
immediately : すぐに、直接に
restrict : 制限する、限定する
figure : 形、数字
randomly : 不規則に
register : 登録する、一覧表
