Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

dinner meeting

2007-08-31 18:33:41 | E-mail
Unfortunately I have to join dinner meeting concerning CJ project tonight.
If I leave the office before your return, I will call you.
Enjoy studying !

For Mobile Mail

2007-08-29 13:07:02 | Daily Talk
This is not mobile address but G-mail address.

Can you receive it ?

<Morning Conversation>
I think you are still in bed now.

I wish your good awakening.

<My Status Comment>
I'm going to visit client.

I will return to office about 18:00.

Unfortunately I have to join long meeting concerning tomorrow presentation from now.

Why do they call me at such time?

By the way, I found good restaurant in Yokohama for our happy Christmas.

I wish we go together certainly.

<Amiable Commnet>
I regret that I can't chat with you.

Don’t forget to e-mail me when you returned to house.

<Finish Talk>
Have a pleasant day.

Don't forget my snack !

2007-08-26 19:40:03 | 24 Hours
Chao Kim !
How about your condition ?

Today we went to beach near my house.
I waked up at 5:00 and readied up for beach vacation.
But I missed about ready.

I forgot putting away my son's snack and sweet treat in my bag.
In the car my son talked to me "Where is my snack ?".
I noticed my failure.

"Sorry, I will get some snack for you at convenience store.
Can you forgive me?"
"No problem Dad."
He has grown up not only body but also word.

Weight Down

2007-08-26 06:46:30 | 24 Hours
It is at 6:30 now.
Good morning Bill.
How are you today ?

I waked up at 6:00 in the morning thanks to alarm clock.
I stayed up late again last night.
So I had bloodshot eyes.

Ar first I want to take a shower to wake me up.
Last night I cant take bath, therefore I have to wash
my face and overall body.

I turned on the shower and looked in the bathroom mirror.
I found my body line have been slim.
I weighed my self and I found I'm loosing weight.

Oh I don't have free time now.
I will squeeze toothpaste onto the toothbrush.
The scent is like an apple.

I brushed my teeth thinking of my funny afternoon.



2007-08-25 17:11:44 | 24 Hours
Hey Chloe.
I missed this morning...
In fact, I stayed up late last night and overslept.

Say, you have low blood pressure.
So I think you have a hard time waking up in the morning.
Now is 7:00.
Do you still feel sleepy ?
I want to go back to sleep...

I've caught phonecall from Tony.
He had a bad hangover and headache this morning.
If he can't recover his physical condition, we will can't play tennnis today.

Waking Up

2007-08-25 16:54:53 | 24 Hours
Good morning Chloe.
How about your condition ?

This morning, I waked up at 6:00 with the sunlight.
Always I take a shower to wake me up.

I turned on the shower and washed my face.
But I have lost my shaver during business journey.
So, I can't shave my whiskers.
I felt terrible.

I weighed myself and found that I am losing my weight.
I cant believe! Because, for a few years, my weight never changed.

I looked in the mirror.
Oh my god... I had bloodshot eye.
I think I'm luck of sleep time.
I had better sleep in commuting train.

Recently I don't have bad tooth.
But, Everyday we can brush our teeth politely.
I squeezed toohpaste onto the toothbrush.
The toothpaste scent is like an apple.
I brushed my teeh thinking of Chloe, You!

Nice to meet you

2007-08-12 04:36:18 | Self introduction






My name is Jack Bauer.

I work for an advertising agency named CTU.

My job description is strategy planner.

I have joined this company from last position named CIA to get experience.

I have two subordinates in my team.

Out of office

2007-08-11 14:41:12 | E-mail





I will be out of office from Oct.5 ~ Oct.10, and will be back on Oct.11.

For any assistance during my absence, please contact Mr. Bauer Jack at

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Best Regards.