Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !


2007-10-16 11:43:59 | 24 Hours
Here comes new week.
Today I went direct to my client at 10:00.
I and my colleague arrived at client office building.
It was very sleepy.

My colleague is 40 year's old.
He is not diligence but very funny person.
His hobby is surfing so every weekend he used to go to beach.
But recently his work was too hard to go surfing.

After our business meeting has ended my colleague went back to office.
But I went to YURAKU-Cho where have new shopping spot named "ITOCIA".
I checked this depart where is supported by CICI in japanese MARUI.
Article was not cheap but there were a lot of unique merchandise.
We didnt buy anything.

I went back to office.
Heavy internal meeting was waiting me.
At last I finished my work at 23:30.
In a hurry I rushed to get on the last train that departed 23:54 at Shinbashi-sta.

I couldn't study english and Deutsch.
How frastrating !

go direct : 直行する
colleague : 同僚
arrive at : 到着する
sleepy : 眠い
diligence : 勤勉な
funny : おもしろい
surfing : サーフィン
used to do : -したものだ
article : 商品
unique : おもしろい
merchandise : 商品
In a hurry : 急いで
rush : 急ぐ
get on : 乗車する
last train : 終電
depart : 出発する
How frastrating : 悔しい!


2007-10-15 00:55:15 | 24 Hours
I waked up at 12:00.
Sorry for my late waking.
Of course, my wife and son was already waking up and finished their breakfast.
In a hurry I took a shower to wake me up.
Subsequently I readied getting out with family.
I felt so cold today that I had to bundle up.

Today I went to IKEA for shopping with my family.
On the way to destination where is KOHOKU in Yokohama there was not traffic jam.
So it was very smooth for us.

We walked around IKEA for searching furniture and son's toys.
Finally we bought some item that costed about 4,000JPY.
Though I usually think, their item is inexpensive but quality is not bad.
Purchased items are hangers, dividing case for kitchen-dining, scrubbing item for bathroom and train toys for my son.

On the way to home from IKEA, my son slept in the car.
Incidentally we would go shopping about our today's dinner and this week food materials at ITO-YOKADO.
That is not reasonable store for us.
But today we didnt have cash therefore we had to use credit card for purchasing.
It was available for us to use card in this store.
This is embarrassed reason...
While my wife was shopping, I and my son slept in the car about 30 minutes.

When we arrived at home, it was already sunset and dark.
We had dinner together.
Today's menu was pasta with tomato and fresh salada.
My son left a lot because he ate some snack and cookie while driving.

After dinner, I took the bath with my son.
When we finished our bath-time, he was still staying up thanks to evening nap.
At last he went to bed with my wife at 22:00.

There now, my private time came at last.
I have to review english coversation class that I am taking in KEIO Univ.
Furthermore, I have awkward work for my company.
I wish I went to bed by 3 o'clock.

wake up : 起きる
In a hurry : 急いで
Subsequently : 続いて
feel cold : 寒い
bundle up : 着込む
inexpensive : 安い
scrub : 削る、削ぐ
Incidentally : ついでに
material : 材料
reasonable : 手頃な
cash : 現金
embarrassed : 恥ずかしい
stay up : 起きている
thanks to : -のおかげで
evening nap : 夕方の昼寝
at last : ようやく
there now : さあ
review : 復習する
furthermore : さらに
awkward : 厄介な

Don't forget my snack !

2007-08-26 19:40:03 | 24 Hours
Chao Kim !
How about your condition ?

Today we went to beach near my house.
I waked up at 5:00 and readied up for beach vacation.
But I missed about ready.

I forgot putting away my son's snack and sweet treat in my bag.
In the car my son talked to me "Where is my snack ?".
I noticed my failure.

"Sorry, I will get some snack for you at convenience store.
Can you forgive me?"
"No problem Dad."
He has grown up not only body but also word.

Weight Down

2007-08-26 06:46:30 | 24 Hours
It is at 6:30 now.
Good morning Bill.
How are you today ?

I waked up at 6:00 in the morning thanks to alarm clock.
I stayed up late again last night.
So I had bloodshot eyes.

Ar first I want to take a shower to wake me up.
Last night I cant take bath, therefore I have to wash
my face and overall body.

I turned on the shower and looked in the bathroom mirror.
I found my body line have been slim.
I weighed my self and I found I'm loosing weight.

Oh I don't have free time now.
I will squeeze toothpaste onto the toothbrush.
The scent is like an apple.

I brushed my teeth thinking of my funny afternoon.



2007-08-25 17:11:44 | 24 Hours
Hey Chloe.
I missed this morning...
In fact, I stayed up late last night and overslept.

Say, you have low blood pressure.
So I think you have a hard time waking up in the morning.
Now is 7:00.
Do you still feel sleepy ?
I want to go back to sleep...

I've caught phonecall from Tony.
He had a bad hangover and headache this morning.
If he can't recover his physical condition, we will can't play tennnis today.

Waking Up

2007-08-25 16:54:53 | 24 Hours
Good morning Chloe.
How about your condition ?

This morning, I waked up at 6:00 with the sunlight.
Always I take a shower to wake me up.

I turned on the shower and washed my face.
But I have lost my shaver during business journey.
So, I can't shave my whiskers.
I felt terrible.

I weighed myself and found that I am losing my weight.
I cant believe! Because, for a few years, my weight never changed.

I looked in the mirror.
Oh my god... I had bloodshot eye.
I think I'm luck of sleep time.
I had better sleep in commuting train.

Recently I don't have bad tooth.
But, Everyday we can brush our teeth politely.
I squeezed toohpaste onto the toothbrush.
The toothpaste scent is like an apple.
I brushed my teeh thinking of Chloe, You!