Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !


2007-10-30 12:48:25 | Daily Talk
Yesterday was Sunday.
After typhoon, it was sunny day.

I would wake up at 9:00 in order to watch MLB in what Daisuke Matsuzaka had been scheduled for startar.
Actually, I waked up at 10:30 when the game already started.
Yesterday, his condition was good compared with last two appearance.
And more, He drove in two runs that was the first incident in history of Japanese about MLB.
Eventually Boston Red Sox won the game and moved close to world champion.

On the other hand, Kazuo Matsui made three hits.
I think he contributed to Rockys extremely.

When the game finished, I made ready to pick up my family for wife's family home.
Through the highway, I need about 2 hours to arrive at there.
And more there was Tokyo Motor Show in Makuhari that was worldwide car event.
I had to go through Makuhari.
Therefore I thought to need more time than usual.
But I arrived at there on time that I had supposed.

My son slept when I arrived.
So I waited his wake-up while having tea and cake with my wife's family.

At 18 O'clock he waked up and we left there for our home.
On our way to home there were a lot of traffic jam especially capital highway.
Therefore we took a circuitous route that use Tokyo-Aqua-Line.
That is dramatic shortcut from Chiba to Kanagawa that run through under Tokyo Bay.
We only need about 10 minutes from Kisarazu in Chiba prefecture to Kawasaki in Kanagawa prefecture.

Thanks to this shortcut we arrived at home for 2 hours.
I was little tired.
Arter I took a bath with my son, he was going to be sleepy soon.
I watched comedy show and news on TV and went to bed.

typhoon : 台風
sunny : 天気が良い
in order to : -するために
schedule : 予定する
starter : 先発
actually : 実際には
compared with : -と比較して
appearance : 登場、登板
and more : さらに
drive in : 打点を挙げる
indicent : 出来事
eventually : 結果
on the other hand : 他方
contribute to : 貢献する
extremely : すごく
make ready : 準備する
pick up : 迎えに行く
family home : 実家
go thorough : 通り抜ける
usual : いつも
on time : 時間通り
suppose : 予想する
traffic jam : 交通渋滞
capital highway : 首都高速
take a curcuitous : 遠回り
dramatic : 劇的な
shortcut : 近道
thanks to : -のおかげで
take a bath : お風呂に入る
sleepy : 眠い
