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Red Panda at Sapporo Zoo

2007-11-04 11:12:33 | Reading
Cute red panda Koko steals the show at Sapporo zoo

A red panda is stealing the show at Sapporo Maruyama Zoo, standing on two legs in a fashion similar to Futa, another popular red panda in Chiba Prefecture.

The 1 1/2-year-old red panda, named Koko, was brought to the zoo in Sapporo in October. Previously, she had lived with her family at Saitama Children's Zoo in Higashimatsuyama, but was moved to Sapporo to find a mate.

"She's walking around full of curiosity," a 34-year-old keeper at the zoo said, explaining that the red panda was spending time checking out her new environment.

Another red panda, or lesser panda, that achieved huge popularity in Japan is Futa, who is being kept at Chiba Zoological Park. While Koko may not have the same nationwide popularity as Futa, for the time being she looks set to be Sapporo's favorite.

steal the show : 話題をさらう
in a fashion : 一応は、曲りなりに
similar to : -と似ている
1/2 : one-half
bring : つれてくる
mate : 仲間
walk around : 歩き回る、散歩する
full of curiosity : 好奇心が強い
keeper : 持ち主、万人、飼育係
environment : 環境、生活環境
achieve popularity : 評判になる
achieve : 獲得する
popularity : 人気、評判
huge : 巨大な
zoological : 動物に関する
nationwide : 全国的な
for the time being : 当分の間
look : 思われる
set to be : -にすることが決まっている
favorite : お気に入りの
